Vegan Wild: An International Anarchist Journal of Total Liberation (multi-language version)

From back cover:

“Esta revista contiene una colección de textos veganos aportados por anarconihilistas de todo el mundo. Después de mantener conversaciones sobre nihilismo, anarquía antiespecismo y veganismo, todxs lxs autorxs de estos textos hemos decidido recopilar nuestros escritos en un fanzine multilingüe no sólo como expresión de solidaridad global, sino también como una forma de hacer accesibles al mundo las ideas anarquistas antiespecistas. Estas palabras, escritas con el rechazo a ser silenciadas por las leyes y los muros de las prisiones, representan un fuego salvaje que arde a través de las fronteras hacia cada ciudad…

Viva la liberación total”

(English translation)

This journal contains within a collection of vegan texts contributed by anarcho-nihilists from across the globe. After having conversations about nihilism, anti-civ anarchy and veganism, we, the authors of these texts have all decided to compile our writing into a multi-language zine not only as an expression of global solidarity, but also as a way to make anti-speciesist anarchist ideas accessible to the world. These words, written with the refusal to be silenced by laws and prison walls, represent a wildfire that burns through borders toward every city….

Long live total liberation!

Vegan Wild_An International Anarchist Journal of Total Liberation pdf

More Than Just a Diet: A Conversation Between Warzone Distro & the Susaron 4

From back Cover:

“…precisely what strongly motivated our actions as a group, was the dissemination of that message, somewhat diluted by time: The war against existence from an anarcho-nihilist perspective, fervently anti-speciesist and straight edge. Which to our taste fulfilled its purpose, since these discussions happened again as a result of the action and our subsequent arrest. And consequently; constant elaboration of propaganda material referring to our ideological thinking. Which gives us the desire to refloat within future generations these incendiary ideas, which have no intention of making peace or negotiation with the enemy. Be it the animal exploitation industry or any other authority that may seek to impose itself on us…

…Regarding the straight edge concept; we have always seen as essential the care of our body as a temple and as a channel of direct confrontation. And likewise refusing the brutal control exercised by the state and its tentacles through drugs. Ruining entire generations of rebels because of it. And it does not fit in our concept of opposition to all exploitation and apparatus of domination, that by our own complacency and mental weakness we are subjugated through substances made to appease the discontent and collapse. And as anarchic-nihilists we understand our body and mind as the only thing we own and our main weapon.

…many generations of young insurrectionists have been lost in the mental and physical deterioration generated by the web of drugs and their slow and camouflaged intrusion into the lives of those who begin to consume them, especially individuals prone to depression. This dramatically undermines the power of resistance movements that require people committed and prepared for the challenges involved in fighting such a giant and finely tuned machine as the reigning structure of domination.”

More Than Just A Diet_Interview With the Susaron 4 pdf

Burning the Borders: Total Liberation & Individualist, Nihilist Perspectives Within the Colonized Territory Known as Mexico

This interview between Warzone Distro & Guta – one of the  organizers of EININPAACF or Encuentro Internacional de Practicas Anarquicas y Antiauthoritarias Contra las Fronteras, which in english translates to annual international gathering of anarchist and anti-authoritarian practices against borders – took place a few days before and after the event. This event which took place January 25 – 27 in Tijuana, Mexico, reflects a new emergence of individualist, anarcho-nihilist perspectives influenced not only by the current techno-industrial world in general, but also by the perceived failings of leftism experienced by anarchists living in so-called mexico.

Burning the Borders_Total Liberation & Individualist, Nihilist Perspectives Within the Colonized Territory Known as Mexico pdf

Nihilist Pragmatism

From back cover:
Y’all Gen Z nihilist bitches like to think that the world is doomed, well fuckin act like it!

done with waiting.
done with leftists
done with elections
done with revolution
done with paying 4 shit
done with school
done with work

Nihilist Pragmatism pdf

Class War is Outdated

From back cover:

“Imagine, moreover, if all these protesters and indignant people were satisfied in terms of wages and regained the bourgeois dream of a country house, two cars and four televisions at the sole price of the ever-increasing impoverishment of immigrants, how quickly they would return to their comfortable couch…

…economic poverty is often not conducive to the prospect of anarchist liberation. It is no coincidence that in the past some of the fascist and totalitarian regimes were established on poverty and economic deprivation, after having presented themselves as the solution of salvation and exit from the crisis. Indeed, the impoverished masses often saw Hitler or Mussolini as their redeeming leaders. After all, it was ‘the poor people’ themselves who brought these scumbags to power through elections. This is because for someone who is financially desperate, usually his priority is to save by any means the basic necessities of life.

