“This zine challenges those involved with animal liberation to sort their politics out if they truely believe in liberation, but at the same times doesnt let anarchists off the hook – demanding that they consider more fully the nature of human-animal relations in their politics.”
Fight Speciesism! anti-speciesist, anti-capitalist, abolitionist direct action news issue #8
Text from the zine:
“Anti-speciesist Action is a collective of militant anti-speciesists and animal liberationists committed to confronting animal abuse, suffering and exploitation of non-human beings through the use of direct action. We believe in the ‘No Compromise’ philosophy, veganism and actively support the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and animal liberation prisoners. We are opposed to capitalism and the state, understanding that without both entities, the universal exploitation of animals would not be possible. Until Every Cage Is Empty!”
Industrial Domestication: Industry as the Origins of Modern Domination
Text from the zine:
“The term industrial revolution, commonly used to describe the period between 1750 and 1850, is a pure bourgeois lie, symmetrical to the lie about the political revolution. It does not include the negative and flows from a vision of history as uniquely the history of technological progress. Here the enemy deals a double blow, legitimizing the existence of managers and hierarchy as unavoidable technical necessities, and imposing a mechanical conception of progress, which is considered a positive and socially neutral law. It is the religious moment of materialism and the idealism of matter. Such a lie was obviously destined for the poor, among whom it was to inflict long lasting destruction. To refute it, it is sufficient to stick to the facts. Most of the technological innovations that allowed factories to develop had previously been discovered but remained unused. Their widespread application was not a mechanical consequence, but stemmed from a historically timed choice which was made by the dominant classes. And this choice was not so much a response to a concern about purely technical efficiency (which was often doubtful) as it was a strategy of social domestication. The pseudo-industrial revolution can thus be reduced to a project of social counter revolution. There is only one type of progress: the progress of alienation.”
Insurrectionary Ecology
A zine that discusses insurrectionary anarchy and eco-defense in-depth as a combined praxis for total liberation.
It’s Our Turn Issue #1 Almeria Vegan Straight Edge Fanzine
A zine that discusses veganism, straight edge and anarchism created by Almeria vegan straight edge collective.
My Vegan Straight Edge is Anything but White: An Indigenous Anarchist Critique of Speciesism and Intoxication Culture
Text from back cover:
“Aight, so I hear this and see this shit a lot. That vegans are inherently white, that veganism is about consumerism, and it also makes the (racist) assumption that ALL POC have the same, monolithic culture around consuming and exploiting animals. The great hunter gatherer ideas are colonially based usually around the time where romanticism of indigenous ppl was the hip thing. Part of decolonization and rebalancing of our relation to the animal nations will need to involve us adjusting as we are at an ecological breaking point…”
“We can choose, and some of us do, to negate the existence of intoxicants for political and decolonial reasons. By refusing to play into not only what pacifies but what comes up and promotes systems that are inherently based in imperialism and capitalism as well as used to bolster kyriarchy all around, one feels all the agony they should: for themselves to do what they chose or must for existence without being lulled into any false pleasure of this civilization, for other beings and the planet being destroyed near and far from them, and for the future as this continues. You cannot destroy your masters without going all the way.”
Native Americans and Vegetarianism
Text from back cover:
“How well we know the stereotype of the rugged Plains Indian: killer of buffalo, dressed in quilldecorated buckskin, elaborately feathered eaddress, and leather moccasins, living in an animal skin teepee, master of the dog and horse, and stranger to vegetables. But this lifestyle, once limited almost exclusively to the Apaches, flourished no more than a couple hundred years. It is not representative of most Native Americans of today or yesterday. Indeed, the “buffalo aslifestyle” phenomenon is a direct result of European influence…”
Nos Negamos A Ser Invisibles: Resistencia Contra El Especismo Y La Supremacia Blanca
Una colección de ensayos de diferentes anarquistas veganos de color.
Out From The Shadows: A Vegan Straight Edge Journal of Resistance
This hard-to-find zine discusses and encourages increased visibility of radical vegan straight edge ideas within the anarchist struggle.
