The Conditioned Dysthymia of Civilization

From back cover:

“…And eventually, I came to believe that the problem had never been with my brain – at least, not in the way I had been taught. Without the pills, I was not ‘chemically imbalanced’. I was traumatized, yes – both on a personal level and on a societal level – but I was not broken, sick, or damaged.”

The Conditioned Dysthymia of Civilization pdf

Technology and Class Struggle

From back cover:

“This technology —controlling and out of control—cannot serve any truly human purpose and has no place in the development of a world of individuals free to create their lives as they desire. So the illusory utopias of the syndicalists and marxists are of no use to us now. But were they ever? The new technological developments specifically center around control, but all industrial development has taken the necessity of controlling the exploited into account. The factory was created in order to bring producers under one roof to better regulate their activities; the production line mechanized this regulation; every new technological advance in the workings of the factory brought the time and motions of the worker further under control. Thus, the idea that workers could liberate themselves by taking over the means of production has always been a delusion.”

Technology and Class Struggle pdf

On Self-Love and Gun Power

From back cover:

“I remain an embodiment of insubordination, the fluidity of unbridled emotions, the nihilist poetry of a tsunami in flux. I do not sympathize with conforming to behavorial servitude in order to preserve the general peace of subordinating civility! Rather than pacify my outrage or silence my despair, I have put all of society’s shame­-on­-mes and peer pressures to rest in coffins lined up for a bonfire in my head. And during their incineration, I will look up to the stars with a smile of admiration, for they are a dazzling beauty beyond the reach of civilized governance.”

On Self-Love and Gun Powder pdf

Morality vs. Ethics

From back cover:

“Moral systems are designed to oppress and marginalise anyone the system deems undesirable. They are based on transcendent rules that are forcibly applied to all people from all backgrounds, in all situations; regardless of each individual’s desires and values.

Unlike reactionary universal ‘morals’, ethics are decided on a case-by-case basis by the individual based on their own values and desires. Ethics are tangible and tied to real cause and effect outcomes.”

Morality vs Ethics pdf

KEEP SABOTAGING SHIT: Relating to the words of Winston “Boogie” Smith

From back cover:

“Y’all telling motherfuckers to come with they hands up and peacefully assemble? For what? Nah, fuck that, fuck that, fuck you, fuck them, fuck anybody who’s peaceful right now. Cuz when Martin Luther King was here we had a million motherfuckers marching saying let’s be peaceful, and now y’all still begging for y’all freedom, so they still shooting y’all down. They must want a war. So get y’all gasoline at y’all gas station.” – Winston “Boogie” Smith”

Keep Sabotaging Shit_Relating To The Words of Winston Boogie Smith pdf

Has the Insurrection Come Yet? A Cartography of The Coming Insurrection, Tiqqun, and their Party

From back cover:

“A major problem with The Coming Insurrection is that it basically dresses up a tried and defeated strategy in new clothes, the strategy of a good part of the European autonomous struggles of past decades. Perhaps this is why it was way more popular in the US than in France: because its suggestions aren’t all that groundbreaking, except here, where there never was an autonomous movement…

…one wonders how else European radicals could repackage the strategy of revolution through the networking of autonomous spaces as though it were a new idea…

…For the Invisible Committee, in the insurrection they prophesy, the real one, their insurrection, we are all “whatever singularities,” without predicates, an emptiness brimming with possibilities. It’s a beautiful dream, and I, for one, believe in fighting for dreams. But there is a certain ownership they exercise over their insurrection, a certain power of exclusion the Invisible Committee have vis a vis the Imaginary Party, that could make this dream nothing more than a maneuver identical to the one by which the communists suppressed difference by demanding adherence to the unified identity of the Working Class. There are no women, there are no blacks, there are only members of the Imaginary Party.”

