Vegan Cooking is Easy (Recipe Zine)

So u think vegan cooking is hard? and u put difficulty over liberation & autonomy for ALL?! thats fucked up. here’s some easy recipes you can try instead, now that ur vegan ofc.

Vegan Cooking is Easy pdf

Edible, Medicinal and Utilitarian Plants: Weeds and Common Plants

Text from the zine:

“For hundreds of thousands of years, we crafty human beings have been using plants with great efficacy to feed and heal ourselves, and to fashion tools in various forms. Despite this, as urban (civilized) humans have become further and further removed from their landbases, the knowledge of edible and utilitarian wild plants has become nearly extinct, and the belief that plants are useless as medicine has become commonplace. Such ignorance- disturbingly universal and constantly perpetuated by Western industry and
science- is unforgivable and easily remedied. With that in mind, this zine is the first in a series of publications written to inspire anarchists and non-radical folks alike to reconnect
with the amazing world of plants. Hopefully, upon reading this and subsequent works, the reader will never again look down upon that dandelion breaking through the concrete as a mere weed, or the clover and mallow overtaking grass lawns as nuisances.”

Edible, Medicinal, and Utilitarian Plants pdf

Primitive Toothcare: A DIY Guide to Uncivilized Oral Hygiene

Text from the zine:

“The omnipresence of cavities wherever the heinous putrefaction of Western Civ has reached has given rise to the dental profession. Dentistry is fucked up for too many reasons to list here. It has all the problems and inconsistencies inherent in every trade that requires intense specialization and professional schooling. Like every medical profession, it is disempowering in its attitude toward and treatment of the uneducated, the impoverished, and the unprofessional. It is unforgivably wasteful, and thrives on and upholds this throw-away culture. Also like every other medical profession, dentistry acts as a pimp to a whole catalog of nefarious industrial products manufactured by the big corporations that control the dental world.”

Primitive Toothcare pdf