He is not in the mood to consider that there is a different life proposition that is not ruled by inequality and exploitation. What he is concerned with is a proposal or at least a promise that will now get him out of his impasse.”

Class War is Outdated pdf

Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st Century

From back cover:

“Socialism will continue to have its adherents, who are attracted to its perspective of history, its democratic perspective of inclusion and participation, and its apparent dominance in the field of social contestation. Its criticism of Nihilism begins with the position of deep revulsion at its a-humanist perspective and practice. If we were to review the history of Socialism, we would see that a rejection of humanism is not necessary to inflict involuntary horrors upon real living people. If there is a lesson to take from the Soviet Union, The People’s Republic of China, or the Khmer Rouge it is that good intentions, and the practice of historical materialism, can stack up the bodies as well as the systems they would oppose.

What Nihilism provides then is an alternative to the alternative that does not embed an idealist image of the new world it would create. It is not an Idealist project. Nihilism states that it is not useful to talk about the society you ‘hold in your stomach’, the things you would do ‘if only you got power’, or the vision that you believe that we all share. What is useful is the negation of the existing world. Nihilism is the political philosophy that begins with the negation of this world. What exists beyond those gates has yet to be written.”

Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st Century pdf

Grotesque & Tranquility: A Queer Nihilist’s Compilation of Poetry

From back cover:

“Vega is a southern born west coast anarcho-nihilist. Their identity is found in subtle notes throughout their prose. Being a constructed element of self, their identity has been constructed through a warped vision of what’s in front of you momentarily. Nothing written can capture that which is Vega, so nothing written will really do. If you knew them you would know. And that’s all there is. One might label them as disabled or a drug user. Another might label them as another construct to convey emotion. What resonates here is what matters. Leave the rest for someone else.”

Grotesque and Tranquility_A Queer Nihilists Compilation of Poetry pdf

I Am Not Broken: Anarcho-Nihilist Disability & Survival Against Industrial Society

From back cover:

“My job couldn’t kill me, it could only tear me down to place me on a path of healing, a path to helping others through their struggles as I was able to work through mine. The pain is not an easy companion but it’s a constant reminder to look after myself and to look after others. This world is a dark, isolating place but I serve as a reminder that we can make it through our darkest times, that a flickering flame may well be the spark that lights industry aflame. We are not weak, only prisoner of the illusion of weakness. If we refuse to crumble under the immense pressures of this world we may cast light into the shadows, bearing witness to transformation and casting aside despair.”

I Am Not Broken_Anarcho Nihilist Disability and Survival Against Industrial Society pdf

A Feral Life: One Last Nihilist Exposition

“Speaking of changes, lately I’ve begun imagining expressing my ideas and thoughts with more face to face interactions rather than through the medium of writing. I could surely do both, and have been for quite some time. But as I write this, I feel I have reached a point in my life where I am finding the activity of writing these texts as limiting as the very words themselves. It is fun and easy to do during the winter, or spontaneously during or after exciting experiences at riots, etc. But I think I am ready to shift my focus onto something else.

Over the years, I have made many accomplices and enemies with the circulation of my writing – these literary expressions of my thoughts, experiences, and ideas. And I am deeply moved by the kind things many of you have said – as well as the awful things too! Maybe I will pick up writing again if the desire overcomes my hesitation to open a computer and type in a coffee shop, or in a notepad under a bridge while waiting for a train, or during or after a riot – or even after an exhilarating heist! Maybe I will write again from within the confines of a prison cell – because really though, let’s be honest, how much damage to this industrial leviathan can one really do within the limitations of legality? How much freedom can one really reclaim without provoking those who benefit from enslavement? (But of course, I’ll do my best not to get caught!)