Has the Insurrection Come Yet pdf

Handful of Objections: A Response to a Proposal for Desertion

From back cover:

“An insurrectionary moment is a qualitative leap, a negation of existing social relations on a whole other level. From there ugly things can happen, beautiful things also. What has changed is our power to make things happen…

…There are those invested in the politics of insurrection, working in the tradition of the authoritarian Blanqui. An Eric Hazan and his Factory (producing theory for the aspiring intellectuals) have measures to implement, the (not so) Invisible Committee has the strategy (tested before and failed) and its (not so) Imaginary Party has the cadre (wannabe politicians) and the infrastructure (thanks to wealthy lefty benefactors). Cynical people willing to manipulate others to realize their authoritarian projects. Nothing new there. It’s up to persons with anarchist sensitivities to recognize these intentions and subvert them (if they care enough). Admittedly, a lot of the radical milieu got seduced by their mystifications….

…I concede this {Desertion} is a theory we are presented with. But more than being a “whole way of seeing” (as Bellamy defines it); a theory is based on generalizations and abstractions. At the best of times, a theory can provide us with tools to find a more conscious relation with what is surrounding us. Mostly though, theory produces crude categories that are imposed on complex beings and dynamic realities; reductions that are counter-productive to understanding. Moreover, a theory that is not understood as having its limitations and shortcomings (and thus, as being a peculiar way of seeing), but instead as forming a complete picture produces its own mystifications and idealizations.”

Handful of Objections_A Response to a Proposal for Desertion pdf

Egoist Vegan: Some Thoughts on an Individualist Animal Liberation

From back cover:

“If I am thoroughly an egoist, then I recognize the ego of others and the desire of that ego to not be controlled or dominated. I own nobody, and nobody owns me. This social relationship does not constitute a form of politics. Politics implies social governance guided by an external authority. My lifestyle is an anti­-politics ­ rejecting all anthropocentric power and authority constructed to govern my social interactions with other animals. My refusal to view non­human animals as “food” for consumption can easily be understood as a primal expression of this anti­-authoritarian lifestyle.”

Egoist Vegan_Some Thoughts on an Individualist Animal Liberation pdf

Destroy Race Destroy Society: Another Diary of Mayhem and Race Nihilism

From back cover:

“I am sure there will be some who will find this text redundant – another critique of identity. Fair enough. But allow me to be clear: I write this with the intent of further agitating identity politics by confronting the idea that Race is sacred and/or above criticism. My anti-fascist, anti-racist views recognize Race as nothing more than a social construct used to govern individuality. Despite attempts to personalize it with glory, cultural value, and meaning, Race continues to be just one of many phantoms woven into the fabric of social control and domination. My same desire to destroy white supremacy extends toward any and all racialized supremacist ideologies that attempt to take its place. So whether people call it “Post-Race Anarchy” or “Race Nihilism”, a critique of Race could be understood as a necessary re-wilding toward the rejection of civilized identity.”

Destroy Race Destroy Society_Another Diary of Mayhem and Race Nihilism pdf

Cultural Appropriation is a Toxic Concept

From back cover:

“I have faced racism — it is a fact of my life as a woman of colour. But I refuse to be on the cultural appropriation bandwagon — I find it nearly insulting that while I deal with people’s harsh judgment for the colour of my skin, that while I have faced actual physical violence for it — there are people who care so goddamn much about who gets to wear henna on their hands and who doesn’t. How about making this world a safer place for me? How about not deciding on my behalf what could offend me?…

…I am asking you to look at the concept of cultural appropriation with a critical lens. Ask yourself if the censorship and banning of words/arts/crafts/food by people in power is something that provides a viable solution to the problem of structural racism and inequality here. For instance, when black people are mocked for wearing dreadlocks, while white people wearing dreadlocks are seen as cool and edgy — that is absofuckinglutely racism. But is the solution then to instruct white people (or non­black people of colour) to not wear dreadlocks? Will white people or non­black PoC stopping to wear dreadlocks stop the discrimination and mockery that black people get for wearing dreadlocks? The censorship of freedom of expression lies at the core of this concept, and the parallels it has with the blasphemy laws of the country I come from are really rather striking.”

