So u think vegan cooking is hard? and u put difficulty over liberation & autonomy for ALL?! thats fucked up. here’s some easy recipes you can try instead, now that ur vegan ofc.
Against Speciesism, Against Anthropocentrism: 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism
Text from back cover:
“Anarchism is struggle against all forms of domination. It is a beautifully simple idea that helps call into question every oppressive norm.
But our relationships of subjugation with billions of other species on the earth is one norm that few seem to take issue with; not only are other species unable to communicate their experience to us, but to question means to challenge entrenched habits and world views. If we want to be consistent in our politics, then there’s no way we can continue to ignore the impact our anthropocentrism (human-centeredness) is having on the rest of this planet.
Yet, just because most of us are implicated does not mean that we are burdened with some kind of ‘original sin’. Quite the contrary: the beauty and power of anarchism is that it pushes us all to live lives that are more just, loving, meaningful, satisfying, and collectively free. So when we talk about speciesism, far from being dismissive, we should embrace the challenge it poses, look further into the issue, and do what we can to change the miserable status quo.”
Against Speciesism Against Anthropocentrism 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism pdf
AnPrim On Fire: Human Supremacy Within Anarcho-Primitivist Narrative
From back cover:
“Early humans began as wild forest edge specialists who, through colonization with technologies as fire mastery, evolved into adaptive generalists, but not as one people in one instant. Civilization is not one event in time, but a tangle of invasive actions that converted lifeways and mindsets into supremacy, bewilderingly manifesting blatantly in those who strive for a way pre-civ, or anti-civ, or post-civ. Tediously decolonizing by pulling back the veils with an unblocked mind gets one nearer to sensing humans’ wild freedom. An anti-colonizer finds the way of primal anarchy to be overt and/or covert smashing civilization with a cunning refusal to relent, while rewilding earth toward its preciv abundant flourishing.”
AnPrim on Fire_Human Supremacy Within Anarcho Primitivist Narrative pdf
Anti-Speciesism & Dietary Decolonization: A Short Introduction to Veganism
This zine breaks down the Standard American Diet, tracing it back to its colonial roots and advocates veganism as a form of anti-colonial resistance.
Anti-Speciesism Dietary Decolonization Intro to Veganism pdf
An Herbal Medicine Making Primer
Text from the zine:
“Like so much in this consumerist society, it is easy to ignore the connections between a bottle on a shelf in some store and a living, growing plant out in the world somewhere. It can be hard to know if the plant grows a mile away or on another continent. There is much to be said for reconnecting, for educating ourselves about the herbs we use and gathering our own medicine when we can. That’s how we will be able to build a whole new system of healing, one that can support our movement away from the corporate power structure that the practice of medicine has become.”
A Vegan Revolution Against the Fast Food Empire
This is a short but informational flyer found a few years ago after a mcdonalds protest. The email on the back no longer works but the info in the flyer is useful.
Beasts of Burden
Text from back cover:
“The development and maintenance of capitalism as a system that exploits humans is in some ways dependent upon the abuse of animals. Furthermore the movement that abolishes capitalism by changing the relations between humans also involves a fundamental transformation of the relations between humans and animals.”
Bite Back!
A zine discussing Hunt Saboteurs.
Biocentric Anarchy
Text from back cover:
“Biocentric anarchy is a way of challenging ourselves to deepen our understanding of ourselves as animals and reconnect with our non-human cousins. It propels us to reorient our ideas and practices as anarchists so as to place equal importance on the liberation of non-human life from the clutches of anthropocentrism and capitalism, as we do people from the forces of domination. This echoes a recent trend among anarchist projects of a more ecological and anti-speciesist bent who identify as ‘Total Liberation’ groups, differentiating themselves from mainstream currents within animal rights, and challenging other anarchists to make the links between all systems of oppression rather than limiting our concerns to issues that immediately affect our own kind.”
Barefoot in the Kitchen Volume 2
A very helpful, informational zine filled with easy vegan recipes.