So to the readers of my writing, I bid you a literary farewell! If my writing has inspired you to think differently, it is only because you had the courage to read something unfamiliar to you in the first place. If any of my writing has encouraged you to live more freely, it was only because you possessed the power to reclaim your life and live on your own terms. On paper, I am Just an idea that you read aloud in your head with your own voice.”

A Feral Life_One Last Nihilist Exposition pdf

Oblivion: Anarchy & the Collapse of Industrial Civilization

From back cover:

“Of course, regardless of how myself or anyone else feels about industrial collapse, and whether or not people want to believe we can either prevent or accelerate it, industrial collapse is already happening, and has been for quite some time. Perhaps the reason why it’s gone unnoticed is either due to denial, or because the rate at which it’s collapsing doesn’t resemble a single, crumbling tower that quickly turns into ash and smoke. That is because something as large and socially complex as industrial society doesn’t break down all at once, but instead decomposes at different points and at different times. It is commonly understood as collapse due to an acknowledgement that as the natural resources needed to sustain industrial society are depleted, the points of decomposition break down beyond repair.”

“I can imagine a couple possible reasons why industrial collapse doesn’t cross the minds of many. One reason could be the socialized mentality of immortality driven by human supremacist arrogance. There are many people today – including leftists – who continue to put faith in science and technology as the saviors of life, and as a primary response to ecological disasters. At the root of this unwaivering faith is a refusal to acknowledge how science and technology have re-defined life by securing human-centric control over the wild. Science and technology, regardless of their greening continue to be the alphabet of industrialization – expanding power and influence through a language of increased alienation and ecological extinction. From military empowerment through the expansive production of weapons of mass destruction, to the tireless gaze of increased State surveilance over the population, science and technology never sleep. And as industrialization continues to absorb what remains of the wild world, the relationship to wildness erodes on both an individual and societal level.”

Oblivion_Anarchy & the Collapse of Industrial Civilization pdf

Fuck Around and Find Out: An Obituary for Victimhood

“Here, I reflect on a specific memory that involves physical abuse and sexual assault…

…after years of accumulated anger and despair, something changed. The line between life and death blurred as I stood up holding a chair over my head and screamed incoherently at a man who, for years, used my body for both sexual assault and various forms of corporal punishment. This man, who was supposed to be my father figure, my role model, my trusted best friend, slowly backed away. Today was the day he lost all power and control over me. For the first time there was fear in HIS eyes instead of mine, and years of childhood mental and physical abuse would cease forever.

It wasn’t until I became aware of my own violent potential that I experienced freedom. Despite being much smaller and weaker, I was no longer afraid. A new confidence had consumed me – one that could never be inspired by the protection of my Family, Community, or the State. Even the threat of imprisonment couldn’t subdue this deranged exhilaration. I waited. I waited for him to try again. I watched him poison himself with the usual gin, brandy, and beer combination, waiting for his drunken wrath to return. But it never did. My abandonment of victimhood hadn’t gone unnoticed. Almost as if he could smell his own pool of blood from an impending ambush attack in the night. The future was written. He was lucky to still be alive – and seemingly had no intentions on taking that gamble.”

Fuck Around and Find Out_An Obituary for Victimhood pdf


Toward Terra Incognita: A Critical Look at Cultural Essentialism, Nationalism, and Body Policing

“I feel nationalism has escaped the grave long enough. With this text I seek to instigate and encourage an anti-authoritarian flame that once and for all sets fire to its anarcho-confused, stumbling corpse. I also encourage anarchists to question the notion of any said thing belonging exclusively to any said culture, to question the notion that every individual identifying with said culture claims to own it, and to question the authority of whoever it is making universal claims on behalf of others in the first place.

I say normalize dreadlocks across all racial categories; rebel against work – especially the type of work that seeks to conform us to beauty standards of marketing and production! I say dismantle white supremacy by making whiteness as insubordinate to colonial order as every black and brown youth who light up precincts like bonfires to freedom!

I propose an anarchy that moves beyond the politics of embracing assigned identity, toward de-territorializing one’s body and destroying identity-based occupation all together. At the intersection of anti-colonial and anti-authoritarian praxis is a nihilist critique of any and all cultural ownership of one’s body, becoming a dangerous space of terra incognita.”

