Canceled: A Short DIY Guide To Surviving & Recovering from Social Banishment

From back cover:

“Despite what some believe, patterns of harm or abuse can be broken and left in the cemetery of the past. Every individual has the power to break those patterns and redefine and recreate their self. Who you are is not defined by someone else, a group of people or even the political ideas you may possess. Ultimately you are responsible for your actions – which include any and all changes you make to yourself that ultimately determine your actions moving forward. Any or all mistakes you made in the past – or even yesterday – don’t have to define who you could be today…

… Every individual has the potential to overcome obstacles (whether imposed by society or carried on from personal trauma) that stand in the way of personal change. We (the authors of this text) believe that rebellion isn’t only a business district littered with burning cars and broken glass but also an internal transformation that liberates an individual from the indoctrinated ways people have been conditioned to relate to one another. And that also includes the often harmful ways we each tend to treat ourselves.”

Canceled_A Short DIY Guide To Surviving & Recovering from Social Banishment pdf

Memory Loss: Collected Communiques from CLODO

“Memory Loss” presents a history of the French group CLODO, which attacked and sabotaged computers in the 1980s. The zine contains a timeline of action, two communiques, and an interview of the group. Along with these items, there is a helpful introduction which contextualizes the group and its activities and situations them in relation to other anti-technology groups. The zines comes at a good time, coinciding with the release of a new film titled Machines in Flames that documents the group.

memory_loss-boo pdf

Against the Romance of Community Policing

“Community is the terrain of intervention for police, shaped by police. It does not preexist police and it does not provide a bulwark against police power. It cannot achieve its apparent cohesiveness without the police power. It cannot be joined to police to moderate the negative effects of policing.Community is the terrain of intervention for police, shaped by police. It does not preexist police and it does not provide a bulwark against police power. It cannot achieve its apparent cohesiveness without the police power. It cannot be joined to police to moderate the negative effects of policing.”

against-romance-community-policing pdf