Of Indigenous Hunters & Colonial Stereotypes: Indigenous Anarchy Against Hunting & Intoxication Culture

From back cover:

“In response to modern day hunters who call themselves “green” or “primitive” or “anti-civ anarchists”, they are an example of how humans are inherently violent, with each other and with other species, ether through war or terrorism, and they usually focus on the weaker. As for the animals, most of them don’t and can not defend themselves from the hunter. Hunting is a form of terrorism, that humans, past and present, attempt to justify as being “necessary” for survival reasons – grown men and women killing or beating the shit out of the innocent.”

Of Indigenous Hunters & Colonial Stereotypes_Indigenous Anarchy Against Hunting & Intoxication Culture pdf

Vegan Cooking is Easy (Recipe Zine)

So u think vegan cooking is hard? and u put difficulty over liberation & autonomy for ALL?! thats fucked up. here’s some easy recipes you can try instead, now that ur vegan ofc.

Vegan Cooking is Easy pdf

MÁS QUE UNA DIETA: Una conversación entre Warzone Distro y los prisioneros antiespecistas del caso Susarón

“«Se amplía el ataque y vamos creciendo
en atrevimiento, mente y peligrosidad.
Cuidado, que los grupos de intransigente
beligerancia antiespecista están
floreciendo como margaritas.
Hoy atacamos esta empresa en su
infraestructura, mañana será a sus dueños
y colaboradores de cualquier tipo.
Para todxs ellxs pronosticamos
plomo y esquirlas.
Liberación animal sin consideraciones con
quien se cruce por delante»

mas-que-una-dieta_imprimir_carta pdf

Unoffensive Animal Interview With Sindre, Locked up Indefinitely For Actions Against A Mink Farmer Support Zine

From back cover:

Sindre is a vegan, animal rights activist, 21 years old, from so-called Sweden. Sindre is a kind and respected comrade in the animal rights community, who has fought against animal abusers in various ways.

In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric forced care. The verdict refers to prosecution for actions in 2021, against the former fur farmer Niklas Pettersson. Sindre denies the alleged crime. Sindre was also sentenced to pay SEK 10,000 in damages to Niklas. The sentence was appealed, but later in 2023 The Court of Appeal upheld the verdict. If Sindre had not been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care, his prison sentence would have been only four months.

Sindre was detained immediately after the trial, on the ninth of October, and has since been imprisoned without an end date. A horrible sentence!

Support Sindre! Help him endure behind bars, let him know he’s not alone. Send letters to the following address:

Sindre Annasson Persson
Rudolf Jonassons väg 25B
24136 Eslöv

This info is always updated on: https://unoffensiveanimal.is/prisoner-support/

Sindre_Vegan_Support_Zine pdf

More Than Just a Diet: A Conversation Between Warzone Distro & the Susaron 4

From back Cover:

“…precisely what strongly motivated our actions as a group, was the dissemination of that message, somewhat diluted by time: The war against existence from an anarcho-nihilist perspective, fervently anti-speciesist and straight edge. Which to our taste fulfilled its purpose, since these discussions happened again as a result of the action and our subsequent arrest. And consequently; constant elaboration of propaganda material referring to our ideological thinking. Which gives us the desire to refloat within future generations these incendiary ideas, which have no intention of making peace or negotiation with the enemy. Be it the animal exploitation industry or any other authority that may seek to impose itself on us…

…Regarding the straight edge concept; we have always seen as essential the care of our body as a temple and as a channel of direct confrontation. And likewise refusing the brutal control exercised by the state and its tentacles through drugs. Ruining entire generations of rebels because of it. And it does not fit in our concept of opposition to all exploitation and apparatus of domination, that by our own complacency and mental weakness we are subjugated through substances made to appease the discontent and collapse. And as anarchic-nihilists we understand our body and mind as the only thing we own and our main weapon.

…many generations of young insurrectionists have been lost in the mental and physical deterioration generated by the web of drugs and their slow and camouflaged intrusion into the lives of those who begin to consume them, especially individuals prone to depression. This dramatically undermines the power of resistance movements that require people committed and prepared for the challenges involved in fighting such a giant and finely tuned machine as the reigning structure of domination.”