Cultural Appropriation is a Toxic Concept pdf

Cult of Resentment: How Identity Politics Fails Everyone

From back cover:

“Individuals are nearly as unique as their fingerprints might suggest. Attempts to lump large swathes of people together is often based on ones own limited ability, or willingness, to know and genuinely understand other unique individuals on an individual level. This mechanism has served as the underpinnings of some of the most brutal ideological manifestations in all of history.”

Cult of Resentment_How Identity Politics Fail Everyone pdf

Adulthood Is A Trap: Anti-Natalism, Youth Liberation, and a Refusal to Surrender

From back cover:

“What is it to love one’s self so thoroughly as to never surrender youthful play, dreaming, and imagination to the dusty bookshelves of fading memories?…

…Many formative years of youthful development and imagination are riddled with the bullet holes of coercion and emotional labor demanded by one form of authority of another. Any resistance comes with consequences intended to influence and shape one’s fear with precision. And in a subtle voice, the pressure of distant adulthood repeats a mantra; “grow up and get to work”…

…When I speak of “play”, I mean exactly as the word suggests: activity for personal enjoyment. And even though this word and its definition are commonly attributed to an exclusive age group, I say fuck that! There is nothing more deserving of the definition of play than the exhilerating experience of “acting out” against a society that demands life for its divine worship of work….”

Adulthood Is A Trap_Anti-Natalism Youth Liberation and a Refusal to Surrender pdf

A Dagger of Feral Anarchy

From back cover:

“For me, post-left anarchy is synonymous with anti-left anarchy. The “post” in post-left anarchy does not represent a ‘new’ or evolved form of leftism – as some would claim with various contemporary anti-state communist and socialist projects. Rather I use the phrase post-left anarchy to merely express a present frame of mind distinct from a past experience of having identified and engaged with leftist thinking. And from this perspective, anti is synonymous with post because it accurately expresses the nature of my present existence – my desire for individualistic, feral freedom – as antagonistic toward the civilizing order of leftism. For me, post-left anarchy does not mean some sort of alignment or sympathy with right-wing politics – I am equally hostile toward nationalism, fascism, and all other conservative ideologies created in the name of preserving law and order. I recognize that both left and right wing ideologies are fundamentally collectivist, requiring the absorption of individual freedom in exchange for the uniformity of a republic. Both sides of the political spectrum integrate people into a binary interpretation of reality that ultimately maintains industrial society.”

A Dagger of Feral Anarchy pdf

A Balanced Account of the World: A Critical Look at the Scientific World

From back cover:

“One cannot come to an understanding of how a machine works simply by observing it as it functions in its environment. One needs to break it down into its parts — the gears, the wheels, the wires, the levers, etc. — in order to figure out what each part does. Thus, a foundational aspect of the method of modern science is the necessity of breaking everything down into its parts, with the aim of achieving the most basic unit. It is in this light that one can understand why scientists think that it is possible to learn more about life by cutting a frog open in a laboratory than by sitting by a pond observing frogs and fish and mosquitoes and lily pads actually living together. The knowledge science pursues is quantitative knowledge, mathematical knowledge, utilitarian knowledge — a type of knowledge that transforms the world into the machine it claims the world is. This sort of knowledge cannot be drawn from free observation in the world. It requires the sphere of the laboratory where parts can be experimented with outside of the context of the whole and within the framework of the ideological foundations of mathematics and a mechanistic worldview.”

A Balanced Account of the World_ A Critical Look at the Scientific World View pdf

Wildpunk: Black Against Civilization

Originally published by 1312 Press, “Wildpunk: Black Against Civilization” is the first English-language translation of writings by Elany, a Black anti-civ anarchist from Switzerland. Her 2021 book Schwarze Saat collected first-time German translations of 85 diverse Black and Indigenous anarchist texts previously available mostly in English. The collection also included several German-original essays written by Elany herself as well as her late dad, Samuel B. “Wildpunk” brings these passionate essays into English:

Scorched Earth, Sick Bodies: The Necessity of Destroying Industry [Elany]

A Black Critique of Civilization [Samuel B]

Tools of Anarchism [Elany]

-Part 1: On Interpersonal Relationships (and Lived Anarchy)

-Part 2: On Decolonization (and the Technological Components of Colonialism)

-Part 3: On Decivilizing (and a Revaluation of the World)

Survival in the Endtimes: A Wildpunk “Manifesto” [Elany and Samuel B]

Elany and Samuel B’s works tackle the brutal reality that we must demolish industry and civilization rather than attempt to separate them from colonialism, capitalism, and the state. They also examine the inspirations and practices of a decolonial, decivilized anarchism.

