Memory Loss: Collected Communiques from CLODO

“Memory Loss” presents a history of the French group CLODO, which attacked and sabotaged computers in the 1980s. The zine contains a timeline of action, two communiques, and an interview of the group. Along with these items, there is a helpful introduction which contextualizes the group and its activities and situations them in relation to other anti-technology groups. The zines comes at a good time, coinciding with the release of a new film titled Machines in Flames that documents the group.

memory_loss-boo pdf

A Nihilist Understanding of “Social War”: On Autonomy, Domination, Representation, Class War and Identity

From back cover:

“Social war is all around us. It is present in the cop cars that patrol our streets, in our schools, in the design of our cities and suburbs, and in the boundaries of what it means to be a man or a woman. To wage social war is to either exercise social control or destroy it, to govern or to be uncontrollable, or to forfeit your agency to a representative or to take direct action. Social war is all around us, we cannot choose whether we are subjected to it, but whether we choose to fight back.”

A Nihilist Understanding of “Social war” pdf

Anarchy & Animal Liberation: A Journal of Wild Attack

From back cover:

“The anti-authoritarian relationship with non-human animals (and the earth) combined with clandestine attack against industrial society can be seen throughout history. Past and present, many anarchists not only maintain a vegan lifestyle as a rejection of hierarchy in their relationships to non-human animals, but also recognize the necessity for destroying civilization itself.

This zine was created with the intention of illustrating the relationship between veganism, individualist anarchy and insurrectionary attack by highlighting a few of the many groups and cells that turned anger into action.”

Anarchy & Animal Liberation_A Journal of Wild Attack pdf

Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries

Text from the zine:

“It seems obvious that the study of history is a necessary element of continued war against the present world. There are tools lying in every failed insurrection, every temporarily-established zone of free play, every campaign of sabotage that ended in a jail cell or shootout. To ignore these lessons is to forfeit valuable weaponry and strategic insight. History is a weapon.”

STAR Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries pdf

This is Not a Love Story: Armed Struggle Against the Institutions of Patriarchy

Text from the zine:

“Many feminist theorists and activists categorically condemn “violence”– be it offensive or defensive, physical or verbal– on the grounds that “violence” (an extremely ambiguous term in itself) has its roots in patriarchal culture and the patriarchal mindset, and is somehow the “invention” of men– as if violence doesn’t appear everywhere in the natural world in myriad forms, usually contributing in significant ways to the balance of local ecosystems. While certain feminist thinkers put forth an analysis of violence and hierarchical power relationships that is well worth considering, a wholesale condemnation of revolutionary violence aimed at the destruction of that which oppresses us is a gross oversimplification of an extremely complex situation: that is, the web of patriarchal tyranny that all of us, wimmin and men alike, find ourselves born into, where violence is used by our oppressors to enforce our political and social submission, and where we are all desperately looking for effective ways to reclaim our lives.”

this is not a love story armed struggle against patriarchy pdf

Queer Ultraviolence (Spanish version)

La collección que sigue comprende varios ensayos y comunicados de la monstruosidad conocida como Bash Back! Estas selecciones sirven como un destello a lo que será una antologia más completa que pronto será publicada por QI (Queer Internacional).

QI es un proyecto que se dedica a la publicación de textos queer-insurrecionales de todo el mundo. Esta sociedad nos llena de ira, y para nosotrxs no hay ninguna otra opción menos su aniquilamiento.

Queer Ultraviolence Spanish pdf

War on Patriarchy , War on the Death Technology

The collected statements ,essays , and communiqués of direct action and the Wimmin ’ s Fire Brigade.

War on Patriarchy War on The Death Technology pdf

Attacking Prisons At Their Point of Production: A Brief Look at Militant Actions Against the Prison Industrial Complex

Attacking-Prisons-Point of Production pdf

Wasted Indeed: Anarchy & Alcohol (shortened version)

Text from back cover:

“It’s no exaggeration to say that alcohol has played a key role in the epidemic of fascism, racism, statism, imperialism, colonialism, sexism and patriarchy, class oppression, religious superstition, and all the other products of hierarchal authority that has swept the earth over the past few mellenia. It continues to play that role today, as people of the whole world, finally universally domesticated and enslaved by globalized capitalism, are kept pacified and helpless by a steady supply of spirits. These evil spirits squander the time, money, health, focus, creativity, awareness, and fellowship of all who inhabit this universally occupied territory—”work is the curse of the drinking classes,” as Oscar Wilde said. It’s not surprising, for example, that the primary targets of advertising for malt liquor (a toxic byproduct of the brewing process) are the inhabitants of ghettos in the United States: people who constitute a class that, if not tranquilized by addiction and incapacitated by self-destruction, would be on the front lines of the war to destroy capitalism.”

