“El especismo consiste en dar una mayor o menor importancia a los intereses de un individuo en función de la especie a la que pertenezca, priorizando a unas frente a otras.”
UN MINUTO DE REFLEXIÓN: ¿Qué es el especismo?
- 2017/09/09 16:40
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Vegan Anarchy: Anti-Speciesist Warfare & Direct Action
- 2017/09/09 16:39
An older zine discussing the need for vegan anti-speciesism in the anarchist struggle. Includes a couple notes on attacks by the Animal Rights Militia.
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Vegan Means Attack: Fomenting A Wildfire Against Speciesism and Moral Anthropocentrism
- 2017/09/09 16:38
From back cover:
“There is a war to be waged against society, alongside the non-human animals who refuse domesticated subservience, and who are evicted from their homes due to mass deforestation, human development and technology. Veganism burdened by the millstone of liberalism, fails to critically acknowledge capitalist, industrial civilization itself as the massified, embodiment of anthropocentric domination. Anarchism that fails to challenge speciesism on an individual level reproduces the internalized authoritarian values of human domination. Since speciesism is pervasive in society, it is insulated and well preserved by a comforting normalization – a normalization that aids cultural indoctrination and apathy. Confrontation is necessary in unsettling the socially established comforts and moral order of non-human animal domination.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Veganism is Anti-Speciesism is Anti-Civ
- 2017/09/09 01:53
Text from zine:
“Contrary to the predatory man-the-hunter myth, hominids have innate empathy and cooperativeness that manifests idiosyncratically in civilization. One such manifestation is veganism, whose central focus is the abstention from needless exploitation of animals. But, conventional anarcho-primitivist pigeonholing of veganism into a consumerist schema has distorted its authentic essence, oversimplifying, distorting, and denouncing it. {Ironically, in practice it is the trending ‘paleo’ primitivist ideologues who engage in more destructive consumerism than even consumerist vegans, and of whom there is a void of conventional primitivist confrontation.} Veganism’s supporting principle is liberation of all animals, with its opposite being human supremacy over all other animals, or speciesism. Innate empathy and cooperation, combined with drive for liberation of all, beckons shifting the nature of humanimal-nonhumanimal relationships from domination and domestication to deferential and symbiotic. Therein veganism fundamentally becomes an anti-speciesist viewpoint concerned not only with bred ‘pet’ & ‘food’ animals and captive wildlife, but feral wildlife worldwide. This translates into vegan/anti-speciesist deeds like releasing imprisoned animals and protecting forests from consumeristic exploitation of fauna habitat.”
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Warfare, Genocide & Extinction: The Real Cost of Modern Conveniences
- 2017/09/09 01:42
An informational zine about the technological industrial complex, its relationship to the globalization of capitalism and the death it brings.
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A is for Nihilism
- 2017/09/08 04:28
This zine does not represent any “official” definition, nor a new program or political ideology. Instead it merely presents some common anarchist-nihilist ideas which encourage an anti-political critique of all social control and order, in favor of individual empowerment, anarchy and insurrection.
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A Critique, Not a Program: For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique
- 2017/09/08 04:25
Text from back cover:
“Ultimately, if we imagine dismantling civilization, actively and consciously destroying it, not in order to institute a program or realize a specific vision, but in order to open and endlessly expand the possibilities for realizing ourselves and exploring our capacities and desires, then we can begin to do it as the way we live here and now against the existing order. If, instead of hoping for a paradise, we grasp life, joy and wonder now, we will be living a truly anarchic critique of civilization that has nothing to do with any image of the “primitive”, but rather with our immediate need to no longer be domesticated, with our need to be unique, not tamed, controlled, defined with identities. Then, we will find ways to grasp all that we can make our own and to destroy all that seeks to conquer us.”