This zine hopes to make a small contribution to the task of translating essential anarchist thought by bringing these German-original works into English for the first time. Elany and Samuel B may now enter into direct conversation with the movements they helped to translate.

ELANY’S ARREST: During the translation and layout of “Wildpunk,” Elany was arrested by the Swiss government ( She has remained in investigatory detention since January 9, 2022. The jail has denied her medication has been, restricted her outside contact, and forced her onto a meat and grain jail-diet.

Channeling Elany’s spirit, her partner has called for: “No prison demonstrations and other actions in a certain place because a certain person is imprisoned but actions in all places because prisons exist at all. This would make her heart smile much more. No one is free until everyone is.”

Fire to all the prisons!

Updates and asks on Elany’s case can be found at and via #FreeElany on Twitter and Mastodon.

Support offers or info requests can be directed to

Elany’s original German-language writing and translations can be found at, a “Black-led Ⓐ-Publication about Insurrection, Sabotage & Destruction, Wildness & Queerness, Anti-Leviathan, Anti-Ableism, Black and Indigenous Anarchism, and More.”

Wildpunk_Black_Against_Civilization pdf




Against The Gendered Nightmare

From back cover:

“In the past several years, the question of gender has been taken up again and again by the anarchist milieu. And still few attempts amount to much more than a rehashing of old ideas. Most positions on gender remain within the constraints of one or more of the ideologies that have failed us already, mainly Marxist feminism, a watered down eco-feminism, or some sort of liberal “queer anarchism.” Present in all of these are the same problems we’ve howled against already: identity politics, representation, gender essentialism, reformism, and reproductive futurism. While we have no interest in offering another ideology in this discourse, we imagine that an escape route could be charted by asking the question that few will ask; by setting a course straight to the secret center of gendered life which all the ideological answers take for granted. We are speaking, of course, about Civilization itself.”

(Zine cover art and booklet format by Little Mouse Fun,

Against The Gendered Nightmare pdf 

Why Nihilism? A Response to John Zerzans “Why Hope? (Critique of the Nihilist tendency in Anarchism)”

From back cover:

“The electioneering of hope and countless other political promises may captivate some, but not all. In the case of this text, I’m pointing out that some discover freedom in the total abandonment of positive politics ­ including the “utopian future” tied to it like a carrot. For some, nihilism is the pursuit of creating moments of bliss here and now with the rubble of burned down slaughterhouses, the cartloads of retail theft, the spontaneous attacks against fascism and so on. Some nihilists do more than just look at the stars; some enjoy the night sky from the rooftops of squatted buildings, the sunrise from moving freight trains, or the thunderstorms during night­time property destruction.”

Why Nihilism_A (Friendly) Response to John Zerzan pdf

Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack

From back cover:

“My queerness is an experimentation that never ends. It is the totality of a life lived against the law, insubordinate and wild. It is not a communist politics but a nihilist negation to all systems that attempt to subordinate individuality. It is not the leftist politics of demanding and “building a better world” but an anarchist insurgency of reclaiming life day to day, and setting fire to its captors. Since gender is embedded in every fabric of this industrial, civilized society, I find no hope in salvaging any part of it­ only joy in every second of its calculated demise.”