More Than Just A Diet_Interview With the Susaron 4 pdf

Burn Down The Animal Pharm By Lint Lobotomy

Various writings by Lint Lobotomy covering a wide range of topics from veganism, straight edge and anti-civilization!

Burn Down the Animal Pharm pdf

Absurd, Disingenuous Rationalizations of Ranting Humancentric Anarchists

From back cover:

“Anti-civ anarchists attempting to ground their reasoning for hunting in primal human behavior are being self-contradictory. Surrendering one’s innate primal mutualism to anthropocentric supremacy grounded in moral and ethical ethos manifests in human incursions dominating and even killing other wild life. All wild animals live within a natural range, for example other great apes. They don’t naturally invade, conquer and colonize all of earth. Accepting civilization’s anthropocentric domination, as in hunting, is accomplished via indoctrinated moral conditioning, and is as much an authentic primal desire as that of a child to kill a rabbit and eat its raw tissues instead of picking and eating berries, mushrooms and nuts.”

Absurd, Disingenuous Rationalizations of Ranting Humancentric Anarchists pdf

Burning the Borders: Total Liberation & Individualist, Nihilist Perspectives Within the Colonized Territory Known as Mexico

This interview between Warzone Distro & Guta – one of the  organizers of EININPAACF or Encuentro Internacional de Practicas Anarquicas y Antiauthoritarias Contra las Fronteras, which in english translates to annual international gathering of anarchist and anti-authoritarian practices against borders – took place a few days before and after the event. This event which took place January 25 – 27 in Tijuana, Mexico, reflects a new emergence of individualist, anarcho-nihilist perspectives influenced not only by the current techno-industrial world in general, but also by the perceived failings of leftism experienced by anarchists living in so-called mexico.

Burning the Borders_Total Liberation & Individualist, Nihilist Perspectives Within the Colonized Territory Known as Mexico pdf

The Anarchist Diet: Vegetarianism and Individualist Anarchism in Early 20th-Century France

From back cover:

“The history of anarcho-individualist veganism is practically unknown by the libertarian movement itself. In fact, when French anarchists began writing about environmentalism in the 1970s and veganism in the 1990s, no reference was made to their individualist predecessors of the first half of the 20th century…

…The first part of this article provides a synopsis of anarchism Individualist before looking at the naturian and its defense of the animal cause movement. The second part examines individualist anarchists’ motives for adopting a plant-based diet, many of which, as we shall see, are just as topical as ever. The concluding remarks will highlight the fact that veganism allows us to better understand a vastly understudied strand of anarchism, namely individualism.”

The Anarchist Diet_Vegetarianism and Individualist Anarchism in Early 20th Century France pdf

Education as the Domestication of Inner Space

From back cover:

“We are taught since early childhood that everything in the world exists in a food chain as a “resource” to be consumed by those higher up the chain and concurrently as the consumer of “resources” that are lower in this predatory hierarchy. We are also told that life in the wild is hungry, fraught with mortal danger and that civilization has spared us a short and brutish existence. As children, we thus come to believe that life in civilization is good for us, in fact even indispensable for our very survival…”

“…Since civilization is rooted in the appropriation of food and “natural resources” as well as of slave labour (dogs, horses, cows, women, miners, farmers, et al), all of our institutions today inadvertently cater to these constructs and the needs that have been generated by this monocultural perspective. That is why every contemporary institution or company has a department of “human resources” and is thereby linked to managing, killing, and protecting the ownership of “natural” and other resources.

Hence, everything, including humans, became “professionalized” and thus divided into gendered, ethnic, racial, and other categories specializing in specific spheres of labour thereby falling into defined niches of the “food chain”. Language reflects these categories and naturalizes oppression. For instance, in European languages, humanity is conflated with maleness. The word “woman” allows us to unconsciously accept that womanhood entails an aspect of humanness which erases our (female) animality thereby excluding the depersonified nonhuman animals from the privileges accorded to some animals (a small group of primates) by belonging to “humanity”. Moreover, by separating these categories of humanity, animality, femaleness, maleness, race, ethnicity, et al., language veils the racist, speciesist, and patriarchal essence of civilization where human and nonhuman women have been relegated to a class specializing in the production of human and nonhuman resources.”