Out of Civilitopia
From back cover:
“Why was caveman hunting selected for the podium, and not murder or rape or infanticide or cannibalism or causing species extinctions when there was also evidence of those in prehistory humans? When evidence of some hunting was found, why did that result in the practice of eating animals being applied to all humans going back to origins? Did the machismo leaders cherry pick a more alluring ‘killer ape’ early ancestry to justify current carnistic practices? Was it strategic that this lie also boosted the noxious ego to fuel the march toward the magical kingdom of Civilitopia?”
Open Minds June 2011 Summer Issue #1
A vegan, straight edge anarchist zine filled with band interviews and essays.
Rabia Y Accion: Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/No 1
Un zine sobre la liberación animal, la acción directa y la anarquía vegana. Incluye acciones realizadas en México por el Frente de Liberación Animal.
Rabia Y Accion Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/no.2
Text from the zine:
“No cabe duda que desde la ultima publicación de este zine (principios de septiem) hasta hoy (Diciembre)elmovimiento de liberación animal en México con respecto a la acción directa y el sabotaje económico ha ido creciendo de una manera tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, las cosas se están poniendo pesadas para lxs explotadorxs que veían ataques similares en países como Inglaterra o Suecia y pensaban que esta acá no podrían llegar, hoy en México son una realidad.”
Rabia Y Accion: Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/No 3
Text from the zine:
“Y damos rienda suelta al numero 3 de esta publicación en apoyo al movimiento radical por la liberación animal y de la tierra “Rabia y Acción” asiendo alusión a una frase de Rod
Coronado que dice “¡si la muerte de la tierra te hace llorar, toma esas lagrimas y conviértelas en acción!””
Radical Mycology: An SLF Primer
Probably one of the most detailed, comprehensive guides to identifying mushrooms on the web.
Reflexiones Sobre Liberacion Animal: desde un punto de vista anarquista
Text from the zine:
“Este texto ha sido escrito íntegramente en femenino, no porque los hombres queden exentos de nuestras críticas, sino porque consideramos que el lenguaje patriarcal ha negado a las mujeres, como a otro tipo de identidades disidentes, la posibilidad de construir y protagonizar su propia historia. Asimismo, conviene aclarar que las citas que se han utilizado tienen un objetivo meramente informativo.”
Revolutionary Struggle for Human & Non-Human Animal Liberation
A short zine that delivers a quick look at the interconnected relationship between sexism, racism and speciesist oppression.
Riotous Incognitx #1 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zin
This is the first issue of a short series of queer, vegan straight edge, green anarchist insurrectionary zines. This issue includes an interview with Sprout Distro, xBalaclavax (xvx hip-hop from brazil), as well as essays on the indigenous struggle against alcohol with “The Battle of White KKKlay”, and green anarchy.
Riotous Incognitx #2 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine
The second issue of a series of zines focused on queer, vegan straight edge insurrectionary anarchy. This issues discusses being a straight edge queer of color, insurrectionary anarchy and prisoner support.
Riotous Incognitx #3 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine
The last periodical of a series of zines focused on green anarchy, insurrection and vegan straight edge. This is issue includes an essay about the rise of anti-speciesism in the anarchist movement, as well as some recipes for direct action.
Sobrios Y Alerta: Drogas Politica Hardcore Y Straight Edge (SXE MADRID)
Un zine sobre veganismo, straight edge, anarquismo, política y hardcore. Creado por Straight Edge Madrid.
Technological Addiction
Text from back cover:
“In order to effectively perceive and confront the problem(s) of civilization we must be able to look at our relationship to it. This relationship is framed by domestication, through which our experiences therein are controlled and manipulated. In this essay, Chellis Glendinning tokes the psychological approach to major parts of our relationship with civilization, trauma and addiction.
Without question, this text provides a key understanding of just how deep the damage domestication has wrought is, and what kind of struggle must be employed against this culture of docility.”
