Grotesque & Tranquility: A Queer Nihilist’s Compilation of Poetry

From back cover:

“Vega is a southern born west coast anarcho-nihilist. Their identity is found in subtle notes throughout their prose. Being a constructed element of self, their identity has been constructed through a warped vision of what’s in front of you momentarily. Nothing written can capture that which is Vega, so nothing written will really do. If you knew them you would know. And that’s all there is. One might label them as disabled or a drug user. Another might label them as another construct to convey emotion. What resonates here is what matters. Leave the rest for someone else.”

Grotesque and Tranquility_A Queer Nihilists Compilation of Poetry pdf

I Am Not Broken: Anarcho-Nihilist Disability & Survival Against Industrial Society

From back cover:

“My job couldn’t kill me, it could only tear me down to place me on a path of healing, a path to helping others through their struggles as I was able to work through mine. The pain is not an easy companion but it’s a constant reminder to look after myself and to look after others. This world is a dark, isolating place but I serve as a reminder that we can make it through our darkest times, that a flickering flame may well be the spark that lights industry aflame. We are not weak, only prisoner of the illusion of weakness. If we refuse to crumble under the immense pressures of this world we may cast light into the shadows, bearing witness to transformation and casting aside despair.”

I Am Not Broken_Anarcho Nihilist Disability and Survival Against Industrial Society pdf

Against All Odds: Abolishing Gender, Abolishing Poetry

Text from the zine:

“Because of our misplaced desire to find ourselves within societies society, poets become absurdly competitive. Invoking abstract concepts of authenticity to either validate or invalidate writing. There is no valid or authentic poetics because the individual levies themselves against the poem every time a new poem is written or read. Everything is relational…stemming from the individual as the original point of relation. It is through individuality that poetry must be practiced, not through institution. But we also must recognize that our understanding of ourselves is produced within the context of a complicated network of power relations. To properly read we should reject self and poetry as simply “too relational.” My queerness does not make queer poems or queer readers. My identity does not create poems. I create poems. Quite plainly put, the attempt to compartmentalize the author into a palatable and packable product which the institutions of poetry can sell, does a disservice to the understanding of self and of poetry. Self in relation to poetry. Self about poetry.”

Against All Odds pdf

Against Gender Against Society

Text from the zine:

“We must turn against society itself. Gender is a war against all of us, and for those who desire freedom, nothing short of the total eradication of gender will suffice. To those of us who wish to remove all the walls between each other instead of being alienated from each other (and ourselves) because of groupings we never chose, to those of us that wish to access all our potential doings, our potential to become anything instead of pacing within the limits of genders we know to be inadequate, we say: let’s destroy society, let’s destroy gender.”

Against Gender Against Society pdf

An Insurrectional Practice Against Gender: Considerations on Resonance, Memory, and Attack

Text from back cover:

“There are certain practices that exist in the ways in which self-proclaimed “radical trans” people and “anarcha-feminists” of certain activist subcultures have set into motion in response to the question of gender. These include consent zines/workshops, “trans 101”s, and call-outs of “fucked up” behavior internal to their subculture, in addition to dance parties and orgies. There is certainly nothing inherently *wrong* with any of these things, but if we take seriously the notion that we must destroy gender and all social relations of this society, there is clearly something lacking in the practice which only challenges gender at a level of language use and subcultural dynamics. If we abandon the leftist- activist model and accept the charge that “revolutionary movements do not spread by contamination, but by resonance” and writing that has further elaborated this thesis of an insurrectional music, we come to an understanding that there are at the very least a number of problems with thinking that these isolated methods alone could build a force to destroy gender.”

An Insurrectional Practice Against Gender pdf

Criminal Intimacy

Text from back cover:

“We do not offer ‘criminal’ or ‘queer’ as identities, nor as categories. Criminality. Queerness. These are tools for revolt against identity and category. These are our lines of flight out of all restraint. We are in conflict with all that restricts every and each desire. We are becoming whatever. Our sole commonality is our hatred for everything that exists. Held in common, such a revolt of desire can never be assimilated into the state­-form.”

Criminal Intimacy pdf


QUEER FIRE: The George Jackson Brigade, Men Against Sexism, and Gay Struggle Against Prison

A collection of histories, speeches, and interviews with members of The George Jackson Brigade and Men Against Sexism. These stories give inspiration for the multiform queer struggle against prison, capitalism, and the state.

queer-fire pdf

Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries

Text from the zine:

“It seems obvious that the study of history is a necessary element of continued war against the present world. There are tools lying in every failed insurrection, every temporarily-established zone of free play, every campaign of sabotage that ended in a jail cell or shootout. To ignore these lessons is to forfeit valuable weaponry and strategic insight. History is a weapon.”

STAR Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries pdf

To Destroy Sexuality

Text from the zine:

“Of course, we realize how many obstacles we have to overcome to make our aspirations into something more than the dreams of a small and marginal minority. We are keenly aware that liberating the body for sensual, sexual, affective, and ecstatic relationships is inseparably linked to liberating women and destroying male dominance and role models – especially sexual role models. It is likewise linked to destroying all forms of oppression and “normality.”