Education As The Domestication of Inner Space pdf

Oblivion: Anarchy & the Collapse of Industrial Civilization

From back cover:

“Of course, regardless of how myself or anyone else feels about industrial collapse, and whether or not people want to believe we can either prevent or accelerate it, industrial collapse is already happening, and has been for quite some time. Perhaps the reason why it’s gone unnoticed is either due to denial, or because the rate at which it’s collapsing doesn’t resemble a single, crumbling tower that quickly turns into ash and smoke. That is because something as large and socially complex as industrial society doesn’t break down all at once, but instead decomposes at different points and at different times. It is commonly understood as collapse due to an acknowledgement that as the natural resources needed to sustain industrial society are depleted, the points of decomposition break down beyond repair.”

“I can imagine a couple possible reasons why industrial collapse doesn’t cross the minds of many. One reason could be the socialized mentality of immortality driven by human supremacist arrogance. There are many people today – including leftists – who continue to put faith in science and technology as the saviors of life, and as a primary response to ecological disasters. At the root of this unwaivering faith is a refusal to acknowledge how science and technology have re-defined life by securing human-centric control over the wild. Science and technology, regardless of their greening continue to be the alphabet of industrialization – expanding power and influence through a language of increased alienation and ecological extinction. From military empowerment through the expansive production of weapons of mass destruction, to the tireless gaze of increased State surveilance over the population, science and technology never sleep. And as industrialization continues to absorb what remains of the wild world, the relationship to wildness erodes on both an individual and societal level.”

Oblivion_Anarchy & the Collapse of Industrial Civilization pdf

Animal Bodies, Colonial Subjects: (Re)Locating Animality in Decolonial Thought

From back cover:

“I suggest that the recognition of animals as colonial subjects has been absent from Indigenous Studies. That is, contemporary decolonial thought has yet to engage with a politics of animality that not only recalls “traditional” and/or “ceremonial” human-animal relations, but is also accountable to animal subjectivities and futurities outside settler colonialism and within a project of decolonization. That is, decolonial thought cannot, for example, demand the repatriation of land as an ecofeminist praxis while simultaneously advocating for hunting as a recreational activity precisely because hunting has been weaponized as speciesism to normalize the killability of animals for human ends. Here, I propose a re-centering of animality through Indigenous cosmologies and epistemologies (specifically Mi’kmaq and Cree) to propose a decolonial animal ethic. […]

Several of the recommendations proposed by the animal liberation movement are thus applicable to decolonization. For example, rejecting animal experimentation, disrupting the commodification of animal bodies, and abolishing animal agriculture are gestures that can be deployed as anti-colonial gestures that reify decolonial futurities insofar as these forms of knowledge production, capitalism, and food culture sustain the settler state.[…]

…settler colonialism wants to produce animal bodies as commodities embedded in a global economy of reiterated deathliness. Said different, animal bodies that are inserted into capitalist spaces of commodity production are always already scheduled for death to be consumed as meat, clothing, scientific data, and so forth.[…]

Similar to the ways in which Indigenous peoples can undergo a violent process through which we rid our colonial mentalities, I argue that animals can be liberated from their colonized subjecthood through an aided “process of desubjectification”. That is, thinking through animality as an infrastructure of decolonization re-positions animal bodies as agents of anti-colonial resurgence.They can consequently engender “forms of energy that are capable of engaging the forces that keep [Indigenous people and animals] tied to [a] colonial mentality and reality”. Settler colonialism has therefore required the normalization of speciesism within Indigenous communities to obfuscate the radicality of Indigenous-animal relations. In that sense, recalling the representation of animals in Indigenous cosmologies/oral traditions and unsettling speciesism as a “colonial mentality” must be prioritized in decolonial thought.[…]

