Anarchy & Animal Liberation: A Journal of Wild Attack

From back cover:

“The anti-authoritarian relationship with non-human animals (and the earth) combined with clandestine attack against industrial society can be seen throughout history. Past and present, many anarchists not only maintain a vegan lifestyle as a rejection of hierarchy in their relationships to non-human animals, but also recognize the necessity for destroying civilization itself.

This zine was created with the intention of illustrating the relationship between veganism, individualist anarchy and insurrectionary attack by highlighting a few of the many groups and cells that turned anger into action.”

Anarchy & Animal Liberation_A Journal of Wild Attack pdf

Anarchy & Alcohol: Wasted Indeed & How The Fiends Came To Be Civilized

Text from the zine:

“The foundations of colonial genocide bear the stench of a long and protracted alcohol-induced nightmare – nearly every indigenous culture the Europeans encountered was destroyed by European alcohol and disease. Th e spreading of firewater among indigenous populations of North America went hand-in-hand with the distribution of lethal smallpox-infested blankets. Many of these cultures, without the experience of thousands of years of civilized alcoholism to draw upon, were even more subject than the Europeans to the ravages of “the civilized brew.” Between alcohol, disease, commerce, and guns, most of them were quickly and utterly destroyed. Th is process was not unique to North America – it was repeated throughout the world in every European colonial endeavor. While the drug of choice varied (sometimes it was opium, for example, as in the “Opium Wars” Great Britain waged to control China), alcohol was judged in many countries to be the most socially-acceptable tool of pacification.”

Anarchy and Alcohol pdf

CLAIM NO EASY VICTORIES: A History and Analysis of Anti- Racist Action

Text from the zine:

“For fourteen years the work of ARA has been to popularize the ideas of direct action in the fight against racism. Along the way ARA’s own internal development has meant connecting racism to other struggles against oppression, from the pro-choice and anti-patriarchal organizing to pro-queer struggles to emphasizing the continual need for participation and initiative in political direction from young people. While there is no single, homogenous, ARA political line beyond ARA’s ‘Points of Unity’, generally, ARA has and continues to be an anti-authoritarian arena for debate and action around the connectedness of various forms of oppression. This allows for an experimentation and self-activity essential to the development of a conscious movement outside of the control and direction of the State. Constructing organizations and movements at the grassroots can be instructive in both the difficulties and simultaneously the radical potentials of people in action.”

Claim_No_Easy_Victories_ A History & Analysis of Anti-Racist Action pdf

Hacia La Liberacion Total: Vegan Queer Edge Anarquista

Un fanzine que recopila dos textos acerca de la relación entre la lucha anarquista, la liberación animal, la cultura Straight Edge y el rechazo al consumo de drogas, y la lucha de las personas de género variante y de les disidentes sexuales.

Gracias a Distri Afecto por su trabajo de traducción y edición, y por compartirlo.

hacia la liberacion total xvx pdf


One For The Resistance? Oppression, Anarchism & Alcohol

Text from the zine:

“Aside from my personal aversion to alcohol and the abuse thereof, I strongly feel that alcohol consumption – and production – is a highly political issue, which anarchists should not ignore. In this article I will attempt to explain why I feel it is that anarchists should consider starting a dialogue regarding the alcohol industry, the role of alcohol – and alcoholism – in capitalist society, its current effects on the poor and working classes, and its place in a future anarchist society. This is an issue that has been considered by anarchists in the past, but unfortunately does not seem to warrant much attention these days, and I’m uncomfortable to say that I think that many anarchists – as with other issues facing us – may be reluctant to admit that it is a problem for, or within, our movement.”

One_for_the_Resistance_Oppression_Anarchism_and_Alcohol pdf

Quit Smoking: A DIY Guide by Ex-Smokers

This zine discusses cigarettes and its patriarchal, colonial, capitalist origins as an industry and form of currency, all from the perspectives of anarchist ex-smokers.

Quit_Smoking_A DIY_Guide_By_Ex-Smokers pdf

Straight Edge Anarchy: The Danger of a Sober Insurrection

Text from the zine:

“Attacking intoxication culture means individual resistance and collective  support. Civilization is a prison of misery, coercion, and oppressive inequality. Institutionalized racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression create feelings of severe depression and isolation. Intoxication culture thrives in areas dominated by poverty, depression, and isolation. This explains why communities of color are often affected by addiction and
intoxication where the state takes advantage carrying out murders and mass incarceration. Support and solidarity are important in helping to strengthen the struggle against addiction as well as developing an intersectional attack on all oppression.”

Straight_Edge_Anarchy The Danger of a Sober Insurrection pdf

Straight Edge Resistance

This zine includes a large collection of essays and interviews related to anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, anti-colonial, vegan, queer, anti-civ straight edge ideas.

Straight_Edge_Resistance pdf

The Drug Epidemic: A New Form of Black Genocide?

This zine is an excerpt from “Anarchism and the Black Revolution” by Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin focused on the problem of intoxication culture in the black community.