A Critique, not a program For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique pdf
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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An Eco-Pessimist Revolt Against Fascism
- 2017/09/08 03:17
From back cover:
“I am convinced that Tarrant is not an eco-fascist, because eco-fascism is impossible, as fascism is civilisation epitomised and ultimately hates what is ecological and wild, which resists being tamed. Tarrant is undoubtedly a fascist, and perhaps a green-nationalist, who might like the idea of white communities with houses covered by solar panels. There is no sincere environmentalism in his rhetoric. His green-washing is an attempt to filter his ugliness to an audience he obviously fears the condemnation of, who he attempts to justify himself to through the text.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Anarchy Against Civilization
- 2017/09/07 22:16
Text from back cover:
“As radicals (from the latin radixroot) we seek to examine and challenge root causes. The anarchist tradition has historically identified capitalism as a root cause. Fortunately, we as anarchists are not bound to tradition. Certainly capitalism is odious and something to be abolished, but it is not a root problem. Capitalism is rooted in civilization. Social stratification and hierarchy are necessary for the operation and maintenance of mass society. There is no way to take all of the tasks necessary to maintain civilization and equalize them and divide them up among people equally. Because of its complexity, civilization requires specialization and hierarchy. Breaking with civilization, economics, and domestication has nothing to do with “going backwards” or “turning back the clock.” Correcting mistakes is not a matter of reversing a preset trajectory. Civilization is constantly and rapidly destroying species, ecosystems, communities, and people. Whether it crashes on its own or whether we take responsibility and bring it down ourselves, the sooner civilization comes down, the less devastation there will be when it does. If anarchy is to be relevant in today’s world it must be green, that is, it must be focused on bringing down civilization and finding a way of living in which we acknowledge ourselves as a part of the natural world, rather than a force at odds with it.”
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An Iconoclastic Monstrocity: Disability Against Civilization
- 2017/09/07 21:09
“In the vast ocean of social war, some rebels – damaged, frail, or terminally ill – refuse to surrender to the victimization of disability. The world-builders attempt to subdue them with peace-offerings of technospheric assimilation and consumerist comforts. But these rebels – these monsters – refuse anything less than a hostile, insubordinate revolt against the domesticating machine…
This zine compiles the voices of some of these rebels. Together in this zine, and individually in their daily lives, they conspire to challenge the victimizing and civilizing narrative of disability discourse, while also taking aim at civilization itself.”
An Iconoclastic Monstrocity_Disability Against Civilization pdf
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Becoming Animal: My Feral Individualism
- 2017/09/07 20:32
From back cover:
“Caught in this schismatic abyss, I find myself compelled towards a practice of individualism. Why individualism, rather than collectivism? My body is often found within the machinery of Leviathan which is that collective known as society. The ultraleft collectivists and supporters of communisation would whisper in my ear that I am duty bound to the means-of-production of Leviathan and would seek to draw me into their economic-politics. But I’d say that projects, such as Tiqqun and others, which seek to synthesis communisation theory with anarchist praxis, are little more than bad
faith preachers, as they locate freedom exclusively within the domain of society and deny the immediate power and freedom of their flesh.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Civilisation & Collapse
- 2017/09/07 19:32
Text from back cover:
“This is not a suggestion to flee to civilisation and cower in isolation, tending vegetable patches and practising primitive skills in “peace” – it is a proposal to take the initiative to better position ourselves tactically, to continue and intensify the war against civilisation in what will most likely be challenging times. We would like to reiterate our opinion that things are only going to get worse, and to adopt this tactic of wild resistance would mean putting this into practise immediately, not waiting for any more “signs” of what is to come. From these wild places we will have the chance to better arm, rewild and train ourselves for the preservation of our own freedom, the defence of regions untouched or abandonded by
industrial civilisation and to effectively attack its hardware and mechanisms where they are weak, driving the final nails deeper into the casket of this dying society.”
