An Anarchist Critique of Democracy

From back cover:

…majoritarianism of any sort means the repression of individual liberties and the curtailment of direct action in favor of deferred decision-making…
…Anarchists believe in unmediated relations between free individuals, the absence of any coercive or alienating forces in societies, and an unquestionable, universal right to self- determination. Those beliefs lead to many different visions of the world, but when genuinely held they will never lead to democracy. Even “direct democracy” demands surrender to the status quo that produces a hierarchy of group over individual, thus separating us from our desires and our desires from their unfettered realization in direct action. Any who would give up these principles should also give up the name “anarchist”— perhaps in favor of “libertarian.”

An Anarchist Critique of Democracy pdf

Of Indigenous Hunters & Colonial Stereotypes: Indigenous Anarchy Against Hunting & Intoxication Culture

From back cover:

“In response to modern day hunters who call themselves “green” or “primitive” or “anti-civ anarchists”, they are an example of how humans are inherently violent, with each other and with other species, ether through war or terrorism, and they usually focus on the weaker. As for the animals, most of them don’t and can not defend themselves from the hunter. Hunting is a form of terrorism, that humans, past and present, attempt to justify as being “necessary” for survival reasons – grown men and women killing or beating the shit out of the innocent.”

Of Indigenous Hunters & Colonial Stereotypes_Indigenous Anarchy Against Hunting & Intoxication Culture pdf

Absurd, Disingenuous Rationalizations of Ranting Humancentric Anarchists

From back cover:

“Anti-civ anarchists attempting to ground their reasoning for hunting in primal human behavior are being self-contradictory. Surrendering one’s innate primal mutualism to anthropocentric supremacy grounded in moral and ethical ethos manifests in human incursions dominating and even killing other wild life. All wild animals live within a natural range, for example other great apes. They don’t naturally invade, conquer and colonize all of earth. Accepting civilization’s anthropocentric domination, as in hunting, is accomplished via indoctrinated moral conditioning, and is as much an authentic primal desire as that of a child to kill a rabbit and eat its raw tissues instead of picking and eating berries, mushrooms and nuts.”

Absurd, Disingenuous Rationalizations of Ranting Humancentric Anarchists pdf

Grotesque & Tranquility: A Queer Nihilist’s Compilation of Poetry

From back cover:

“Vega is a southern born west coast anarcho-nihilist. Their identity is found in subtle notes throughout their prose. Being a constructed element of self, their identity has been constructed through a warped vision of what’s in front of you momentarily. Nothing written can capture that which is Vega, so nothing written will really do. If you knew them you would know. And that’s all there is. One might label them as disabled or a drug user. Another might label them as another construct to convey emotion. What resonates here is what matters. Leave the rest for someone else.”

Grotesque and Tranquility_A Queer Nihilists Compilation of Poetry pdf

I Am Not Broken: Anarcho-Nihilist Disability & Survival Against Industrial Society

From back cover:

“My job couldn’t kill me, it could only tear me down to place me on a path of healing, a path to helping others through their struggles as I was able to work through mine. The pain is not an easy companion but it’s a constant reminder to look after myself and to look after others. This world is a dark, isolating place but I serve as a reminder that we can make it through our darkest times, that a flickering flame may well be the spark that lights industry aflame. We are not weak, only prisoner of the illusion of weakness. If we refuse to crumble under the immense pressures of this world we may cast light into the shadows, bearing witness to transformation and casting aside despair.”

I Am Not Broken_Anarcho Nihilist Disability and Survival Against Industrial Society pdf

A Feral Life: One Last Nihilist Exposition

“Speaking of changes, lately I’ve begun imagining expressing my ideas and thoughts with more face to face interactions rather than through the medium of writing. I could surely do both, and have been for quite some time. But as I write this, I feel I have reached a point in my life where I am finding the activity of writing these texts as limiting as the very words themselves. It is fun and easy to do during the winter, or spontaneously during or after exciting experiences at riots, etc. But I think I am ready to shift my focus onto something else.