Toward Terra Incognita_A Critical Look at Cultural Essentialism, Nationalism, and Body Policing pdf

The Match Consumed: A Condensed Reading of “Blessed is the Flame”

“A few months ago a comrade and I decided to take on the task of creating a condensed version of blessed is the flame. This was in response to a vast misunderstanding and fash-jacketing of those who post content on nihilist thought. This task turned out to be more difficult than we imagined. Condensing 50+ pages wasn’t easy, at times it felt wrong to even omit some of the passages/stories from the book. On a particular night of working on this project the question came up of whether or not this was a disservice to all people whose stories were told in the book. But we found solace in the ‘afterthoughts’. There will never be enough paper to document all the stories of those who were imprisoned in the camps. Many of them are still relatively unknown and majority of the ones that are ended in tragedy. Most of the prisoners who resisted were met with swift death. So knowing all the tragedy and suffering that happened how did this book become so important to us? Enough for us to spend months trying to compile a shorter read for people to have access to?

Blessed was our introduction to nihilist resistance. On a summer morning in the middle of the desert it became a sacred text to us. We poured over the pages red and reread each section – the stories lit a fire under us. When you pick this up it’s our hope that you may be consumed by that same fire.

“I find it comforting that everything is so hopeless”

-Tal & Skinny”

The Match Consumed_A Condensed Reading of Blessed is the Flame pdf

Of Diets & Morality: A Vegan Egoist Perspective

From back cover:

“…But I am also a vegan, not because I wish to limit my consumption of animals but because I desire to expand it! I still consume animals, but not as food, not as mere commodities alienated from me by capitalist production and given silly nicknames, such as ‘pork’ and ‘beef’, in order to distract whatever conscience they falsely believe that I am possessed by. I devour animals as individuals; no longer tethered to the service of Man, I am free to act without his prejudices, so I no longer refuse to look at the lesser animals, but instead gaze upon them, scanning every detail and making frequent observations, to see what pleasures I can take from them! I now take pleasure in the pleasure of animals, not because I am doing what is ‘right’, but because I seize their joy for myself and make it my property; I milk delight from the freed cattle, leaping gleefully through the fields of the sanctuary; I crack open the contentedness of the chicken as it pecks seeds from my hand; a pampered dog, descendant of a once ferocious wolf, and I devour hungrily the companionship that we share together. Animals can offer me many things that other ‘humans’ can not; new ways of communicating, of perceiving the world around me; the unique, aesthetic pleasure of their appearance, especially the details that one only notices with familiarity, and the mystery, intrigue and exciting unexpectedness of beings so morphologically and genetically different from myself! Just as a plate with greater variety is far more delicious, relationships with a greater diversity of beings is far more delectable for me and I will not limit myself to consuming only relations with Man!”

Of Diets & Morality_A Vegan Egoist Perspective pdf

On Self-Love and Gun Power

From back cover:

“I remain an embodiment of insubordination, the fluidity of unbridled emotions, the nihilist poetry of a tsunami in flux. I do not sympathize with conforming to behavorial servitude in order to preserve the general peace of subordinating civility! Rather than pacify my outrage or silence my despair, I have put all of society’s shame­-on­-mes and peer pressures to rest in coffins lined up for a bonfire in my head. And during their incineration, I will look up to the stars with a smile of admiration, for they are a dazzling beauty beyond the reach of civilized governance.”

On Self-Love and Gun Powder pdf

Handful of Objections: A Response to a Proposal for Desertion

From back cover:

“An insurrectionary moment is a qualitative leap, a negation of existing social relations on a whole other level. From there ugly things can happen, beautiful things also. What has changed is our power to make things happen…

…There are those invested in the politics of insurrection, working in the tradition of the authoritarian Blanqui. An Eric Hazan and his Factory (producing theory for the aspiring intellectuals) have measures to implement, the (not so) Invisible Committee has the strategy (tested before and failed) and its (not so) Imaginary Party has the cadre (wannabe politicians) and the infrastructure (thanks to wealthy lefty benefactors). Cynical people willing to manipulate others to realize their authoritarian projects. Nothing new there. It’s up to persons with anarchist sensitivities to recognize these intentions and subvert them (if they care enough). Admittedly, a lot of the radical milieu got seduced by their mystifications….