Text from zine:

“We are not advocating the summary murder of people, but we are saying if it takes death to bring about a change in the community, so be it! The issue of death is essentially an issue of who is doing the dying. It can be direct and exercised against the death merchant, or it can be indirect and exercised against our youth — if we let it. To be aware of a dangerous situation and not move to change it is to be as responsible for that dangerous situation as those who created it in the first place.”

The Drug Epidemic A New Form Of Black Genocide pdf

Towards A Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle

This edition of “Towards a Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle” by Nick Riotfag was reprinted in 2014 by Sprout Distro. This edition features the revised
text along with an afterward that appeared in the book, Sober Living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics .

Text from the zine:

“This zine is an ongoing project I’ve been writing in my head and on paper for several years now. Since I decided to become permanently sober several years ago, I’ve constantly struggled to find safe spaces; I hoped that when I started to become a part of radical, activist, and anarchist communities, that I would find folks who shared or at least respected my convictions. Instead, I found a painful paradox: radical scenes that were so welcoming and affirming in many ways, yet incredibly inflexible and unsupportive around my desire to be in sober spaces.”

towards_a_less_fucked_up_world pdf

Wasted Indeed: Anarchy & Alcohol (shortened version)

Text from back cover:

“It’s no exaggeration to say that alcohol has played a key role in the epidemic of fascism, racism, statism, imperialism, colonialism, sexism and patriarchy, class oppression, religious superstition, and all the other products of hierarchal authority that has swept the earth over the past few mellenia. It continues to play that role today, as people of the whole world, finally universally domesticated and enslaved by globalized capitalism, are kept pacified and helpless by a steady supply of spirits. These evil spirits squander the time, money, health, focus, creativity, awareness, and fellowship of all who inhabit this universally occupied territory—”work is the curse of the drinking classes,” as Oscar Wilde said. It’s not surprising, for example, that the primary targets of advertising for malt liquor (a toxic byproduct of the brewing process) are the inhabitants of ghettos in the United States: people who constitute a class that, if not tranquilized by addiction and incapacitated by self-destruction, would be on the front lines of the war to destroy capitalism.”

Wasted_Indeed pdf

Against Speciesism, Against Anthropocentrism: 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism

Text from back cover:

“Anarchism is struggle against all forms of domination. It is a beautifully simple idea that helps call into question every oppressive norm.

But our relationships of subjugation with billions of other species on the earth is one norm that few seem to take issue with; not only are other species unable to communicate their experience to us, but to question means to challenge entrenched habits and world views. If we want to be consistent in our politics, then there’s no way we can continue to ignore the impact our anthropocentrism (human-centeredness) is having on the rest of this planet.

Yet, just because most of us are implicated does not mean that we are burdened with some kind of ‘original sin’. Quite the contrary: the beauty and power of anarchism is that it pushes us all to live lives that are more just, loving, meaningful, satisfying, and collectively free. So when we talk about speciesism, far from being dismissive, we should embrace the challenge it poses, look further into the issue, and do what we can to change the miserable status quo.”

Against Speciesism Against Anthropocentrism 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism pdf

Anti-Speciesism & Dietary Decolonization: A Short Introduction to Veganism

This zine breaks down the Standard American Diet, tracing it back to its colonial roots and advocates veganism as a form of anti-colonial resistance.

Anti-Speciesism Dietary Decolonization Intro to Veganism pdf

BITING BACK: A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists

Text from back cover:

“Veganism is not merely a dietary choice, but a challenge to the dominant anthropocentric narrative. It is not about purchasing different products but cultivating new relationships with non-human animals which are not based on hierarchies and oppression. While there are still anarchists who feel waiting for the collapse of capitalism and supporting the ALF is a sufficient enough approach to anti-speciesism, many of us recognize the social and dietary framework which enables speciesism and the need for its total destruction.”

BITING BACK A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists pdf

Barefoot in the Kitchen Volume 2

A very helpful, informational zine filled with easy vegan recipes.

Barefoot and in the Kitchen 2 pdf

“Carne Es Asesinnato!” Anti-Speciesism, Veganism & the Animal Liberation Front in Mexico

A zine that explores in-depth actions and analysis related to the vegan anarchist struggle in mexico.


Earth First Means Social War: Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force

Text from the zine:

“I intend to present a modest argument in favor of an Other Earth First!. What has made EF! powerful is not a particular ideology but rather a network structure based on affinity and, in most cases, cultural codes, rituals and customs. It follows that evolving EF! will continue to stand on and operate within that infrastructure. However, there are new maps we must examine and difficult topics that demand our immediate attention. The first and foremost is a question of we: Who are we? The second is a question of our current world or conditions: capitalism, the global ecological crisis and its social consequences. The third is a notion of possibility and uncertainty: How we will contribute to not simply defending ecosystems, but also to circumventing green capitalism and tendencies toward fascism with a green angle, and how we will usher in a total transformation of society?”

Earth First Means Social War pdf

Es Nuestro Turno #1 fanzine del colectivo vegan straight edge de Almeria

Un zine que discute el veganismo, la recta y el anarquismo creado por Almería vegan straight edge colectivo.

Es Nuestro Turno 1 pdf

Es Nuestro Turno #2 fanzine del colectivo vegan straight edge de Almeria

Un zine que discute el veganismo, la recta y el anarquismo creado por Almería vegan recto colectivo.