Wasted_Indeed pdf

ALF Primer 3rd Edition: A Guide to Direct Action & The Animal Liberation Front

ALF_Primer_3rdEdition pdf

Bite Back!

A zine discussing Hunt Saboteurs.

Bite_Back pdf

BITING BACK: A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists

Text from back cover:

“Veganism is not merely a dietary choice, but a challenge to the dominant anthropocentric narrative. It is not about purchasing different products but cultivating new relationships with non-human animals which are not based on hierarchies and oppression. While there are still anarchists who feel waiting for the collapse of capitalism and supporting the ALF is a sufficient enough approach to anti-speciesism, many of us recognize the social and dietary framework which enables speciesism and the need for its total destruction.”

BITING BACK A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists pdf

“Carne Es Asesinnato!” Anti-Speciesism, Veganism & the Animal Liberation Front in Mexico

A zine that explores in-depth actions and analysis related to the vegan anarchist struggle in mexico.


Fight Speciesism! anti-speciesist, anti-capitalist, abolitionist direct action news issue #8

Text from the zine:

“Anti-speciesist Action is a collective of militant anti-speciesists and animal liberationists committed to confronting animal abuse, suffering and exploitation of non-human beings through the use of direct action. We believe in the ‘No Compromise’ philosophy, veganism and actively support the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and animal liberation prisoners. We are opposed to capitalism and the state, understanding that without both entities, the universal exploitation of animals would not be possible. Until Every Cage Is Empty!”

Fight Speciesism 8 pdf

Rabia Y Accion: Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/No 1

Un zine sobre la liberación animal, la acción directa y la anarquía vegana. Incluye acciones realizadas en México por el Frente de Liberación Animal.

Rabia-y-Accion-1 pdf

Rabia Y Accion Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/no.2

Text from the zine:

“No cabe duda que desde la ultima publicación de este zine (principios de septiem) hasta hoy (Diciembre)elmovimiento de liberación animal en México con respecto a la acción directa y el sabotaje económico ha ido creciendo de una manera tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, las cosas se están poniendo pesadas para lxs explotadorxs que veían ataques similares en países como Inglaterra o Suecia y pensaban que esta acá no podrían llegar, hoy en México son una realidad.”

Rabia-y-Accion-2 pdf

Rabia Y Accion: Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/No 3

Text from the zine:

“Y damos rienda suelta al numero 3 de esta publicación en apoyo al movimiento radical por la liberación animal y de la tierra “Rabia y Acción” asiendo alusión a una frase de Rod
Coronado que dice “¡si la muerte de la tierra te hace llorar, toma esas lagrimas y conviértelas en acción!””

Rabia-y-Accion-3 pdf

Riotous Incognitx #3 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine

The last periodical of a series of zines focused on green anarchy, insurrection and vegan straight edge. This is issue includes an essay about the rise of anti-speciesism in the anarchist movement, as well as some recipes for direct action.

Riotous Incognitx issue #3 pdf

Against The Police and the Prison World They Maintain

A collection of essays and communiques of anarchists attacks in different cities against police and capital.

Text from the zine:

“The police—agents of social control and pacification, army of the rich, the long arm of law and order whose purpose is to instill fear and submission—are fundamentally enemies of any individual who wants to escape from predetermined roles and live a life of freedom and creative-destruction. Cops literally put people in cages; they also convince many to live in cages of their own, made out of fear. As such, an attack (quite different from a military operation) against the police is an essential part of the destruction of a world that is imposd upon us.”

Against The Police and The Prison World They Maintain pdf

Beyond the “Movement” – Anarchy!