…I concede this {Desertion} is a theory we are presented with. But more than being a “whole way of seeing” (as Bellamy defines it); a theory is based on generalizations and abstractions. At the best of times, a theory can provide us with tools to find a more conscious relation with what is surrounding us. Mostly though, theory produces crude categories that are imposed on complex beings and dynamic realities; reductions that are counter-productive to understanding. Moreover, a theory that is not understood as having its limitations and shortcomings (and thus, as being a peculiar way of seeing), but instead as forming a complete picture produces its own mystifications and idealizations.”

Handful of Objections_A Response to a Proposal for Desertion pdf

A Dagger of Feral Anarchy

From back cover:

“For me, post-left anarchy is synonymous with anti-left anarchy. The “post” in post-left anarchy does not represent a ‘new’ or evolved form of leftism – as some would claim with various contemporary anti-state communist and socialist projects. Rather I use the phrase post-left anarchy to merely express a present frame of mind distinct from a past experience of having identified and engaged with leftist thinking. And from this perspective, anti is synonymous with post because it accurately expresses the nature of my present existence – my desire for individualistic, feral freedom – as antagonistic toward the civilizing order of leftism. For me, post-left anarchy does not mean some sort of alignment or sympathy with right-wing politics – I am equally hostile toward nationalism, fascism, and all other conservative ideologies created in the name of preserving law and order. I recognize that both left and right wing ideologies are fundamentally collectivist, requiring the absorption of individual freedom in exchange for the uniformity of a republic. Both sides of the political spectrum integrate people into a binary interpretation of reality that ultimately maintains industrial society.”

A Dagger of Feral Anarchy pdf

Against The Gendered Nightmare

From back cover:

“In the past several years, the question of gender has been taken up again and again by the anarchist milieu. And still few attempts amount to much more than a rehashing of old ideas. Most positions on gender remain within the constraints of one or more of the ideologies that have failed us already, mainly Marxist feminism, a watered down eco-feminism, or some sort of liberal “queer anarchism.” Present in all of these are the same problems we’ve howled against already: identity politics, representation, gender essentialism, reformism, and reproductive futurism. While we have no interest in offering another ideology in this discourse, we imagine that an escape route could be charted by asking the question that few will ask; by setting a course straight to the secret center of gendered life which all the ideological answers take for granted. We are speaking, of course, about Civilization itself.”

(Zine cover art and booklet format by Little Mouse Fun,

Against The Gendered Nightmare pdf 

Baedan: Queers Gone Wild (An excerpt from Baedan: A Journal of Queer Nihilism issue 1)

Text from back cover:

““ If we can determine anything from our project of queer negativity, it is that capitalism has an unlimited capacity to tolerate and recuperate any alternative politics or artistic expression we could imagine. It is not a political negativity that we must locate in our queerness, but rather a vicious anti-politics which opposes any utopian dreams of a better future residing on the far side of a lifetime of sacrifice. Our queer negativity has nothing to do with art, but it has a great deal to do with urban insurrection, piracy, slave revolt: all those bodily struggles that refuse the future and pursue the irrationality of jouissance, enjoyment, rage, chaos. Ours is not the struggle for an alternative, because there is no alternative which can escape the ever-expanding horizons of capital. Instead we fight, hopeless, to tear our lives away from that expanding horizon and to erupt with wild enjoyment now. Anything less is our continued domestication to the rule of civilization.”

Baedan_Queers Gone Wild pdf

Blessed is the Flame: An Introduction to Concentration Camp Resistance and Anarcho-Nihilism

From back cover:

“Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart. Blessed is the heart with strength to stop its beating for honor’s sake.Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame.
—Hannah Senesh, Jewish partisan fighter.