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Communes & Land Projects: A Nomadic Critique of Communization
- 2017/09/07 19:21
From back cover:
“…what is unappetizing about the call for attack by the communisateurs and Tiqqunists is exactly that they are communisateurs — they are Marxists — they want the communes so they can have spaces to build their Party, or build whatever of their organizations, to opportunistically centralize and “increase power” (anonymous 2009, 17). This is in preparation of them launching their inevitable revolutionary war against the bourgeoisie, and following their victory, the communizers would of course seek to institute the dictatorship of the proletariat (also referred to in some circles of the Marxist far-left as the proletarian semi-State).”
Communes and Land Projects A Nomadic Critique of Communization pdf
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Descending into Madness: An Anarchist-Nihilist Diary of Anti-Psychiatry
- 2017/09/07 19:15
From back cover:
“Like all governments, presidents, and authority, psychiatry never gave me freedom. Assigned psychiatric labels didn’t help me – they only filled me with an internalized sense of victimhood and inferiority. Medication didn’t ‘cure’ or ‘fix’ me – only damaged me, numbing me to my own senses in order to create an emotional void between me and the fuckery of civilized life. So instead, with nihilist celebration I descend into madness, taking aim at social order and civilization. With armed animalism I realize now that there was nothing to fix my natural contempt for domestication and social control reminds me that I was never ‘broken’ to begin with.”
Descending into Madness_An Anarchist-Nihilist Diary of Anti-Psychiatry pdf
- Continue reading Descending into Madness: An Anarchist-Nihilist Diary of Anti-Psychiatry
- Author: Warzone Distro
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Escape Leviathan Rewilding Writings of Ria Del Montana
- 2017/09/07 19:04
A collection of writings on green anarchy and vegan primitivism by Ria Del Montana
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Insurrection Anarchist Magazine Issue #4
- 2017/09/07 17:33
An insurrectionary anarchist periodical which provides essays and clandestine actions, critical of leftism and formal organizing.
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INSURGENCY: An Anarchist Journal of Total Destruction
- 2017/09/07 17:33
This (long awaited) zine contains a few action reports and a collection of essays written from a post-left anarchist perspective. Topics include insurrectionary anarchy, queer nihilism, veganism, individualism, nihilist anarchy and anti-civilization.
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The MOVE Organization: A Revolutionary Struggle for Black Liberation and Eco-Defense
- 2017/09/07 17:20
The MOVE Organization was a radical movement that surfaced in Philadelphia during the early 1970’s. Characterized by dreadlock hair, the adopted surname “Africa”, a principled unity, back-to-nature green politics and an uncompromising commitment to freedom and equality, members practiced the teachings of MOVE founder JOHN AFRICA.
The MOVE Organization A Revolutionary Struggle for Black Liberation and Eco-Defense pdf
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Mapping the Fire: International Words of Solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
- 2017/09/07 17:19
Text from the zine:
“The following texts were translated and edited by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and by the comrades of Contra Info. We warmly thank them therefore, as well as the comrades A,M and E who contributed decisively in the handling of this attempt. Finally we greet the Chilean comrades from Entropia Ediciones for the version in Chile, and the comrades of Actforfreedomnow, boubour(A)s and 325 for the version in English.”
“They might have imprisoned our bodies but not our ideas, beliefs and values, which will continue to escape through various projects of insubordination. One of these projects is the creation of “Black International” editions, which are supported by us, the imprisoned members of the Anarchist Revolutionary Organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and from certain comrades who every day, every moment, embody practically the value of SOLIDARITY.”
- Continue reading Mapping the Fire: International Words of Solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
- Author: Warzone Distro
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No Hope, No Future: Let the Adventures Begin!