Text from back cover:

“The collectivist message of The Coming Insurrection has little in common with insurrectional anarchy: the revolutionary theory flowing from the individual’s passionate uprising to appropriate the fullness of life for themselves, attacking all that controls and exploits, finding commonalities and affinities with others from which spring the real commune – the friends and accomplices of the guerrilla war against the totality of authoritarian society. Their insurrection may be coming, mine has come, it is an individual revolt. With no sovereign systems of morality, theory, principles or social abstractions standing above the singular individual, the nihilist­ anarchist attacks all systems, including identity and ideology systems, as obstacles to our self­ realisation. The struggle is against not only the domination of controlling social organisation and widespread tranquilisation, but also against inherited repressive programming and the force of daily life, and so our struggle is a constant tension where what we must destroy and transcend is much more obvious than where we might end up.”

Beyond The Movement_Anarchy! pdf

Complices No Aliades

“Esta provocación está planteada para intervenir en parte de las tensiones actuales alrededor de la solidaridad/trabajo de apoyo al ser las trayectorias actuales, desde mi perspectiva, contra-liberadoras. Agradecimientos especiales a DS En Phoenix por las conversaciones que han conducido a este zine, y a todes aquelles que aportaron comentarios/preguntas/discrepancias. No interpretéis esto como para “aliades blanques jóvenes de clase media”, sólo para activistas pagades, activistas sin ánimo de lucro, o como une amigue dijo, “anarquistas o estudiantes que han empobrecido”. Hay muches supuestes “aliades” en la lucha por los derechos de les migrantes que apoyan una “amplia reforma de la inmigración” la cual impulsa la militarización de las tierras indígenas.”

complices no aliades pdf

“Eternal War On The Hitler Youth”: The Edelweiss Pirates 1938-1945

Text from the zine:

“Thousands of young people declined to take part in the activities of the Hitler Youth and instead formed groups and gangs hostile to the Nazis. From 1938, until the destruction of the Nazi state, the authorities (especially the Hitler Youth, the police and the Gestapo) became increasingly concerned about the attitudes and activities of ‘gangs’ of working class youths who were collectively known as ‘Edelweiss Pirates’. The activities of these groups encompassed a whole range of resistance to the regime (absenteeism from work and school, graffiti, illegal leaflets, arguing with authority figures, industrial sabotage and physical violence). One Edelweiss slogan was “Eternal war on the Hitler Youth”. Attacking Hitler Youth hiking and camping groups in the countryside end Hitler Youth patrols and Nazi dignitaries in the towns and cities was a favored activity of Edelweiss Pirate groups.”

Edelweiss Pirates pdf

Communization: The Senile Decay of Anarchy by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire Imprisoned Members

Text from back cover:

“Anarchy, however, demands the organization of the new anarchist urban guerrilla, if we don’t want it to degenerate into a meaningless poetic chatter, doomed to be followed by the alternative integration in the system. Concepts that are not armed, like anarchist individualism, nihilism end up being harmless words in the mouths of even more harmless individuals who confuse anarcho-nihilism with the subculture of “antisocial lifestyle”. Anarcho-nihilism combines the propaganda of words with the propaganda of shootings, fire, dynamite. Its dynamic is forged on the anvil of actions where consciousness and experience meet in a never ending dance and not in the keyboards of the digital world of nothing.”

Communization-Decay-of-Anarchy pdf

Creative Destruction #1

Text from the zine:

“The condos, specialty boutiques, and silver spoon bohemians invading our neighborhoods aren’t some neutral, benign process of inevitable “growth.” Gentrification is driven by wealthy developers, investors, and professional politicians, in the interest of power and profit. For poor and working class people, this process means skyrocketing rents, abusive landlords, more cops, overpriced yuppie shops, cuts to services, and the displacement of long established working class residents and shops. These are the local manifestations of advanced capitalism. And these greedy fuckers don’t speak the language of polite lobbying or moral persuasion.

Time to make the streets unsafe again! Not just for the sake of being an asshole, but because we refuse to be pushed out of our neighborhoods – forced to live in some distant periphery where the rents are affordable, but community and services are scarce. Gentrification is fucking violence,and some self defense is in order. Whether it’s repeatedly smashing the windows of yuppie businesses we hate; class-hatred motivated muggings; burning down the construction site down the block; or smashing up luxury cars with their drivers still in them – we need to make our neighborhoods a liability for capital while maintaining a sense of community and solidarity amongst ourselves. Who are “we” ?! – The fucked over, the poor, the racialized, the welfare recipients, the single mothers, the consumer survivors, the drug users, the undocumented, the disabled, the queer, and the angry. Let’s find each other and take back what’s rightfully ours!”