Arming Negativity_Towards the Queerest Attack pdf

Baedan: Queers Gone Wild (An excerpt from Baedan: A Journal of Queer Nihilism issue 1)

Text from back cover:

““ If we can determine anything from our project of queer negativity, it is that capitalism has an unlimited capacity to tolerate and recuperate any alternative politics or artistic expression we could imagine. It is not a political negativity that we must locate in our queerness, but rather a vicious anti-politics which opposes any utopian dreams of a better future residing on the far side of a lifetime of sacrifice. Our queer negativity has nothing to do with art, but it has a great deal to do with urban insurrection, piracy, slave revolt: all those bodily struggles that refuse the future and pursue the irrationality of jouissance, enjoyment, rage, chaos. Ours is not the struggle for an alternative, because there is no alternative which can escape the ever-expanding horizons of capital. Instead we fight, hopeless, to tear our lives away from that expanding horizon and to erupt with wild enjoyment now. Anything less is our continued domestication to the rule of civilization.”

Baedan_Queers Gone Wild pdf

Criminal Intimacy

Text from back cover:

“We do not offer ‘criminal’ or ‘queer’ as identities, nor as categories. Criminality. Queerness. These are tools for revolt against identity and category. These are our lines of flight out of all restraint. We are in conflict with all that restricts every and each desire. We are becoming whatever. Our sole commonality is our hatred for everything that exists. Held in common, such a revolt of desire can never be assimilated into the state­-form.”

Criminal Intimacy pdf


Degenerations: Between Pride and Gender Victimhood by Anna Beniamino

From back cover:

“I am anarchist, I am not feminist because I see feminism as a sectorial and victimist withdrawal, I have never made any gender discrimination although I don’t use gender­friendly linguistic conventions, on the contrary I often use dirty politically incorrect language. I think that the annulment of gender privilege and similar oppression is already contained in the search for anarchy, that is to say in the practice of anti­-authoritarian relations, and should be cultivated there. Ah, I forgot, I loathe consciousness-­raising in public meetings and I also consider assemblies to be blunt instruments. I understand and also have the will to meet. But I see how all too often the assembly degenerates into sterile self­-representation.”

Degenerations_Between Pride and Gender Victimhood pdf

Only A Tsunami Will Do: For A Post-Feminist Anarchy

Text from back cover:

“Men, women, …fighting for the elusive Happily­Ever­ After­Plus­$’More. This powerful enemy includes a mindset requiring controlled, predictable (despite acknowledging its impossibility), identifiable order according to a Mass­ter plan. But it is perhaps, first and foremost, the loss of the unique individual, alienated from self and others, masked in a divisive pseudo ­libertarian ­unity. We are unified only in our misery, guilt, and blame — wasting away in our too often self­ selected, segregated, readily ­identified roles — in reality, easily monitored cells. Male, female, black, white, straight, gay….And no kinder and gentler feminine warden will release us; if we want out we need to break out and burn the prison down. And our opportunities are rapidly disappearing. There’s no Womanhood to exalt, no Manhood to destroy. If anyone treats you in a way you don’t want —deal with them as individuals. Don’t tag them as proof of a misbehaving aggregation; anarchists neither accept nor impose representation. Missteps amongst comrades — even with strangers — are opportunities to explore our roles and (usually unspoken) expectations. If a John is abusive, a Kat dangerous, take them out [of that position] in whatever way you see fit. When we directly and consistently refuse and resist every imposition of another’s will/leadership/order/coercion and remain open to insurrectionary inspiration in any form, we embrace a means never­ending.”

Only A Tsunami Will Do_For A Post-Feminist Anarchy pdf

Setting Fire to The Church of Social Justice: 3 Critiques of Identity Politics, Call-Out Culture & Other Forms of Statist Thinking

A multi-perspective, thorough and in-depth look at identity politics, call-out culture and the accountability process and their relationship to church and state.

Published by Dandelion Distro ( )

Setting Fire to the Church of Social Justice pdf

Confronting a Silent Assassin: Intoxication Culture in Resistance Movements

From back:

“From an anarchist perspective, intoxication remains a source of contention. Many radical anti-capitalist anti-statists remain unaware of the ways intoxicants, stimulants, and depressants have been deployed by ruling classes throughout history as mechanisms for diminishing the self-defense capacities of industrial and agricultural workers, peasants,and slaves. Sadly, many radicals – especially in the USA –see the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs as an authentic and valuable aspect of working class (but not necessarily oppositional) culture. From an individualist perspective, the issue is further fraught with contention due to the peer pressure and unspoken assumptions of subcultural conformism that inhere in their consumption. And adding an extra dimension to the conversation is an anti-civ perspective, where we must acknowledge their reliance on industrialized production and distribution.

