The Intersections Between Anti-Speciesism, Anti-Civilization, & Individualist Anarchy

From back cover:

“Veganism, like anarchy, isn’t a system; it’s an individual praxis of abstention and individual resistance against consumerist violence and civilization-induced destruction. Veganism is the individual anti-speciesist refusal to take part in all forms of exploitation and systematic extermination…

…Vegetarianism is part of my egoist self-affirmation as I strive towards veganism as part of my own individualist liberation struggle, evicting the social constructs and herd mentalities that haunt the mind.”

The Intersections Between Anti-Speciesism, Anti-Civilization & Individualist Anarchy pdf

Max Stirner, Individualist Anarchy, And a Critical Look at Egoist Communism

From back cover:

“I have no need for the herd philosophy of the self-deceiving and self-sacrificing fantasy of communization and its inner leftism. I am opposed to its collectivist conformist cult of the worker, which dissolves the individual into the permanent roles of producer and consumer. When I work, I do so because I am forced and blackmailed to. So I refuse the slave role of “worker”. I want to see work abolished as a concept. I want to see the means of production and distribution reduced to ashes, blown up, turned down, destroyed and replaced with vast food forests and lush colorful gardens grown on top of the rubble.”

Max Stirner_Individualist Anarchy_ And a Critical Look at Egoist Communism pdf