From back cover:
“…But I am also a vegan, not because I wish to limit my consumption of animals but because I desire to expand it! I still consume animals, but not as food, not as mere commodities alienated from me by capitalist production and given silly nicknames, such as ‘pork’ and ‘beef’, in order to distract whatever conscience they falsely believe that I am possessed by. I devour animals as individuals; no longer tethered to the service of Man, I am free to act without his prejudices, so I no longer refuse to look at the lesser animals, but instead gaze upon them, scanning every detail and making frequent observations, to see what pleasures I can take from them! I now take pleasure in the pleasure of animals, not because I am doing what is ‘right’, but because I seize their joy for myself and make it my property; I milk delight from the freed cattle, leaping gleefully through the fields of the sanctuary; I crack open the contentedness of the chicken as it pecks seeds from my hand; a pampered dog, descendant of a once ferocious wolf, and I devour hungrily the companionship that we share together. Animals can offer me many things that other ‘humans’ can not; new ways of communicating, of perceiving the world around me; the unique, aesthetic pleasure of their appearance, especially the details that one only notices with familiarity, and the mystery, intrigue and exciting unexpectedness of beings so morphologically and genetically different from myself! Just as a plate with greater variety is far more delicious, relationships with a greater diversity of beings is far more delectable for me and I will not limit myself to consuming only relations with Man!”
Of Diets & Morality_A Vegan Egoist Perspective pdf