- 2017/09/07 09:45
From back cover:
“But this reality, however dismal, motivates my desire to make my life, through fierce revolt, as joyful and fulfilling as possible! My hopelessness does not paralyze me with fear or depression; I celebrate it with hysterical laughter and ecstasy in spite of civilization’s death march. I arm my desires with the urgency to live… against the social order of monotony and peaceful enslavement, to sleep beneath the stars, to feel sunshine and a breeze with every hair on my body, to listen to the late-night conversations of the insects, to become wild…
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Nihilist Anarchy, Insurrection, & Anti-Civilization
- 2017/09/07 09:44
Text from back cover:
“The total liberation that I am speaking about could be nothing less than aggressive and in total conflict with the existent. The earth and the nonhuman animals as well as the human animals are parts of chaos. I am a nihilist and I see myself as an individuality inside the entire physical environment away from anthropocentric societies as the cities. Cities are prisons made by society and normality and must be torn down. Without the physical environment there would be no life. But without the cities there would still be life besides the changes this might involve that will occur, and i reject all views that state life is only viable within cities and civilization. So we should connect the struggle for liberation of our ego from every chain, with total liberation which goes beyond the destruction of the state and delves deep into the search of the destruction of anthropocentrism and civilization as two well hidden major ghosts, chains and ideologies.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Prison Break: An Anarchist Blueprint for Hedonism
- 2017/09/07 09:06
From back cover:
“Love and support to those who dropped out of school and faced life with nothing more than a lockpick set and a backpack. Love and support to those who riot within the prisons of asylums and “correctional” facilities. Love and support to those who weaponized their lives, taking rebellion to their graves in choosing death over imprisonment. A howl to the lifestylist ex-workers who found fierce joy in the materialized anarchy of their wildest
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Primitive Toothcare: A DIY Guide to Uncivilized Oral Hygiene
- 2017/09/07 09:05
Text from the zine:
“The omnipresence of cavities wherever the heinous putrefaction of Western Civ has reached has given rise to the dental profession. Dentistry is fucked up for too many reasons to list here. It has all the problems and inconsistencies inherent in every trade that requires intense specialization and professional schooling. Like every medical profession, it is disempowering in its attitude toward and treatment of the uneducated, the impoverished, and the unprofessional. It is unforgivably wasteful, and thrives on and upholds this throw-away culture. Also like every other medical profession, dentistry acts as a pimp to a whole catalog of nefarious industrial products manufactured by the big corporations that control the dental world.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Tearing Down the Prison of Civilization
- 2017/09/07 07:47
From back cover:
“Industrial civilization demolishes every form of life in its way, its activities spread mainly in the so called “underdeveloped” countries in which its creation will return under the form of tons of garbage. Deforestation, nitrates in seas and rivers and methane in the air are some things of which the meat industry grants to life. The mass imprisonment and murders of animals as much as biotechnology that experiments on them for the creation of more efficient organisms, verify the ultimate domination over living beings. The mining activities drain the Earth and pollute everything around them. On the other hand the endo-authoritative competition for control of energy presage the new bloodshed on the planet at the time when the resources will be increasingly depleted.
For us, chaos is the negation of every monolithic reality, every dogma, every exaltation. The monolithism of every standard imposes the classification of everything that surrounds it and its hetero-determination. The compass of chaos is this that leads to the infinite possibilities of life liberated from authoritative relations. Chaos and anarchy are inextricably connected inside the journey towards the unknown of possibilities, where each moment gestates its own surprise. The constant insurrection, the continuous polemic against every authority, tears down the idols and everything that attempts to occupy the throne of truth.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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The Tiniest Monstrosities: Nanotechnology and Social Control
- 2017/09/07 01:13
Text from back cover:
“Nanotechnology creates the tiniest monstrosities capable of the greatest horrors, because they are capable of carrying the systems of social control directly into our bodies. We cannot even pretend that there is any room for dialogue here any longer. This is a blatant display by the rulers of this world that the maintenance of social peace is an act of war against all the exploited and dispossessed. It is necessary for those of us who desire the freedom to create our lives on our terms, who desire to remain human individuals capable of any sort of autonomous action, to act destructively against the entire system of social control, the totality of this civilization in which machines ride people and people slowly transform into machines. Here and now.”