Confronting A Silent Assassin_Intoxication Culture in Resistance Movements pdf

AnPrim On Fire: Human Supremacy Within Anarcho­-Primitivist Narrative

From back cover:

“Early humans began as wild forest edge specialists who, through colonization with technologies as fire mastery, evolved into adaptive generalists, but not as one people in one instant. Civilization is not one event in time, but a tangle of invasive actions that converted lifeways and mindsets into supremacy, bewilderingly manifesting blatantly in those who strive for a way pre-­civ, or anti­-civ, or post­-civ. Tediously de­colonizing by pulling back the veils with an unblocked mind gets one nearer to sensing humans’ wild freedom. An anti­-colonizer finds the way of primal anarchy to be overt and/or covert smashing civilization with a cunning refusal to relent, while rewilding earth toward its pre­civ abundant flourishing.”

AnPrim on Fire_Human Supremacy Within Anarcho Primitivist Narrative pdf

Out of Civilitopia

From back cover:

“Why was caveman hunting selected for the podium, and not murder or rape or infanticide or cannibalism or causing species extinctions when there was also evidence of those in pre­history humans? When evidence of some hunting was found, why did that result in the practice of eating animals being applied to all humans going back to origins? Did the machismo leaders cherry pick a more alluring ‘killer ape’ early ancestry to justify current carnistic practices? Was it strategic that this lie also boosted the noxious ego to fuel the march toward the magical kingdom of Civilitopia?”

Out of Civilitopia pdf

Weaponizing Sobriety: Feral Anarchy Against Intoxication Culture

From back cover:

“As an anarchist, I refuse to tranquilize the chaos of my jouissance with inebriation. I exalt life vehemently against the pacifying qualities of marijuana, the cancerous addiction of tobacco, and the “correctional” anesthesia of psychiatric medications. The intoxication-based realities of poverty, addiction, and death motivate my personal desire to remain sober and supportive of those struggling. As long as I exist, my sobriety remains a weapon against capitalism, a weapon which can not be confiscated by the social conformity essential to intoxication culture. Towards individualist revolt and a straight edge anarchist praxis, straight edge means attack.”

Weaponizing Sobriety_Feral Anarchy Against Intoxication Culture pdf

Veganism From A Nihilist and Anti-Civilization Perspective

From back cover:

“This text is aiming for the destabilization of the term veganism through moral and social, even political chains and illustrates that if it doesn’t align with a totally hostile consciousness towards the existent, then it doesn’t cease to be another hoax or delusion. That is to say if the persons using this tool have made that another morality or don’t take some risks with acts of attack (this can take many forms not only physical) or chaotic disruption then it remains mud inside the swamp where it came from.” -Archegonos

Veganism From A Nihilist and Anti-Civ Perspective pdf

Vegan Means Attack: Fomenting A Wildfire Against Speciesism and Moral Anthropocentrism

From back cover:

“There is a war to be waged against society, alongside the non-human animals who refuse domesticated subservience, and who are evicted from their homes due to mass deforestation, human development and technology. Veganism burdened by the millstone of liberalism, fails to critically acknowledge capitalist, industrial civilization itself as the massified, embodiment of anthropocentric domination. Anarchism that fails to challenge speciesism on an individual level reproduces the internalized authoritarian values of human domination. Since speciesism is pervasive in society, it is insulated and well preserved by a comforting normalization – a normalization that aids cultural indoctrination and apathy. Confrontation is necessary in unsettling the socially established comforts and moral order of non-human animal domination.”

Vegan Means Attack pdf

A is for Nihilism

This zine does not represent any “official” definition, nor a new program or political ideology. Instead it merely presents some common anarchist-nihilist ideas which encourage an anti-political critique of all social control and order, in favor of individual empowerment, anarchy and insurrection.