Over the years, I have made many accomplices and enemies with the circulation of my writing – these literary expressions of my thoughts, experiences, and ideas. And I am deeply moved by the kind things many of you have said – as well as the awful things too! Maybe I will pick up writing again if the desire overcomes my hesitation to open a computer and type in a coffee shop, or in a notepad under a bridge while waiting for a train, or during or after a riot – or even after an exhilarating heist! Maybe I will write again from within the confines of a prison cell – because really though, let’s be honest, how much damage to this industrial leviathan can one really do within the limitations of legality? How much freedom can one really reclaim without provoking those who benefit from enslavement? (But of course, I’ll do my best not to get caught!)

So to the readers of my writing, I bid you a literary farewell! If my writing has inspired you to think differently, it is only because you had the courage to read something unfamiliar to you in the first place. If any of my writing has encouraged you to live more freely, it was only because you possessed the power to reclaim your life and live on your own terms. On paper, I am Just an idea that you read aloud in your head with your own voice.”

A Feral Life_One Last Nihilist Exposition pdf

Oblivion: Anarchy & the Collapse of Industrial Civilization

From back cover:

“Of course, regardless of how myself or anyone else feels about industrial collapse, and whether or not people want to believe we can either prevent or accelerate it, industrial collapse is already happening, and has been for quite some time. Perhaps the reason why it’s gone unnoticed is either due to denial, or because the rate at which it’s collapsing doesn’t resemble a single, crumbling tower that quickly turns into ash and smoke. That is because something as large and socially complex as industrial society doesn’t break down all at once, but instead decomposes at different points and at different times. It is commonly understood as collapse due to an acknowledgement that as the natural resources needed to sustain industrial society are depleted, the points of decomposition break down beyond repair.”

“I can imagine a couple possible reasons why industrial collapse doesn’t cross the minds of many. One reason could be the socialized mentality of immortality driven by human supremacist arrogance. There are many people today – including leftists – who continue to put faith in science and technology as the saviors of life, and as a primary response to ecological disasters. At the root of this unwaivering faith is a refusal to acknowledge how science and technology have re-defined life by securing human-centric control over the wild. Science and technology, regardless of their greening continue to be the alphabet of industrialization – expanding power and influence through a language of increased alienation and ecological extinction. From military empowerment through the expansive production of weapons of mass destruction, to the tireless gaze of increased State surveilance over the population, science and technology never sleep. And as industrialization continues to absorb what remains of the wild world, the relationship to wildness erodes on both an individual and societal level.”

Oblivion_Anarchy & the Collapse of Industrial Civilization pdf

The Match Consumed: A Condensed Reading of “Blessed is the Flame”

“A few months ago a comrade and I decided to take on the task of creating a condensed version of blessed is the flame. This was in response to a vast misunderstanding and fash-jacketing of those who post content on nihilist thought. This task turned out to be more difficult than we imagined. Condensing 50+ pages wasn’t easy, at times it felt wrong to even omit some of the passages/stories from the book. On a particular night of working on this project the question came up of whether or not this was a disservice to all people whose stories were told in the book. But we found solace in the ‘afterthoughts’. There will never be enough paper to document all the stories of those who were imprisoned in the camps. Many of them are still relatively unknown and majority of the ones that are ended in tragedy. Most of the prisoners who resisted were met with swift death. So knowing all the tragedy and suffering that happened how did this book become so important to us? Enough for us to spend months trying to compile a shorter read for people to have access to?

Blessed was our introduction to nihilist resistance. On a summer morning in the middle of the desert it became a sacred text to us. We poured over the pages red and reread each section – the stories lit a fire under us. When you pick this up it’s our hope that you may be consumed by that same fire.

“I find it comforting that everything is so hopeless”

-Tal & Skinny”

The Match Consumed_A Condensed Reading of Blessed is the Flame pdf