Animal Bodies, Colonial Subjects_(Re)Locating Animality in Decolonial Thought pdf

Veganism and Mi’kmaw Legends

From back cover:

“This text proposes a postcolonial ecofeminist reading of Mi’kmaw legends as the basis for a vegan diet rooted in Indigenous culture. I refer primarily to veganism throughout this work because unlike vegetarianism, it is not only a diet but a lifestyle that, for ethical reasons, eschews the use of animal products. Constructing an Indigenous veganism faces two significant barriers—the first being the association of veganism with whiteness…

…A second barrier to Indigenous veganism is the portrayal of veganism as a product of class privilege. Opponents claim that a vegan diet is an indulgence since the poor (among whom Indigenous people are disproportionately represented) must eat whatever is available, and cannot afford to be so picky. This argument assumes that highly processed specialty products make up the bulk of a vegan diet. Such an argument also overlooks the economic and environmental cost of meat, and assumes that the subsidized meat and dairy industries in North America are representative of the world.”

Veganism and Mi’kmaw Legends pdf

Veganism as Anti-Colonial Praxis: A Collection of Indigenous Vegan Perspectives

From back cover:

“Despite the absorption of veganism by the capitalist market – a process that admittingly reinforces pre-existing divisions across class and racial lines – a vegan lifestyle taken to its logical conclusion is fundamentally anti-capitalist and anti-colonial. By (re)acknowledging sentience and personalities within the bodies of colonized (animal) subjects, a vegan lifestyle rejects authoritarian relationships based on disrespect for the bodily autonomy of those whose lives have been re-purposed for human supremacist consumption.

This small collection of shared experiences, while reflective of a larger anti-colonial struggle, highlights the inclusion of an anti-speciesist, animal liberation.”

Veganism as Anti-Colonial Praxis_A Collection of Indigenous Vegan Perspectives pdf

Of Diets & Morality: A Vegan Egoist Perspective

From back cover:

“…But I am also a vegan, not because I wish to limit my consumption of animals but because I desire to expand it! I still consume animals, but not as food, not as mere commodities alienated from me by capitalist production and given silly nicknames, such as ‘pork’ and ‘beef’, in order to distract whatever conscience they falsely believe that I am possessed by. I devour animals as individuals; no longer tethered to the service of Man, I am free to act without his prejudices, so I no longer refuse to look at the lesser animals, but instead gaze upon them, scanning every detail and making frequent observations, to see what pleasures I can take from them! I now take pleasure in the pleasure of animals, not because I am doing what is ‘right’, but because I seize their joy for myself and make it my property; I milk delight from the freed cattle, leaping gleefully through the fields of the sanctuary; I crack open the contentedness of the chicken as it pecks seeds from my hand; a pampered dog, descendant of a once ferocious wolf, and I devour hungrily the companionship that we share together. Animals can offer me many things that other ‘humans’ can not; new ways of communicating, of perceiving the world around me; the unique, aesthetic pleasure of their appearance, especially the details that one only notices with familiarity, and the mystery, intrigue and exciting unexpectedness of beings so morphologically and genetically different from myself! Just as a plate with greater variety is far more delicious, relationships with a greater diversity of beings is far more delectable for me and I will not limit myself to consuming only relations with Man!”

Of Diets & Morality_A Vegan Egoist Perspective pdf

Kaimangatanga: Māori Perspectives on Veganism and Plant-based Kai

From back cover:

““To adopt a form of veganism – a plant-based lifestyle and ethics – that acknowledges, is based upon, and celebrates Te Ao Māori, is a break from the dominant and from the status quo and but also an act of decolonialism. It is a way to reclaim sovereignty and exercise individual choice.

And finally, it is a means by which collective power and community may be built; this is evident in the existence of online forums and comment threads on Māori-based vegan and plant- based social media accounts.