The Tiniest Monstrosities Nanotechnology and Social Control pdf
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Towards An Indigenous Egoism
- 2017/09/07 01:05
From back cover:
“The idea of individualism that the European explorers and colonizers failed to realize was its rejection to duty, devotion and submission. I recognize no authority figure over me, nor do I aspire to any particular ideology. I am not swayed by duty because I owe nothing to anyone. I am devoted to nothing but myself. I subscribe to no civilized standards or set of morals because I recognize no God or religion. No amount of pressure, judgment, or force should cause me to restrain myself from that which I desire. Egoist anarchists have declared war on society, war on civilization.”
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War Against the Information Age: A Future of Mass Social Control
- 2017/09/07 01:00
From back cover:
Anarchistic and nihilist ideas are anathema to the information-age, they are the glitch in the database society which escapes classification and control. The imagination walking; dangerous and capable of unforeseen actions and moments of interconnection.
The future of civilisation is an increasing merger of state and corporate power, with the new sciences as an essential ally. With war and crisis always as a pretext, the elite have declared dominion over every free individual, animal, plant and wilderness. Emerging as the omnipresent machine intelligence that forms human beings to its whims, it damages and manipulates entire continents of beings. Reflecting our emptiness and our loss, the prison-society must be fought, because the logic which it operates on is a system of closure of parameters that work by exclusion of vast amounts of alternative possibilities andpotentials. It is self-referential and non-creative; it pursues a model of progress that is the abolition of personal individuality and freedom.
Our struggle pushes forward into the future, let’s strike against the concepts and mechanisms of their control.
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War Against The Machines! By Gianluca Iacovacci
- 2017/09/07 00:48
Gianluca Iacovacci is an eco-anarchist, who served 4 years for a string of sabotages.
Text from back:
“The technological race is financed by hitech companies such as Amazon, Apple, Samsung, Sony etc., which unscrupulously feed the market with computers, biocomputers and devices, all useless stuff producing imbecility, good for mass control and statistics, responsible for the polluting extraction of minerals used in the fabrication of circuits; the very circuits that at a later stage and in an absurd consumerist cycle will be dismantled with bare hands and the help of acids in China, Ghana, Vietnam and India; even by children whose little hands are particularly fit for the purposes. Is it worth having smartphones, tablets, Iphones and other weird devices?
Thanks to various international trade treaties and the support of banks, the IMF, the WTO and the like, multinationals move their tentacles to control the global market. Some examples: intensive food production and onecrop plantations (Monsanto, Nestlé, Bayer, Novartis, genetically modified seeds); the pharmaceutical industry and the production and testing of medicines, psychotropic drugs and vaccines (on humans and animals); the
meat industry which causes mass extermination and the spreading of viral diseases, consumes tons of water, thousands of hectares of forest and soil for the production of animal feed destined to fatten segregated animals; a third of those cereals would be enough to feed half of the human population, but it must be clear that the transformation of animals into ‘products’ is due to consumer demand.