Veganism From A Nihilist and Anti-Civilization Perspective
From back cover:
“This text is aiming for the destabilization of the term veganism through moral and social, even political chains and illustrates that if it doesn’t align with a totally hostile consciousness towards the existent, then it doesn’t cease to be another hoax or delusion. That is to say if the persons using this tool have made that another morality or don’t take some risks with acts of attack (this can take many forms not only physical) or chaotic disruption then it remains mud inside the swamp where it came from.” -Archegonos
Total Liberation: Freedom for Both Non-human & Human Animals
A short tri-fold pamphlet which discusses the basics of anarchist total liberation.
Total Liberation Freedom for Both Nonhuman and Human animals! pdf
UN MINUTO DE REFLEXIÓN: ¿Qué es el especismo?
“El especismo consiste en dar una mayor o menor importancia a los intereses de un individuo en función de la especie a la que pertenezca, priorizando a unas frente a otras.”
Vegan Anarchy: Anti-Speciesist Warfare & Direct Action
An older zine discussing the need for vegan anti-speciesism in the anarchist struggle. Includes a couple notes on attacks by the Animal Rights Militia.
Vegan Means Attack: Fomenting A Wildfire Against Speciesism and Moral Anthropocentrism
From back cover:
“There is a war to be waged against society, alongside the non-human animals who refuse domesticated subservience, and who are evicted from their homes due to mass deforestation, human development and technology. Veganism burdened by the millstone of liberalism, fails to critically acknowledge capitalist, industrial civilization itself as the massified, embodiment of anthropocentric domination. Anarchism that fails to challenge speciesism on an individual level reproduces the internalized authoritarian values of human domination. Since speciesism is pervasive in society, it is insulated and well preserved by a comforting normalization – a normalization that aids cultural indoctrination and apathy. Confrontation is necessary in unsettling the socially established comforts and moral order of non-human animal domination.”
Warfare, Genocide & Extinction: The Real Cost of Modern Conveniences
An informational zine about the technological industrial complex, its relationship to the globalization of capitalism and the death it brings.
Why Anarchist Vegan?
Text from front cover:
“Mainstream vegan material is written from a liberal rather than class based perspective. It is basing arguments on charity instead of solidarity, and offering individualistic and consumerist rather than collective solutions. The material often blames the individual choices for the rampant industrialised animal abuse instead of understanding underlying economic and hierarchical structures and empowering people to organise against them.
This short pamphlet aims to offer another perspective. This perspective is built on anti- capitalist, libertarian communist, class based anarchist view. It is assumed that the reader is aware of the exploitative nature of capitalism and social hierarchies. This pamphlet aims to show how capitalism and hierarchical structures affect issues relating to use of animals in agriculture, land ownership and use as well as environmental degradation related to food production.”
Why Veganism: An Introduction
A short but informational introduction to veganism printed by Any Means Necessary collective.
We Refuse To Be Invisible: Black and Brown Vegan Power
Text from the zine:
“The purpose of this pamphlet is to create a platform for black and brown radical vegans to illustrate their experiences which not only negate settler-colonial white supremacy, but also institutional and cultural speciesism. While this pamphlet can not include the words of every black and brown vegan anarchist/anti-authoritarian, it is considered a good starting point in creating much needed dialog on speciesism, white supremacy and anarchy/anti authoritarianism. Unfortunately, veganism is still predominately associated with the Westernized stereotype of a white, classist privileged diet – marginalizing low-income radical vegans of color.”
Wolf Hunt Sabotage
This comprehensive guide explains the how and why of hunt sabotage aimed at saving wolves. With an increasing number of states (including Michigan) allowing for the hunting of wolves, this zine outlines one response. From the inside: “Hunt sabs are an effective tactic at stopping, inhibiting or drawing attention to the massacre of wildlife. Hunt sabs most often include direct intervention and are meant to disrupt a hunt. Actions can take the form of a blockade comprised of dozens of people at the office where wolf hunting permits are sold, or along roadways where hunters are engaging in hunts. But it also includes powerful propaganda, such as flyering communities before a hunt, or sharing this manual at your local NRA meeting and outside permit offices.