From back cover:

“It is not a morality that governs my actions, but rather an individualist desire to wage war upon all systems, moral or not, that attempt to subjugate me and destroy the earth I require to survive. My decision to become vegan did not come from a vegan morality or a new law prohibiting me from consuming flesh and secretions. It came from ungoverned free thought which helped me view society in a critical way, discovering pragmatic ways of enacting my own project of liberation. My vegan anarchist praxis is a shared affinity with the non­humans who fight against the constraints and torture devices of modern technology, slaughterhouses, and the human­made hell of industrial society. There is no God, government, or morality to save us. Only our individual selves, the decisions we make and the actions we take.”

What Savages We Must Be Vegans Without Morality pdf