A is for Nihilism pdf

A Conversation Between Anarchists: A discussion about tactics, theory and practice between the imprisoned members of CCF and a few anarchists in Mexico

From the text:

“As nihilist anarchists we hate both the hand that holds the whip and the back that endures it and passively accepts flagellation without reacting. We dismantle and destroy all the values of civilization, annihilate the dictatorship of economy by making it void, make the cities of the masses and their authoritarian urbanism crumble, attack the plunder of nature and animal exploitation, hamper dogmatic positions and refuse the religion of scientists. Only constant and merciless destruction-creation makes life worth living. Constant nihilist questioning, through texts, bullets and explosives, attack organized boredom, the offspring of the dominant culture of “identity”.”

A Conversation Between Anarchists pdf

A Critique, Not a Program: For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique

Text from back cover:

“Ultimately, if we imagine dismantling civilization, actively and consciously destroying it, not in order to institute a program or realize a specific vision, but in order to open and endlessly expand the possibilities for realizing ourselves and exploring our capacities and desires, then we can begin to do it as the way we live here and now against the existing order. If, instead of hoping for a paradise, we grasp life, joy and wonder now, we will be living a truly anarchic critique of civilization that has nothing to do with any image of the “primitive”, but rather with our immediate need to no longer be domesticated, with our need to be unique, not tamed, controlled, defined with identities. Then, we will find ways to grasp all that we can make our own and to destroy all that seeks to conquer us.”

A Critique, not a program For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique pdf

An Eco-Pessimist Revolt Against Fascism

From back cover:

“I am convinced that Tarrant is not an eco­-fascist, because eco­-fascism is impossible, as fascism is civilisation epitomised and ultimately hates what is ecological and wild, which resists being tamed. Tarrant is undoubtedly a fascist, and perhaps a green­-nationalist, who might like the idea of white communities with houses covered by solar panels. There is no sincere environmentalism in his rhetoric. His green­-washing is an attempt to filter his ugliness to an audience he obviously fears the condemnation of, who he attempts to justify himself to through the text.”

An Eco-Pessimist Revolt Against Fascism pdf

Anarchy: Civil or Subversive?

This zine critically examines “anarcho-liberalism”, highlighting the civilized formations of leftist anarchism as non-threatening to the established order, and advocates for subversive insurrection beyond leftism.

Text from the zine:

“In this pamphlet I wrote about the fundamental divide between those of us that knew the moment was ours, and those that found it was scary and horrifying, or at least, problematic. I wrote about seeing my non-political friends rising up and rioting – “All our back and forths about ‘anarchism’ seemed irrelevant knowing my friends loved real anarchy much more than many of the politico ‘anarchists’ I’ve met who don’t seem to have a drop of the spirit of revolt and anarchy in them. To me it showed the domesticated irrelevance of the activists and their political circuses, it was real, human, not crippled by representation and politics.”

Anarchy Civil or Subversive? pdf

Anarchy: The Life and Joy of Insubordination

From back cover:

“Wage-slavery is the enemy of play, individuality, and freedom. Social systems require the subjugation of individuality to either homogenized membership or fixed group-identities in order to maintain their existence. With all social systems the formula is similar: individuality is surrendered to the group in order to be granted access to resources. Under capitalism, the wage-slave – or in Marxist terms, “the proletariat” – is an identity pre-configured with the role of reproducing capitalist society. This includes an individual surrendering their mind and body to a master in exchange for a wage that serves as the permission slip to access resources. But to the anarchist individual armed with the illegality of resource expropriation, anarchy is survival without permission.

Anarchy can not be experienced through history books, the reformation of work places nor the confines of a new societal system. Anarchy breathes with the rhythm of the wild in constant flux, ungoverned by anthropocentric laws and order. I rejoice my anarchy in the transformative abandonment of the role and identity of “the proletariat”. There is no great future revolution on the horizon to organize or wait for. There is only today, with no guarantee of tomorrow. There are no charismatic leaders to open the door to freedom. There is only the power of anarchist individuality defined by the liberating ammunition of desire.”