(Zine cover art and booklet format by Little Mouse Fun,

Blessed is the Flame pdf

Veganism From A Nihilist and Anti-Civilization Perspective

From back cover:

“This text is aiming for the destabilization of the term veganism through moral and social, even political chains and illustrates that if it doesn’t align with a totally hostile consciousness towards the existent, then it doesn’t cease to be another hoax or delusion. That is to say if the persons using this tool have made that another morality or don’t take some risks with acts of attack (this can take many forms not only physical) or chaotic disruption then it remains mud inside the swamp where it came from.” -Archegonos

Veganism From A Nihilist and Anti-Civ Perspective pdf

Vegan Means Attack: Fomenting A Wildfire Against Speciesism and Moral Anthropocentrism

From back cover:

“There is a war to be waged against society, alongside the non-human animals who refuse domesticated subservience, and who are evicted from their homes due to mass deforestation, human development and technology. Veganism burdened by the millstone of liberalism, fails to critically acknowledge capitalist, industrial civilization itself as the massified, embodiment of anthropocentric domination. Anarchism that fails to challenge speciesism on an individual level reproduces the internalized authoritarian values of human domination. Since speciesism is pervasive in society, it is insulated and well preserved by a comforting normalization – a normalization that aids cultural indoctrination and apathy. Confrontation is necessary in unsettling the socially established comforts and moral order of non-human animal domination.”

Vegan Means Attack pdf

A is for Nihilism

This zine does not represent any “official” definition, nor a new program or political ideology. Instead it merely presents some common anarchist-nihilist ideas which encourage an anti-political critique of all social control and order, in favor of individual empowerment, anarchy and insurrection.

A is for Nihilism pdf

A Conversation Between Anarchists: A discussion about tactics, theory and practice between the imprisoned members of CCF and a few anarchists in Mexico

From the text:

“As nihilist anarchists we hate both the hand that holds the whip and the back that endures it and passively accepts flagellation without reacting. We dismantle and destroy all the values of civilization, annihilate the dictatorship of economy by making it void, make the cities of the masses and their authoritarian urbanism crumble, attack the plunder of nature and animal exploitation, hamper dogmatic positions and refuse the religion of scientists. Only constant and merciless destruction-creation makes life worth living. Constant nihilist questioning, through texts, bullets and explosives, attack organized boredom, the offspring of the dominant culture of “identity”.”

A Conversation Between Anarchists pdf

Anti-Left Anarchy: Hunting Leftism With Intent to Kill

Text from zine:

“Now one would think that anarchists, of all people, would be hostile to the inherently totalistic and collectivizing nature of leftist ideologies—like communism and socialism—yet to this day, a large number of so­called anarchists continue to express sympathy with communist goals, communist epistemology, and Marxist class analysis—and allow their brains to be bamboozled and mislead by euphemisms like “anti­state communist”, “autonomist Marxist”, or the current­favorite of the urban hipster: “communization”. Anarchists who drool over this bullshit are worshipping at the altar of a stagnant pool and remain tethered to a political tradition of authoritarianism and mass graves—regardless of the updated terminology (the thin rhetoric of “communization” has reached new summits of tedium with the trendy writings of mealymouthed shysters like Tiqqun and the imbecilic gurglings of Applied Nonexistence: both duplicitous commie front­groups that specialize in speaking post­modern gibberish, in substituting elitist, masturbatory language for real speech, and in choking unfortunate readers with a foul, dreamless air—much like that emanating from uncovered garbage cans).”

Anti-Left Anarchy_Hunting Leftism with Intent to Kill pdf

An Iconoclastic Monstrocity: Disability Against Civilization


“In the vast ocean of social war, some rebels – damaged, frail, or terminally ill – refuse to surrender to the victimization of disability. The world-builders attempt to subdue them with peace-offerings of technospheric assimilation and consumerist comforts. But these rebels – these monsters – refuse anything less than a hostile, insubordinate revolt against the domesticating machine…

This zine compiles the voices of some of these rebels. Together in this zine, and individually in their daily lives, they conspire to challenge the victimizing and civilizing narrative of disability discourse, while also taking aim at civilization itself.”

An Iconoclastic Monstrocity_Disability Against Civilization pdf

An Obituary for Identity Politics

From back cover:

“Rather than taking aim at identity itself and the apparatus maintaining this paradigm, energy is spent tearing one another down, ignoring the complexity of individual uniqueness, and playing the State’s role of defining each other based on membership to identity categories. Embracing a particular identity only reaffirms that identity’s existence as a ‘universal truth’ – and therefore, by the colonial intentions of assigned identity, the servitude and enslavement of some to others as a universal truth as well…

…I refuse to participate in upholding enslavement as a condition of my existence, and therefore these ‘truths’ are nothing more than political works of fiction…

…These ‘truths’ are the social constructs of control, keeping the life of rebellion shackled in a cold well of reform.”

