An Anarchist Critique of Democracy

From back cover:

…majoritarianism of any sort means the repression of individual liberties and the curtailment of direct action in favor of deferred decision-making…
…Anarchists believe in unmediated relations between free individuals, the absence of any coercive or alienating forces in societies, and an unquestionable, universal right to self- determination. Those beliefs lead to many different visions of the world, but when genuinely held they will never lead to democracy. Even “direct democracy” demands surrender to the status quo that produces a hierarchy of group over individual, thus separating us from our desires and our desires from their unfettered realization in direct action. Any who would give up these principles should also give up the name “anarchist”— perhaps in favor of “libertarian.”

An Anarchist Critique of Democracy pdf

Vegan Wild: An International Anarchist Journal of Total Liberation (multi-language version)

From back cover:

“Esta revista contiene una colección de textos veganos aportados por anarconihilistas de todo el mundo. Después de mantener conversaciones sobre nihilismo, anarquía antiespecismo y veganismo, todxs lxs autorxs de estos textos hemos decidido recopilar nuestros escritos en un fanzine multilingüe no sólo como expresión de solidaridad global, sino también como una forma de hacer accesibles al mundo las ideas anarquistas antiespecistas. Estas palabras, escritas con el rechazo a ser silenciadas por las leyes y los muros de las prisiones, representan un fuego salvaje que arde a través de las fronteras hacia cada ciudad…

Viva la liberación total”

(English translation)

This journal contains within a collection of vegan texts contributed by anarcho-nihilists from across the globe. After having conversations about nihilism, anti-civ anarchy and veganism, we, the authors of these texts have all decided to compile our writing into a multi-language zine not only as an expression of global solidarity, but also as a way to make anti-speciesist anarchist ideas accessible to the world. These words, written with the refusal to be silenced by laws and prison walls, represent a wildfire that burns through borders toward every city….

Long live total liberation!

Vegan Wild_An International Anarchist Journal of Total Liberation pdf