creative_destruction1 pdf

Fragment: Violence

From back cover:

“Outside of the UK many of the comrades have a much closer relationship to “violence” and “criminality” through bank robberies, organising attacks, fierce demos, stealing, fraud, counterfeiting etc. and added to that possibility the experience of clandestinity or living underground. Illegalism is the bread of the insurrection. Many have gone to prison already and we can learn about their cases in many places. In the UK there is a widespread lack of experience concerning the organisation of the attack, the recognition of the ideas and relationships of the affinity groups to the “criminal acts”. Going beyond the law is part of developing the anarchist-insurrectional project and this is part of the reason why the civil anarchists despise and neglect the cases of the imprisoned and fugitive comrades- because they reject their actions, the tendencies of attack and the global discourse of anarchists of praxis. Individual acts of violence/negation which are not approved by their group-think are regarded as part of the “criminal” or “terrorist” sphere and smeared as provocations. In this way, the civil anarchists become part of the discourse of power and compose themselves as a sector of repression.”

Fragment_Violence pdf

INSURGENCY: An Anarchist Journal of Total Destruction

This (long awaited) zine contains a few action reports and a collection of essays written from a post-left anarchist perspective. Topics include insurrectionary anarchy, queer nihilism, veganism, individualism, nihilist anarchy and anti-civilization.

Insurgency_An Anarchist Journal of Total Destruction pdf

Lions in the Brush: On the Anatomy and Guidelines of Cell Structured Resistance

From back cover:

“There are two types of cells, sleeper cells and phantom cells. The sleeper cell consists of one lone wolf individual; the phantom cell however is made of no more than 2-5 individuals. Anything beyond 5 members risks falling into the same pitfalls as the organization, and begins to lose its solidity and causes it to be more vulnerable to infiltration, thus compromising its effectiveness. More importantly, cell structure differs from the organization in that, if one cell is taken out and/or compromised, it remains physically impossible for that to have any effect on any other cell. If we drew one big circle or pyramid (the organization), imagine if it only took one pin to stick into the organization block to destroy it. In the case of cell structure, the only way to destroy the cells would be to pin them each one by one, which means you would need to first locate and identify each and every one, and pick them off individually. The chance of successfully identifying all of those unknown numbers of underground cells is usually quite small. This is what gives cell structured resistance its near invincibility.”

Lions in the Brush_On the Anatomy and Guidelines of Cell Structured Resistance pdf

Manifesto Against Schools by Armeanio Lewis

From back cover:

“After being expelled I rushed home to write this essay. I didn’t think, I just wrote. I wrote how I was feeling, what I was thinking. I was nothing but a pure-being of anger and hatred. Arguably, I still am, but for this essay to really make sense, you must know this information. It may seem like the ramblings of an angry teenager, and technically it is. However, this essay caused a ruckus. Shortly after the publishing of this essay, 15 ARMATARK Trucks, the company that supplies school lunches and prison lunches, were sabotaged. Their tires slashed, and bleach poured into their engines. No news reported this, other than a communique found around schools in Portland. Shortly after that, an entire condo complex was burned to the ground. This fire was the biggest fire seen in Portland, and everything was torched. A claim was made, by Students For Insurrection (SFI for short). They declared they would not stop, and they didn’t.”

Manifesto Against Schools pdf

Mapping the Fire: International Words of Solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Text from the zine:

“The following texts were translated and edited by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and by the comrades of Contra Info. We warmly thank them therefore, as well as the comrades A,M and E who contributed decisively in the handling of this attempt. Finally we greet the Chilean comrades from Entropia Ediciones for the version in Chile, and the comrades of Actforfreedomnow, boubour(A)s and 325 for the version in English.”

“They might have imprisoned our bodies but not our ideas, beliefs and values, which will continue to escape through various projects of insubordination. One of these projects is the creation of “Black International” editions, which are supported by us, the imprisoned members of the Anarchist Revolutionary Organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and from certain comrades who every day, every moment, embody practically the value of SOLIDARITY.”

mapping-the-fire_black-international pdf

Nihilist Anarchy, Insurrection, & Anti-Civilization

Text from back cover:

“The total liberation that I am speaking about could be nothing less than aggressive and in total conflict with the existent. The earth and the non­human animals as well as the human animals are parts of chaos. I am a nihilist and I see myself as an individuality inside the entire physical environment away from anthropocentric societies as the cities. Cities are prisons made by society and normality and must be torn down. Without the physical environment there would be no life. But without the cities there would still be life besides the changes this might involve that will occur, and i reject all views that state life is only viable within cities and civilization. So we should connect the struggle for liberation of our ego from every chain, with total liberation which goes beyond the destruction of the state and delves deep into the search of the destruction of anthropocentrism and civilization as two well hidden major ghosts, chains and ideologies.”