“Carne Es Asesinnato!” Anti-Speciesism, Veganism & the Animal Liberation Front in Mexico
A zine that explores in-depth actions and analysis related to the vegan anarchist struggle in mexico.
Civilization Will Stunt Your Growth: Defending Primitivism from Accusations of Ableism
Text from back cover:
“The standardization of mass society necessarily defines an increasing number of people as “disabled” if they do not fit a narrowly prescribed form. The “normal range” of human variation is being shrunk and those outside of this range are stigmatized, pathologized, medicated, and manipulated. The civilized solution to living with people of different abilities is to treat large segments of people like broken clocks in need of new parts or regular servicing. This approach is in accordance with the standard operating procedure of civilization to understand every human problem as a technical problem; it allows us to discharge our responsibility to care for those around us by developing new products, offering new services, and building new infrastructure. The need for relationships is erased. In this way, civilization allows us not to care for others who may need assistance, which is to say, it allows others not to care for us when we need assistance.”
Colonialism, Imperialism & Animal Liberation
Text from the zine:
“Veganism, as an ethical choice, is thus a consistent complement to activism in the quest to end human domination over and exploitation of non-human animals. It transcends cultures, in the same way that other forms of oppression should be resisted no matter where they persist. All cultures are living and constantly evolving, and can from within their own cultural understanding find the tools and means through which speciesism, racism, sexism, capitalism or any other form of domination can be opposed. Everyone who opposes domination should find it within their interest to engage in or at least support the anti-speciesist struggle, for what more severe form of domination could we imagine than the notion that it is acceptable to harm and kill sentient beings because one likes their taste?”
Decolonizing the Diet: Towards an Indigenous Veganism
This zine contains a collection of essays and recipes focused on veganism as an indigenous form of anti-colonial resistance.
Earth First Means Social War: Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force
Text from the zine:
“I intend to present a modest argument in favor of an Other Earth First!. What has made EF! powerful is not a particular ideology but rather a network structure based on affinity and, in most cases, cultural codes, rituals and customs. It follows that evolving EF! will continue to stand on and operate within that infrastructure. However, there are new maps we must examine and difficult topics that demand our immediate attention. The first and foremost is a question of we: Who are we? The second is a question of our current world or conditions: capitalism, the global ecological crisis and its social consequences. The third is a notion of possibility and uncertainty: How we will contribute to not simply defending ecosystems, but also to circumventing green capitalism and tendencies toward fascism with a green angle, and how we will usher in a total transformation of society?”
Es Nuestro Turno #1 fanzine del colectivo vegan straight edge de Almeria
Un zine que discute el veganismo, la recta y el anarquismo creado por Almería vegan straight edge colectivo.
Es Nuestro Turno #2 fanzine del colectivo vegan straight edge de Almeria
Un zine que discute el veganismo, la recta y el anarquismo creado por Almería vegan recto colectivo.
Feral Revolution Essays and Polemics of Feral Faun
Text from this zine:
“When I was a very young child, my life was filled with intense pleasure and a vital energy that caused me to feel what I experienced to the full. I was the center of this marvelous, playful existence and felt no need to rely on anything but my own living experience to fulfill me. I felt intensely, I experienced intensely, my life was a festival of passion and pleasure. My disappointments and sorrows were also intense. I was born a free, wild being in the midst of a society based upon domestication. There was no way that I could escape being domesticated myself. Civilization will not tolerate what is wild in its midst. But I never forgot the intensity that life could be. I never forgot the vital energy that had surged through me. My existence since I first began to notice that this vitality was being drained away has been a warfare between the needs of civilized survival and the need to break loose and experience the full intensity of life unbound.”
From Animals to Anarchism
“This zine challenges those involved with animal liberation to sort their politics out if they truely believe in liberation, but at the same times doesnt let anarchists off the hook – demanding that they consider more fully the nature of human-animal relations in their politics.”