The second issue of a series of zines focused on queer, vegan straight edge insurrectionary anarchy. This issues discusses being a straight edge queer of color, insurrectionary anarchy and prisoner support.
Riotous Incognitx #3 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine
The last periodical of a series of zines focused on green anarchy, insurrection and vegan straight edge. This is issue includes an essay about the rise of anti-speciesism in the anarchist movement, as well as some recipes for direct action.
Total Liberation: Freedom for Both Non-human & Human Animals
A short tri-fold pamphlet which discusses the basics of anarchist total liberation.
Total Liberation Freedom for Both Nonhuman and Human animals! pdf
Vegan Anarchy: Anti-Speciesist Warfare & Direct Action
An older zine discussing the need for vegan anti-speciesism in the anarchist struggle. Includes a couple notes on attacks by the Animal Rights Militia.
Why Anarchist Vegan?
Text from front cover:
“Mainstream vegan material is written from a liberal rather than class based perspective. It is basing arguments on charity instead of solidarity, and offering individualistic and consumerist rather than collective solutions. The material often blames the individual choices for the rampant industrialised animal abuse instead of understanding underlying economic and hierarchical structures and empowering people to organise against them.
This short pamphlet aims to offer another perspective. This perspective is built on anti- capitalist, libertarian communist, class based anarchist view. It is assumed that the reader is aware of the exploitative nature of capitalism and social hierarchies. This pamphlet aims to show how capitalism and hierarchical structures affect issues relating to use of animals in agriculture, land ownership and use as well as environmental degradation related to food production.”
Why Veganism: An Introduction
A short but informational introduction to veganism printed by Any Means Necessary collective.
We Refuse To Be Invisible: Black and Brown Vegan Power
Text from the zine:
“The purpose of this pamphlet is to create a platform for black and brown radical vegans to illustrate their experiences which not only negate settler-colonial white supremacy, but also institutional and cultural speciesism. While this pamphlet can not include the words of every black and brown vegan anarchist/anti-authoritarian, it is considered a good starting point in creating much needed dialog on speciesism, white supremacy and anarchy/anti authoritarianism. Unfortunately, veganism is still predominately associated with the Westernized stereotype of a white, classist privileged diet – marginalizing low-income radical vegans of color.”