“We want to be rid of all roles and identities based on the phallus. We want to be rid of sexual segregation. We want to be rid of the categories of man and woman, gay and straight, possessor and possessed, greater and lesser, master and slave. We want instead to be transsexual, autonomous, mobile, and multiple human beings with varying differences who can interchange desires, gratifications, ecstasies, and tender emotions without referring back to tables of surplus value or power structures that aren’t already in the rules of the game.”

to-destroy-sexuality pdf

Toward the Queerest Insurrection

Text from the zine:

“Some will read “queer” as synonymous with “gay and lesbian” or “LGBT.” This reading falls short. While those who would fit within the constructions of “L”, “G”, “B”, or “T” could fall within the discursive limits of queer, queer is not a stable area to inhabit. Queer is not merely another identity that can be tacked onto a list of neat social categories, nor the quantitative sum of our identities. Rather, it is the qualitative position of opposition to presentations of stability—an identity that problematizes the manageable limits of identity. Queer is a territory of tension, defined against the dominant narrative of white-hetero monogamous-patriarchy, but also by an affinity with all who are marginalized, otherized, and oppressed. Queer is the abnormal, the strange, the dangerous. Queer involves our sexuality and our gender, but so much more. It is our desire and fantasies and more still. Queer is the cohesion of everything in conflict with the heterosexual capitalist world. Queer is a total rejection of the regime of the Normal.”

Toward the Queerest Insurrection pdf

Queer Ultraviolence (Spanish version)

La collección que sigue comprende varios ensayos y comunicados de la monstruosidad conocida como Bash Back! Estas selecciones sirven como un destello a lo que será una antologia más completa que pronto será publicada por QI (Queer Internacional).

QI es un proyecto que se dedica a la publicación de textos queer-insurrecionales de todo el mundo. Esta sociedad nos llena de ira, y para nosotrxs no hay ninguna otra opción menos su aniquilamiento.

Queer Ultraviolence Spanish pdf

Hacia La Liberacion Total: Vegan Queer Edge Anarquista

Un fanzine que recopila dos textos acerca de la relación entre la lucha anarquista, la liberación animal, la cultura Straight Edge y el rechazo al consumo de drogas, y la lucha de las personas de género variante y de les disidentes sexuales.

Gracias a Distri Afecto por su trabajo de traducción y edición, y por compartirlo.

hacia la liberacion total xvx pdf


Towards A Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle

This edition of “Towards a Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle” by Nick Riotfag was reprinted in 2014 by Sprout Distro. This edition features the revised
text along with an afterward that appeared in the book, Sober Living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics .

Text from the zine:

“This zine is an ongoing project I’ve been writing in my head and on paper for several years now. Since I decided to become permanently sober several years ago, I’ve constantly struggled to find safe spaces; I hoped that when I started to become a part of radical, activist, and anarchist communities, that I would find folks who shared or at least respected my convictions. Instead, I found a painful paradox: radical scenes that were so welcoming and affirming in many ways, yet incredibly inflexible and unsupportive around my desire to be in sober spaces.”

towards_a_less_fucked_up_world pdf

My Edge is Anything but Straight: Towards A Radical Queer Critique of Intoxication Culture

Text from the zine:

“I’ve been intentionally sober ever since I first started going to punk shows when I was 14 or 15, and have always thought about my sobriety not just as a personal preference but as a social and political statement. I’ve always felt ambivalent towards sXe identity, though, a major reason being that I also identify strongly as queer. It’s not that I think the two identities are necessarily incompatible, but they seem to have an uncomfortable relationship. On the one hand, I haven’t felt much space to be my queer self in most punk/hardcore scenes, and the hyper-masculine reputation of sXe definitely turns me off. On the other hand, I’ve faced a lot of exclusion within queer scenes for my sobriety. With this article I’m attempting to reconcile these parts of myself, wondering how I might hold on to the edge while leaving behind the straight. I hope that it will provoke conversation and debate about drugs, alcohol, queer communities, sXe, radical politics, and about how we can transform our society.”

Towards A Radical Queer Critique Of Intoxication Culture pdf

Riotous Incognitx #1 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zin

This is the first issue of a short series of queer, vegan straight edge, green anarchist insurrectionary zines. This issue includes an interview with Sprout Distro, xBalaclavax (xvx hip-hop from brazil), as well as essays on the indigenous struggle against alcohol with “The Battle of White KKKlay”, and green anarchy.

Riotous Incognitx Issue #1 pdf

Riotous Incognitx #2 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine

The second issue of a series of zines focused on queer, vegan straight edge insurrectionary anarchy. This issues discusses being a straight edge queer of color, insurrectionary anarchy and prisoner support.

Riotous Incognitx issue #2 pdf

Riotous Incognitx #3 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine

The last periodical of a series of zines focused on green anarchy, insurrection and vegan straight edge. This is issue includes an essay about the rise of anti-speciesism in the anarchist movement, as well as some recipes for direct action.

Riotous Incognitx issue #3 pdf