Discussions regarding the intersections of vegan ethics, Indigeneity and Māoritanga and ideas about plant-based kai, and kaimangatanga are already occurring within Māori families and communities and the outcomes and possiblities that arise from this kōrero are potent and unique. There are karakia or prayers that refer to the sustenance provided by plant-based kai, and waiata (songs) which are based upon the care and protection of animal species and the environment. There are also resources and recipes for ‘veganizing’ traditional foods such as hangi (food cooked in the earth), and boil-up (a popular meat-based dish which usually includes plants such as pūha [sowthistle], potatoes, and watercress).”

Kaimangatanga_ Maori Perspectives on Veganism and Plant-based Kai pdf

DISSENT FROM WITHIN: The Hidden Story of the Anti-Whaling Members of the Makah Tribe

From back cover:

“This zine was put together not only to honor the memory of Mahak whale protector Alberta Nora Thomspson, but also to commemorate the story of resistance surrounding the Makah anti-whaling warriors whose very existence has been (intentionally) hidden from the world. Their dissenting voices silenced by the powers of intimidation, patriarchy, and a capitalist pursuit disguised as “traditional hunting”. For many outside of the situation, the narrative most widely accepted is one that reduces the situation to mere identity politics; White animal rights activists vs Indigenous people. Indigenous writer Linda Hogan and Seattle writer Brenda Peterson journeyed to Neah Bay to interview Makah elders who were breaking the silence about this narrative and speaking out against their tribe’s return to whaling.”

Dissent From Within_The Hidden Story of the Anti-Whaling Members of the Makah Tribe pdf

Anarchy & Animal Liberation: A Journal of Wild Attack

From back cover:

“The anti-authoritarian relationship with non-human animals (and the earth) combined with clandestine attack against industrial society can be seen throughout history. Past and present, many anarchists not only maintain a vegan lifestyle as a rejection of hierarchy in their relationships to non-human animals, but also recognize the necessity for destroying civilization itself.

This zine was created with the intention of illustrating the relationship between veganism, individualist anarchy and insurrectionary attack by highlighting a few of the many groups and cells that turned anger into action.”

Anarchy & Animal Liberation_A Journal of Wild Attack pdf

The Intersections Between Anti-Speciesism, Anti-Civilization, & Individualist Anarchy

From back cover:

“Veganism, like anarchy, isn’t a system; it’s an individual praxis of abstention and individual resistance against consumerist violence and civilization-induced destruction. Veganism is the individual anti-speciesist refusal to take part in all forms of exploitation and systematic extermination…

…Vegetarianism is part of my egoist self-affirmation as I strive towards veganism as part of my own individualist liberation struggle, evicting the social constructs and herd mentalities that haunt the mind.”

The Intersections Between Anti-Speciesism, Anti-Civilization & Individualist Anarchy pdf

Jodidamente Hostil

This zine contains various thoughts and ideas related to anti­-speciesism, nihilist pessimism, and anti-­left anarchy, expressed by Morgan Taylor, a vegan straight edge anarchist writer.

Jodidamente Hostil pdf 

Egoist Vegan: Some Thoughts on an Individualist Animal Liberation

From back cover:

“If I am thoroughly an egoist, then I recognize the ego of others and the desire of that ego to not be controlled or dominated. I own nobody, and nobody owns me. This social relationship does not constitute a form of politics. Politics implies social governance guided by an external authority. My lifestyle is an anti­-politics ­ rejecting all anthropocentric power and authority constructed to govern my social interactions with other animals. My refusal to view non­human animals as “food” for consumption can easily be understood as a primal expression of this anti­-authoritarian lifestyle.”

Egoist Vegan_Some Thoughts on an Individualist Animal Liberation pdf

Against Speciesism, Against Anthropocentrism: 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism

Text from back cover:

“Anarchism is struggle against all forms of domination. It is a beautifully simple idea that helps call into question every oppressive norm.

But our relationships of subjugation with billions of other species on the earth is one norm that few seem to take issue with; not only are other species unable to communicate their experience to us, but to question means to challenge entrenched habits and world views. If we want to be consistent in our politics, then there’s no way we can continue to ignore the impact our anthropocentrism (human-centeredness) is having on the rest of this planet.