Now we can discuss if antitechnology resistance is paranoid. But I think that some will share what I believe in and which made me end up in jail, and will decide autonomously how to act. Of course, in the face of these forces one could give in to cowardice, cunning and ignorance of the facts, and pretend nothing is wrong, wait for a divine sign, take refuge in one of the few uncontaminated places and live like hermits. But human nature possesses an animal instinct of conservation and defence of their habitat and the elements that give Life.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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We Refuse To Be Invisible: Black and Brown Vegan Power
- 2017/09/07 00:48
Text from the zine:
“The purpose of this pamphlet is to create a platform for black and brown radical vegans to illustrate their experiences which not only negate settler-colonial white supremacy, but also institutional and cultural speciesism. While this pamphlet can not include the words of every black and brown vegan anarchist/anti-authoritarian, it is considered a good starting point in creating much needed dialog on speciesism, white supremacy and anarchy/anti authoritarianism. Unfortunately, veganism is still predominately associated with the Westernized stereotype of a white, classist privileged diet – marginalizing low-income radical vegans of color.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality
- 2017/09/07 00:47
From back cover:
“It is not a morality that governs my actions, but rather an individualist desire to wage war upon all systems, moral or not, that attempt to subjugate me and destroy the earth I require to survive. My decision to become vegan did not come from a vegan morality or a new law prohibiting me from consuming flesh and secretions. It came from ungoverned free thought which helped me view society in a critical way, discovering pragmatic ways of enacting my own project of liberation. My vegan anarchist praxis is a shared affinity with the nonhumans who fight against the constraints and torture devices of modern technology, slaughterhouses, and the humanmade hell of industrial society. There is no God, government, or morality to save us. Only our individual selves, the decisions we make and the actions we take.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Why Anti-Civilization?
- 2017/09/07 00:47
Text from the zine::
“We are often told that our dreams are unrealistic, our demands impossible, that we are basically out of our fuckin’ minds to even propose such a ridiculous concept as the “destruction of civilization”. So, we hope this brief statement may shed some light on why we will settle for nothing less then a completely different reality then what is forced upon us today. We believe that the infinite possibilities of the human experience extends both
forwards and backwards. We wish to collapse the discord between these realities. We strive for a “future-primitive” reality, one which all of our ancestors once knew, and one we may come to know: a pre/post-technological, pre/post-industrial, pre/post-colonial, pre/ post-capitalist, pre/post-agricultural, and even pre/post-cultural reality — when we were once, and may again be, wild!”
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Why Break Windows by Armeanio Lewis
- 2017/09/07 00:46
From back cover:
“And this is where the anarchist reaction diverges from the simple reaction. As anarchist, we take things further. We are radical, rebellious, iconoclastic, nihilistic individuals who’s only goal is the destruction of which destroys us. Capitalism, White Supremacy, Patriarchy, all of these apparatuses of domination that aim to control us, that expect us to submit. They are not met by a simple proclamation of againstness but a swift and decisive action that not only proclaims but shocks those in power. From the simple smashing of windows to the placement of a bomb or the robbing of the bank our actions are heard and felt rather than ignored and treated as everyday life.”
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What is Green Anarchy?
- 2017/09/07 00:38
“The green anarchist perspective is diverse and open, yet it does contain some continuity and primary elements. It has been influenced by anarchists, primitivists, Luddites, insurrectionalists, Situationists, surrealists, queer and trans eco-defenders, nihilists, deep ecologists, bioregionalists, eco-feminists, various indigenous cultures, anti-colonial struggles, the feral, the wild, and the earth. Anarchists, obviously, contribute the anti-authoritarian push, which challenges all power on a fundamental level, striving for truly egalitarian relationships and promoting mutual-aid communities. Green anarchists, however, extend ideas of non-domination to all of life, not just human life, going beyond the traditional anarchist analysis.”
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- Author: Warzone Distro
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Youth Liberation: Burn the Schools and Destroy the Media!
- 2017/09/07 00:37
From back cover:
I spent 13 years being educated in the public schools, I have watched loved ones waste decades working at them, and I have even spent several years as a wage slave in the school system myself. Based on this experience, I have decided that from an anarchist point of view, and especially a green anarchist viewpoint, there is almost nothing redeeming about the experience of schooling and the public school system. Any helpful ideas and emotional support that youth get from a stray iconoclastic teacher, tutor, or counselor are completely outweighed by the nature of the educational system as a whole: a mass bureaucratic Machine of increasingly militaristic and inherently prison-like institutions, whose admitted purpose is to mold humans from their natural wild state into the roles of good citizens and docile workers. For anyone who claims to oppose government, authoritarianism, or hierarchy (let alone civilization) to apologize for or support the public school system is sheer hypocrisy and back-stepping.
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