Nihilist Anarchy, Insurrection and Anti-Civilization pdf

The Phoenix Project: Initiatives of Combative Anarchy, 2013-2014

A collection of the first 14 communiqués of the Phoenix Project, an anarchist initiative of informal attacks against power.

Text from this zine:

“For us, there is no middle ground. They who declare openly their anarchist intentions are facing a decisive dilemma, to either act or give up anarchy forever. There can never be anarchy at the rear of coffee shops and gossiping… Either act or shut up…”

The Phoenix Project Iniatives of Combative Anarchy pdf

War Against The Machines! By Gianluca Iacovacci

Gianluca Iacovacci is an eco-anarchist, who served 4 years for a string of sabotages.

Text from back:

“The technological race is financed by hi­tech companies such as Amazon, Apple, Samsung, Sony etc., which unscrupulously feed the market with computers, bio­computers and devices, all useless stuff producing imbecility, good for mass control and statistics, responsible for the polluting extraction of minerals used in the fabrication of circuits; the very circuits that at a later stage and in an absurd consumerist cycle will be dismantled with bare hands and the help of acids in China, Ghana, Vietnam and India; even by children whose little hands are particularly fit for the purposes. Is it worth having smart­phones, tablets, Iphones and other weird devices?

Thanks to various international trade treaties and the support of banks, the IMF, the WTO and the like, multinationals move their tentacles to control the global market. Some examples: intensive food production and one­crop plantations (Monsanto, Nestlé, Bayer, Novartis, genetically modified seeds); the pharmaceutical industry and the production and testing of medicines, psychotropic drugs and vaccines (on humans and animals); the
meat industry which causes mass extermination and the spreading of viral diseases, consumes tons of water, thousands of hectares of forest and soil for the production of animal feed destined to fatten segregated animals; a third of those cereals would be enough to feed half of the human population, but it must be clear that the transformation of animals into ‘products’ is due to consumer demand.

Now we can discuss if anti­technology resistance is paranoid. But I think that some will share what I believe in and which made me end up in jail, and will decide autonomously how to act. Of course, in the face of these forces one could give in to cowardice, cunning and ignorance of the facts, and pretend nothing is wrong, wait for a divine sign, take refuge in one of the few uncontaminated places and live like hermits. But human nature possesses an animal instinct of conservation and defence of their habitat and the elements that give Life.”

War Against The Machines pdf

Why Break Windows by Armeanio Lewis

From back cover:

“And this is where the anarchist reaction diverges from the simple reaction. As anarchist, we take things further. We are radical, rebellious, iconoclastic, nihilistic individuals who’s only goal is the destruction of which destroys us. Capitalism, White Supremacy, Patriarchy, all of these apparatuses of domination that aim to control us, that expect us to submit. They are not met by a simple proclamation of againstness but a swift and decisive action that not only proclaims but shocks those in power. From the simple smashing of windows to the placement of a bomb or the robbing of the bank our actions are heard and felt rather than ignored and treated as everyday life.”

Why Break Windows pdf

Youth Liberation: Burn the Schools and Destroy the Media!

From back cover:

I spent 13 years being educated in the public schools, I have watched loved ones waste decades working at them, and I have even spent several years as a wage slave in the school system myself. Based on this experience, I have decided that from an anarchist point of view, and especially a green anarchist viewpoint, there is almost nothing redeeming about the experience of schooling and the public school system. Any helpful ideas and emotional support that youth get from a stray iconoclastic teacher, tutor, or counselor are completely outweighed by the nature of the educational system as a whole: a mass bureaucratic Machine of increasingly militaristic and inherently prison-­­like institutions, whose admitted purpose is to mold humans from their natural wild state into the roles of good citizens and docile workers. For anyone who claims to oppose government, authoritarianism, or hierarchy (let alone civilization) to apologize for or support the public school system is sheer hypocrisy and back­-stepping.

Youth Liberation_Burn the Schools and Destroy the Media pdf