Yet, just because most of us are implicated does not mean that we are burdened with some kind of ‘original sin’. Quite the contrary: the beauty and power of anarchism is that it pushes us all to live lives that are more just, loving, meaningful, satisfying, and collectively free. So when we talk about speciesism, far from being dismissive, we should embrace the challenge it poses, look further into the issue, and do what we can to change the miserable status quo.”

Against Speciesism Against Anthropocentrism 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism pdf

ALF Primer 3rd Edition: A Guide to Direct Action & The Animal Liberation Front

ALF_Primer_3rdEdition pdf

AnPrim On Fire: Human Supremacy Within Anarcho­-Primitivist Narrative

From back cover:

“Early humans began as wild forest edge specialists who, through colonization with technologies as fire mastery, evolved into adaptive generalists, but not as one people in one instant. Civilization is not one event in time, but a tangle of invasive actions that converted lifeways and mindsets into supremacy, bewilderingly manifesting blatantly in those who strive for a way pre-­civ, or anti­-civ, or post­-civ. Tediously de­colonizing by pulling back the veils with an unblocked mind gets one nearer to sensing humans’ wild freedom. An anti­-colonizer finds the way of primal anarchy to be overt and/or covert smashing civilization with a cunning refusal to relent, while rewilding earth toward its pre­civ abundant flourishing.”

AnPrim on Fire_Human Supremacy Within Anarcho Primitivist Narrative pdf

Anti-Speciesism & Dietary Decolonization: A Short Introduction to Veganism

This zine breaks down the Standard American Diet, tracing it back to its colonial roots and advocates veganism as a form of anti-colonial resistance.

Anti-Speciesism Dietary Decolonization Intro to Veganism pdf

An Herbal Medicine Making Primer

Text from the zine:

“Like so much in this consumerist society, it is easy to ignore the connections between a bottle on a shelf in some store and a living, growing plant out in the world somewhere. It can be hard to know if the plant grows a mile away or on another continent. There is much to be said for reconnecting, for educating ourselves about the herbs we use and gathering our own medicine when we can. That’s how we will be able to build a whole new system of healing, one that can support our movement away from the corporate power structure that the practice of medicine has become.”

An Herbal Medicine-Making Primer PRINT pdf

A Vegan Revolution Against the Fast Food Empire

This is a short but informational flyer found a few years ago after a mcdonalds protest. The email on the back no longer works but the info in the flyer is useful.

Smash the Fast Food Industry! pdf

Beasts of Burden

Text from back cover:

“The development and maintenance of capitalism as a system that exploits humans is in some ways dependent upon the abuse of animals. Furthermore the movement that abolishes capitalism by changing the relations between humans­ ­also involves a fundamental transformation of the relations between humans and animals.”

Beasts_Of_Burden pdf

Bite Back!

A zine discussing Hunt Saboteurs.

Bite_Back pdf

Biocentric Anarchy

Text from back cover:

“Biocentric anarchy is a way of challenging ourselves to deepen our understanding of ourselves as animals and reconnect with our non-human cousins. It propels us to reorient our ideas and practices as anarchists so as to place equal importance on the liberation of non-human life from the clutches of anthropocentrism and capitalism, as we do people from the forces of domination. This echoes a recent trend among anarchist projects of a more ecological and anti-speciesist bent who identify as ‘Total Liberation’ groups, differentiating themselves from mainstream currents within animal rights, and challenging other anarchists to make the links between all systems of oppression rather than limiting our concerns to issues that immediately affect our own kind.”

Biocentric_Anarchy pdf

BITING BACK: A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists

Text from back cover:

“Veganism is not merely a dietary choice, but a challenge to the dominant anthropocentric narrative. It is not about purchasing different products but cultivating new relationships with non-human animals which are not based on hierarchies and oppression. While there are still anarchists who feel waiting for the collapse of capitalism and supporting the ALF is a sufficient enough approach to anti-speciesism, many of us recognize the social and dietary framework which enables speciesism and the need for its total destruction.”

BITING BACK A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists pdf

Barefoot in the Kitchen Volume 2

A very helpful, informational zine filled with easy vegan recipes.