An Obituary for Identity Politics pdf

Beyond Right and Wrong (Conspiracy of Cells of Fire)

Text from the zine:

“We want to create the possibilities of acting with people who feel stifled in the social cages imposed on them by authority and want to rebel… Our joy is great in any such new meeting with new comrades who bear the sign of complicity. No matter their numbers… What is important is that the effort is worth it…”

beyond-right-and-wrong pdf

Beyond the “Movement” – Anarchy!

Text from back cover:

“The collectivist message of The Coming Insurrection has little in common with insurrectional anarchy: the revolutionary theory flowing from the individual’s passionate uprising to appropriate the fullness of life for themselves, attacking all that controls and exploits, finding commonalities and affinities with others from which spring the real commune – the friends and accomplices of the guerrilla war against the totality of authoritarian society. Their insurrection may be coming, mine has come, it is an individual revolt. With no sovereign systems of morality, theory, principles or social abstractions standing above the singular individual, the nihilist­ anarchist attacks all systems, including identity and ideology systems, as obstacles to our self­ realisation. The struggle is against not only the domination of controlling social organisation and widespread tranquilisation, but also against inherited repressive programming and the force of daily life, and so our struggle is a constant tension where what we must destroy and transcend is much more obvious than where we might end up.”

Beyond The Movement_Anarchy! pdf

Civilisation & Collapse

Text from back cover:

“This is not a suggestion to flee to civilisation and cower in isolation, tending vegetable patches and practising primitive skills in “peace” – it is a proposal to take the initiative to better position ourselves tactically, to continue and intensify the war against civilisation in what will most likely be challenging times. We would like to reiterate our opinion that things are only going to get worse, and to adopt this tactic of wild resistance would mean putting this into practise immediately, not waiting for any more “signs” of what is to come. From these wild places we will have the chance to better arm, rewild and train ourselves for the preservation of our own freedom, the defence of regions untouched or abandonded by
industrial civilisation and to effectively attack its hardware and mechanisms where they are weak, driving the final nails deeper into the casket of this dying society.”

Civilisation and Collapse pdf

Communization: The Senile Decay of Anarchy by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire Imprisoned Members

Text from back cover:

“Anarchy, however, demands the organization of the new anarchist urban guerrilla, if we don’t want it to degenerate into a meaningless poetic chatter, doomed to be followed by the alternative integration in the system. Concepts that are not armed, like anarchist individualism, nihilism end up being harmless words in the mouths of even more harmless individuals who confuse anarcho-nihilism with the subculture of “antisocial lifestyle”. Anarcho-nihilism combines the propaganda of words with the propaganda of shootings, fire, dynamite. Its dynamic is forged on the anvil of actions where consciousness and experience meet in a never ending dance and not in the keyboards of the digital world of nothing.”

Communization-Decay-of-Anarchy pdf

Dangerous Foundations: An Argument Against the “Identity” in Identity Politics

A well-written, thorough critique of identity and a proposal for its total abandonment.

Dangerous Foundations Anti-Identity pdf

Descending into Madness: An Anarchist-Nihilist Diary of Anti-Psychiatry

From back cover:

“Like all governments, presidents, and authority, psychiatry never gave me freedom. Assigned psychiatric labels didn’t help me – they only filled me with an internalized sense of victimhood and inferiority. Medication didn’t ‘cure’ or ‘fix’ me – only damaged me, numbing me to my own senses in order to create an emotional void between me and the fuckery of civilized life. So instead, with nihilist celebration I descend into madness, taking aim at social order and civilization. With armed animalism I realize now that there was nothing to fix ­ my natural contempt for domestication and social control reminds me that I was never ‘broken’ to begin with.”

Descending into Madness_An Anarchist-Nihilist Diary of Anti-Psychiatry pdf

Desire Armed: Anarchy and the Creative Impulse

Text from back cover:

“My freedom is not a promise for the future, but a way to continuously confront the world where I exist now, taking possession of my life with all my might, in conflict with everything that stands in my way. This ongoing conflict (which will not end simply because we somehow manage to eradicate the entire institutional framework of authority) is what makes the essential destructive, negating aspects of anarchist practice one with the creative aspects. Consciously creating our lives as our own means destroying every chain that holds as back, smashing through every barrier that gets in our way. Thus, there is no use in waiting for some condition to hand us our freedom. We need to act now for our own sakes and on our own terms, not for any cause nor on terms set by those who want to maintain the ruling order.”