Es Nuestro Turno 2 pdf

Out From The Shadows: A Vegan Straight Edge Journal of Resistance

This hard-to-find zine discusses and encourages increased visibility of radical vegan straight edge ideas within the anarchist struggle.

Out From The Shadows pdf

Revolutionary Struggle for Human & Non-Human Animal Liberation

A short zine that delivers a quick look at the interconnected relationship between sexism, racism and speciesist oppression.

Revolutionary Struggle Nonhuman Human Animal Liberation pdf

Why Anarchist Vegan?

Text from front cover:

“Mainstream vegan material is written from a liberal rather than class based perspective. It is basing arguments on charity instead of solidarity, and offering individualistic and consumerist rather than collective solutions. The material often blames the individual choices for the rampant industrialised animal abuse instead of understanding underlying economic and hierarchical structures and empowering people to organise against them.

This short pamphlet aims to offer another perspective. This perspective is built on anti- capitalist, libertarian communist, class based anarchist view. It is assumed that the reader is aware of the exploitative nature of capitalism and social hierarchies. This pamphlet aims to show how capitalism and hierarchical structures affect issues relating to use of animals in agriculture, land ownership and use as well as environmental degradation related to food production.”

Why_Anarchist_Vegan pdf

10 Points on The Black Bloc

Text from back cover:

“It is true that the State is not a window, but neither is it just an abstract concept. Breaking windows is not a revolutionary act and neither is any other act if taken out of context and presented as an abstraction, ignoring the intentions and strategy of those who break the windows. The State or Capital or colonialism cannot be attacked as abstractions. They can only be attacked in their material forms, their social relations and their institutions. It is not possible to attack all forms and material components of oppression at once, so they must be attacked in pieces at different times and locations.”

10 Points on the Black Block pdf

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

Text from the zine:

“This pamphlet briefly looks at many of the reasons that Christianity is undesirable from both a personal and a social point of view. All of the matters discussed here have been dealt with elsewhere at greater length, but that’s beside the point: the purpose of 20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity is to list the most outstanding misery-producing and socially destructive qualities of Christianity in one place. When considered in toto, they lead to an irresistible conclusion: that Christianity must be abandoned, for the sake of both personal happiness and social progress.”

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity pdf

Identity, Politics, Anti-Politics: A Critical Perspective

A critique of identity politics from a queer, anarchist perspective, arguing that identity politics runs the risk of forming cross-class affinities between queers, women, and people of colour, and assimilating radical struggles into establishment politics. Originally published in Pink and Black Attack #4, 2010, and reproduced in Queer Ultraviolence – A Bash Back! Anthology available from Ardent Press.

Identity_Politics and Anti-Politics pdf

Non-Western Anarchisms: Re-Thinking the Global Context

Text from the zine:

“The purpose of this paper is to help anarchist / anti-authoritarian movements active today to reconceptualise the history and theory of first-wave anarchism on the global level, and to reconsider its relevance to the continuing anarchist project. In order to truly understand the full complexity and interconnectedness of anarchism as a worldwide movement however, a specific focus on the uniqueness and agency of movements amongst the “people without history” is a deeply needed change. This is because the historiography of anarchism has focused almost entirely on these movements as they have pertained to the peoples of the West and the North, while movements amongst the peoples of the East and the South have been widely neglected. As a result, the appearance has been that anarchist movements have arisen primarily within the context of the more privileged countries. Ironically, the truth is that anarchism has primarily been a movement of the most exploited regions and peoples of the world. That most available anarchist literature does not tell this history speaks not to a necessarily malicious disregard of non-Western anarchist movements but rather to the fact that even in the context of radical publishing, centuries of engrained eurocentrism has not really been overcome. This has been changing to an extent however, as there here have been several attempts in just the past decade to re-examine this history in detail in specific non-Western countries and regions, with works such as Arif Dirlik’s Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution, Sam Mbah’s African Anarchism and Frank Fernandez’ Cuban Anarchism. It is within the footsteps of this recent tradition that this paper treads further into the relatively new ground of systematically assessing, comparing and synthesizing the findings of all of these studies combined with original investigation in order to develop a more wholly global understanding of anarchism and its history.”

Non-Western Anarchisms_Rethinking the Global Context pdf

The Limits of Contemporary Anti-oppression Theory and Practice (A critique of Privilege Theory and Cultural Essentialism)

Text from back cover:

“Communities of color are not a single, homogenous bloc with identical political opinions. There is no single unified antiracist, feminist, and queer political program which white liberals can somehow become “allies” of, despite the fact that some individuals or groups of color may claim that they are in possession of such a program. This particular brand of white allyship both flattens political differences between whites and homogenizes the populations they claim to speak on behalf of. We believe that this politics remains fundamentally conservative, silencing, and coercive, especially for people of color who reject the analysis and field of action offered by privilege theory.”

The Limits of Contemporary Anti-Oppression Theory and Practice pdf

Voting vs Direct Action

A very basic introduction to why direct action is more effective than voting.

Voting vs Direct Action pdf