Barefoot and in the Kitchen 2 pdf

“Carne Es Asesinnato!” Anti-Speciesism, Veganism & the Animal Liberation Front in Mexico

A zine that explores in-depth actions and analysis related to the vegan anarchist struggle in mexico.


Civilization Will Stunt Your Growth: Defending Primitivism from Accusations of Ableism

Text from back cover:

“The standardization of mass society necessarily defines an increasing number of people as “disabled” if they do not fit a narrowly prescribed form. The “normal range” of human variation is being shrunk and those outside of this range are stigmatized, pathologized, medicated, and manipulated. The civilized solution to living with people of different abilities is to treat large segments of people like broken clocks in need of new parts or regular servicing. This approach is in accordance with the standard operating procedure of civilization to understand every human problem as a technical problem; it allows us to discharge our responsibility to care for those around us by developing new products, offering new services, and building new infrastructure. The need for relationships is erased. In this way, civilization allows us not to care for others who may need assistance, which is to say, it allows others not to care for us when we need assistance.”

Civilization Will Stunt Your Growth pdf

Colonialism, Imperialism & Animal Liberation

Text from the zine:

“Veganism, as an ethical choice, is thus a consistent complement to activism in the quest to end human domination over and exploitation of non-human animals. It transcends cultures, in the same way that other forms of oppression should be resisted no matter where they persist. All cultures are living and constantly evolving, and can from within their own cultural understanding find the tools and means through which speciesism, racism, sexism, capitalism or any other form of domination can be opposed. Everyone who opposes domination should find it within their interest to engage in or at least support the anti-speciesist struggle, for what more severe form of domination could we imagine than the notion that it is acceptable to harm and kill sentient beings because one likes their taste?”

Colonialism Imperialism and Animal Liberation pdf

Decolonizing the Diet: Towards an Indigenous Veganism

This zine contains a collection of essays and recipes focused on veganism as an indigenous form of anti-colonial resistance.

Decolonizing The Diet Towards an Indigenous Veganism pdf

Earth First Means Social War: Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force

Text from the zine:

“I intend to present a modest argument in favor of an Other Earth First!. What has made EF! powerful is not a particular ideology but rather a network structure based on affinity and, in most cases, cultural codes, rituals and customs. It follows that evolving EF! will continue to stand on and operate within that infrastructure. However, there are new maps we must examine and difficult topics that demand our immediate attention. The first and foremost is a question of we: Who are we? The second is a question of our current world or conditions: capitalism, the global ecological crisis and its social consequences. The third is a notion of possibility and uncertainty: How we will contribute to not simply defending ecosystems, but also to circumventing green capitalism and tendencies toward fascism with a green angle, and how we will usher in a total transformation of society?”

Earth First Means Social War pdf

Es Nuestro Turno #1 fanzine del colectivo vegan straight edge de Almeria

Un zine que discute el veganismo, la recta y el anarquismo creado por Almería vegan straight edge colectivo.

Es Nuestro Turno 1 pdf

Es Nuestro Turno #2 fanzine del colectivo vegan straight edge de Almeria

Un zine que discute el veganismo, la recta y el anarquismo creado por Almería vegan recto colectivo.

Es Nuestro Turno 2 pdf

Feral Revolution Essays and Polemics of Feral Faun

Text from this zine:

“When I was a very young child, my life was filled with intense pleasure and a vital energy that caused me to feel what I experienced to the full. I was the center of this marvelous, playful existence and felt no need to rely on anything but my own living experience to fulfill me. I felt intensely, I experienced intensely, my life was a festival of passion and pleasure. My disappointments and sorrows were also intense. I was born a free, wild being in the midst of a society based upon domestication. There was no way that I could escape being domesticated myself. Civilization will not tolerate what is wild in its midst. But I never forgot the intensity that life could be. I never forgot the vital energy that had surged through me. My existence since I first began to notice that this vitality was being drained away has been a warfare between the needs of civilized survival and the need to break loose and experience the full intensity of life unbound.”

Feral Revolution pdf