Desire Armed Anarchy and the Creative Impulse pdf

Essentialism and The Problem of Identity Politics

Text from the zine:

“Essentialism is the idea that there exists some detectible and objective core quality of particular groups of people that is inherent, eternal, and unalterable; groupings can be categorized according to these qualities of essence, which are based on such problematic criteria as gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, and class. These external qualities are almost always marked by visual cues, making the categories more obvious and/or easier to notice. These qualities contain social and — more importantly from an antiauthoritarian perspective — hierarchical signi cance to those marking the cues and those marked by the cues: sexism, in the case of gender; racism in the case of skin tone; the unwanted attention of authorities in the case of any and all different looking/acting people. Racism, sexism, classism, and most other forms of historical oppression are ideologies and policies maintained and justified by essentialism.”

Essentialism and the Problem of Identity Politics pdf

I Am Also A Nihilist

Text from back cover:

“I don’t care whether it is Nordic or Oriental, nor whether or not is has a historical, political, practical tradition, or a theoretical, philosophical, spiritual, intellectual one. I call myself a nihilist because I know that nihilism means negation.

Negation of every society, of every cult, of every rule and of every religion. But I don’t yearn for Nirvana, any more than I long for Schopenhauer’s desperate and powerless pessimism, which is a worse thing than the violent renunciation of life itself. Mine is an
enthusiastic and dionysian pessimism, like a flame that sets my vital exuberance ablaze, that mocks at any theoretical, scientific or moral prison.

And if I call myself an individualist anarchist, an iconoclast and a nihilist, it is precisely because I believe that in these adjectives there is the highest and most complete expression of my willful and reckless individuality that, like an overflowing river,
wants to expand, impetuously sweeping away dikes and hedges, until it crashes into a granite boulder, shattering and breaking up in its turn. I do not renounce life. I exalt and sing it.”

I Am Also A Nihilist pdf

In Praise of Chaos

From back cover:

Anarchists are opposed to authority both from below and from above. They do not demand power for the masses, but seek to destroy all power and to decompose these masses into individuals who are masters of their own lives. Therefore anarchists are the most decisive enemies of all types of communism and those who profess to be communists or socialist cannot possibly be anarchists.

It is not by organizing into parties and syndicates that one struggles for anarchy, nor by mass action which, as has been shown, overthrows one barracks only to create another. It is by the revolt of individuals alone or in small groups, who oppose society, impede its functioning and cause its disintegration.

In Praise of Chaos pdf

INSURGENCY: An Anarchist Journal of Total Destruction

This (long awaited) zine contains a few action reports and a collection of essays written from a post-left anarchist perspective. Topics include insurrectionary anarchy, queer nihilism, veganism, individualism, nihilist anarchy and anti-civilization.

Insurgency_An Anarchist Journal of Total Destruction pdf

Let’s Become Dangerous: For the Diffusion of the Black International by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Text from the zine:

“No, our burned banks are not a way of protest or a token of friendship and solidarity with the “poor person” who does nothing and sits on his couch. It is a way to express our “I”. An “I”, that wants to stand out from the herd of slaves, an “I” that does not bow the head down, an “I” not waiting for the crowd to revolt, an “I”, which claims his own name, his own “acronym” and does not hide behind anonymity. The meeting time of the revolted ‘Egos’ takes up the name that we give to it. Its name is FAI and it is our “we”. A collective “we”, armed with razors against our enemies.”

Lets Become Dangerous pdf

Liberation, Not Organization

From back cover:

“I desire liberation , not organization. While most leftists would claim that the two go hand-in-hand , or at least that the second is necessary to achieve the first ( and for some the second might even “ wither away ” sometime after “ The Revolution ”), to me , the two seem contradictory. I am not fighting for a world which is run better ( more efficiently and more fairly ), I am fighting for a world which doesn’t need running ( one which is radically decentralized ) . Here lies the contradiction between the Left , and those fighting for autonomy and anarchy.”

Liberation Not Organization pdf