Anarchy_ The Life and Joy of Insubordination pdf

Anti-Left Anarchy: Hunting Leftism With Intent to Kill

Text from zine:

“Now one would think that anarchists, of all people, would be hostile to the inherently totalistic and collectivizing nature of leftist ideologies—like communism and socialism—yet to this day, a large number of so­called anarchists continue to express sympathy with communist goals, communist epistemology, and Marxist class analysis—and allow their brains to be bamboozled and mislead by euphemisms like “anti­state communist”, “autonomist Marxist”, or the current­favorite of the urban hipster: “communization”. Anarchists who drool over this bullshit are worshipping at the altar of a stagnant pool and remain tethered to a political tradition of authoritarianism and mass graves—regardless of the updated terminology (the thin rhetoric of “communization” has reached new summits of tedium with the trendy writings of mealymouthed shysters like Tiqqun and the imbecilic gurglings of Applied Nonexistence: both duplicitous commie front­groups that specialize in speaking post­modern gibberish, in substituting elitist, masturbatory language for real speech, and in choking unfortunate readers with a foul, dreamless air—much like that emanating from uncovered garbage cans).”

Anti-Left Anarchy_Hunting Leftism with Intent to Kill pdf

An Iconoclastic Monstrocity: Disability Against Civilization


“In the vast ocean of social war, some rebels – damaged, frail, or terminally ill – refuse to surrender to the victimization of disability. The world-builders attempt to subdue them with peace-offerings of technospheric assimilation and consumerist comforts. But these rebels – these monsters – refuse anything less than a hostile, insubordinate revolt against the domesticating machine…

This zine compiles the voices of some of these rebels. Together in this zine, and individually in their daily lives, they conspire to challenge the victimizing and civilizing narrative of disability discourse, while also taking aim at civilization itself.”

An Iconoclastic Monstrocity_Disability Against Civilization pdf

An Obituary for Identity Politics

From back cover:

“Rather than taking aim at identity itself and the apparatus maintaining this paradigm, energy is spent tearing one another down, ignoring the complexity of individual uniqueness, and playing the State’s role of defining each other based on membership to identity categories. Embracing a particular identity only reaffirms that identity’s existence as a ‘universal truth’ – and therefore, by the colonial intentions of assigned identity, the servitude and enslavement of some to others as a universal truth as well…

…I refuse to participate in upholding enslavement as a condition of my existence, and therefore these ‘truths’ are nothing more than political works of fiction…

…These ‘truths’ are the social constructs of control, keeping the life of rebellion shackled in a cold well of reform.”

An Obituary for Identity Politics pdf

A Sales Pitch for the Insurrection: A Critical Look at The Coming Insurrection

From back cover:

“The Coming Insurrection is selling a feel ­good ideology that rids us of any responsibility for our lives or our rebellion. It is an empty book, with no more content than any other sales pitch. There are only two possible excuses for writing it. Either the scribes were, indeed, simply carried away by the “truth” of events (perhaps their commune’s need for extra money?) and couldn’t help themselves—in which case they would be justified in denying their role as authors, but would be rather pathetic as human beings—or … the book was simply a pataphysical hoax… In either case, their Insurrection is a joke.”

A Sales Pitch for The Insurrection pdf

Becoming Animal: My Feral Individualism

From back cover:

“Caught in this schismatic abyss, I find myself compelled towards a practice of individualism. Why individualism, rather than collectivism? My body is often found within the machinery of Leviathan which is that collective known as society. The ultra­left collectivists and supporters of communisation would whisper in my ear that I am duty bound to the means­-of­-production of Leviathan and would seek to draw me into their economic-­politics. But I’d say that projects, such as Tiqqun and others, which seek to synthesis communisation theory with anarchist praxis, are little more than bad
faith preachers, as they locate freedom exclusively within the domain of society and deny the immediate power and freedom of their flesh.”

Becoming Animal_ My Feral Individualism pdf