Of Indigenous Hunters & Colonial Stereotypes: Indigenous Anarchy Against Hunting & Intoxication Culture

From back cover:

“In response to modern day hunters who call themselves “green” or “primitive” or “anti-civ anarchists”, they are an example of how humans are inherently violent, with each other and with other species, ether through war or terrorism, and they usually focus on the weaker. As for the animals, most of them don’t and can not defend themselves from the hunter. Hunting is a form of terrorism, that humans, past and present, attempt to justify as being “necessary” for survival reasons – grown men and women killing or beating the shit out of the innocent.”

Of Indigenous Hunters & Colonial Stereotypes_Indigenous Anarchy Against Hunting & Intoxication Culture pdf

Anarchy & Animal Liberation: A Journal of Wild Attack

From back cover:

“The anti-authoritarian relationship with non-human animals (and the earth) combined with clandestine attack against industrial society can be seen throughout history. Past and present, many anarchists not only maintain a vegan lifestyle as a rejection of hierarchy in their relationships to non-human animals, but also recognize the necessity for destroying civilization itself.

This zine was created with the intention of illustrating the relationship between veganism, individualist anarchy and insurrectionary attack by highlighting a few of the many groups and cells that turned anger into action.”

Anarchy & Animal Liberation_A Journal of Wild Attack pdf

Out of Civilitopia

From back cover:

“Why was caveman hunting selected for the podium, and not murder or rape or infanticide or cannibalism or causing species extinctions when there was also evidence of those in pre­history humans? When evidence of some hunting was found, why did that result in the practice of eating animals being applied to all humans going back to origins? Did the machismo leaders cherry pick a more alluring ‘killer ape’ early ancestry to justify current carnistic practices? Was it strategic that this lie also boosted the noxious ego to fuel the march toward the magical kingdom of Civilitopia?”

Out of Civilitopia pdf

Radical Mycology: An SLF Primer

Probably one of the most detailed, comprehensive guides to identifying mushrooms on the web.

Radical_Mycology pdf

An Eco-Pessimist Revolt Against Fascism

From back cover:

“I am convinced that Tarrant is not an eco­-fascist, because eco­-fascism is impossible, as fascism is civilisation epitomised and ultimately hates what is ecological and wild, which resists being tamed. Tarrant is undoubtedly a fascist, and perhaps a green­-nationalist, who might like the idea of white communities with houses covered by solar panels. There is no sincere environmentalism in his rhetoric. His green­-washing is an attempt to filter his ugliness to an audience he obviously fears the condemnation of, who he attempts to justify himself to through the text.”

An Eco-Pessimist Revolt Against Fascism pdf

Nihilist Anarchy, Insurrection, & Anti-Civilization

Text from back cover:

“The total liberation that I am speaking about could be nothing less than aggressive and in total conflict with the existent. The earth and the non­human animals as well as the human animals are parts of chaos. I am a nihilist and I see myself as an individuality inside the entire physical environment away from anthropocentric societies as the cities. Cities are prisons made by society and normality and must be torn down. Without the physical environment there would be no life. But without the cities there would still be life besides the changes this might involve that will occur, and i reject all views that state life is only viable within cities and civilization. So we should connect the struggle for liberation of our ego from every chain, with total liberation which goes beyond the destruction of the state and delves deep into the search of the destruction of anthropocentrism and civilization as two well hidden major ghosts, chains and ideologies.”

Nihilist Anarchy, Insurrection and Anti-Civilization pdf

Tearing Down the Prison of Civilization

From back cover:

“Industrial civilization demolishes every form of life in its way, its activities spread mainly in the so called “underdeveloped” countries in which its creation will return under the form of tons of garbage. Deforestation, nitrates in seas and rivers and methane in the air are some things of which the meat industry grants to life. The mass imprisonment and murders of animals as much as biotechnology that experiments on them for the creation of more efficient organisms, verify the ultimate domination over living beings. The mining activities drain the Earth and pollute everything around them. On the other hand the endo-authoritative competition for control of energy presage the new bloodshed on the planet at the time when the resources will be increasingly depleted.

For us, chaos is the negation of every monolithic reality, every dogma, every exaltation. The monolithism of every standard imposes the classification of everything that surrounds it and its hetero-determination. The compass of chaos is this that leads to the infinite possibilities of life liberated from authoritative relations. Chaos and anarchy are inextricably connected inside the journey towards the unknown of possibilities, where each moment gestates its own surprise. The constant insurrection, the continuous polemic against every authority, tears down the idols and everything that attempts to occupy the throne of truth.”

Tearing Down The Prison of Civilization pdf