A collection of histories, speeches, and interviews with members of The George Jackson Brigade and Men Against Sexism. These stories give inspiration for the multiform queer struggle against prison, capitalism, and the state.
- 1960s
- A. Morefus
- ableism
- abuse
- accountability process
- A Conspiracy to Arm Self-Care
- activity
- addiction
- affinity
- affinity group
- affinity groups
- africa
- Alberta Thompson
- alcoholism
- Alex Gorrion
- alfredo m. bonanno
- ally industrial complex
- ally politics
- allyship
- Almeria
- anarchism
- Anarchism and the Black Revolution
- anarchist
- anarchist-nihilism
- Anarchists Against The Wall
- anarcho-nihilism
- anarcho-pessimism
- anarcho-primitivism
- anarchy
- anarquismo
- anarquista
- anarquía
- animal liberation
- animal liberation brigade
- Animal Liberation Front
- animal rights
- animal rights militia
- An Invitation to Desertion
- Anna Beniamino
- anthropocentrism
- anthropology
- anti-ally politics
- anti-anthropocentrism
- Anti-Apartheid
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalista
- anti-civ
- anti-civilization
- anti-colonialism
- anti-colonization
- anti-cop
- anti-essentialism
- anti-fascism
- anti-fascist
- anti-gentrification
- anti-homophobia
- anti-hunting
- anti-identity
- anti- identity politics
- anti-left
- anti-left anarchy
- anti-medical
- anti-medication
- anti-natalism
- anti-nationalism
- anti-oppression
- anti-patriarchy
- anti-police
- anti-politics
- anti-psychiatry
- anti-racism
- anti-racist
- anti-racist action
- anti-religion
- anti-school
- anti-science
- anti-sexism
- anti-slavery
- anti-speciesism
- anti-speciesist
- Anti-State STL
- anti-tech
- anti-technology
- anti-tiqqun
- anti-work
- anti-workerism
- antifa
- Aragorn!
- Archegonos
- Armeanio Lewis
- armed self-defense
- armed struggle
- Artificial Intelligence
- ashanti alston
- assassination
- asylum riots
- athens
- Attack
- autonomous zone
- autonomy
- Baba Yaga
- Backwoods A journal of anarchy and wortcunning
- baeden
- banner drops
- Bellamy Fitzpatrick
- Beyond Negativity: What Comes After Gender Nihilism
- Biblioteca Antiespecista R-209
- Billy-Ray Belcourt
- biocentrism
- black anarchism
- black anarchy
- black bloc
- black liberation
- black panther party
- Blessed is the Flame
- bobby whittenberg-james
- Boles
- Brenda Peterson
- call-out culture
- canada
- cancel culture
- cells
- chaos
- chile
- christianity
- cigarettes
- Civ Fucks Distro
- class struggle
- class war vegan
- collectives
- communalism
- commune
- communique
- communiques
- communisation theory
- communism
- community
- communization
- communization theory
- concentration camp rebellion
- consent
- consent culture
- Conspiracy Cells of Fire
- conspiracy of cells of fire
- consumerism
- cooking
- Crimethinc
- crust punks
- cultural appropriation
- cultural essentialism
- Culture
- Dangerous Spaces
- decolonial
- decolonization
- deep ecology
- defend the atlanta forest
- direct action
- dirty kids
- disability
- domestication
- domestic violence
- dreadlocks
- drugs
- Earth First!
- earth liberation
- eco-defense
- eco-feminism
- eco-pessimism
- ecología
- Edelweiss Pirates
- educational industrial complex
- egoism
- egoist anarchy
- egoist communism
- egosim
- El Borracho (Noöm ad Warfuk)
- emma goldman
- encryption
- Enemies of Society: An Anthology of Individualist and Egoist Thought
- environmentalism
- Enzo Martucci
- Español
- Especismo
- essentialism
- ethics
- Evasion
- ex-smokers
- F.L.A
- Farah Shah
- feral edge
- feral faun
- firearms
- Flower Bomb
- food
- foraging
- Formal Anarchist Federation
- France
- free love
- freight hopping
- fuck you police
- fun
- Féminas Brujas and Insurrectionalists
- gardening
- gender
- gender abolition
- gender anarchy
- gender anarky
- gender nihilism
- Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto
- George Floyd
- George Jackson
- Gianluca Iacovacci
- globalization
- grand juries
- grand jury resisting
- greece
- green anarchism
- green anarchy
- guide
- guns
- hardcore
- health
- herbal
- herbalism
- high school
- history
- Hunt Sab
- hunt sabotage
- hygiene
- identity
- identity politics
- illegalism
- illegalist anarchy
- indigenious resistance
- indigenous
- indigenous anarchy
- indigenous egosim
- Indigenous Genocide
- Indigenous Resistance
- indigenous straight edge
- indigenous veganism
- individualism
- individualist
- individualist anarchy
- individualist vegan
- individulalist anarchy
- industrial collapse
- industrial society
- Informal Anarchist Federation
- informal organization
- informal organizing
- inhabit
- innocence
- insurgency
- insurrection
- insurrection anarchy
- insurrectionary anarchy
- internet
- intersectionality
- intoxication culture
- introduction anarchy
- invisible committee
- Israeli Anarchists
- italian insurrectionists
- john zerzan
- Joyful Militancy
- judi bari
- justice department
- Kerry Redwood Ajecoutay
- Kirsty Dunn
- know your rights
- La Verda Planedo
- Layla AbdelRahim
- la zad
- leaderless resistance
- learning machines
- leftism
- Libcom
- liberación Animal
- liberalism
- liberal vegan
- lifestyle anarchism
- lifestyle anarchy
- lifestylism
- Linda Hogan
- Lint Lobotomy
- Little Mouse Fun
- lone wolf attack
- love
- Makah Whale Hunt
- Malcolm X
- Mansour Yarow
- Margaret Robinson
- marriage
- mass society
- Matilde Nuñez del Prado
- medication
- medicine
- mental health
- mexico
- Mi'kmaw
- michael kimble
- Michael Tabor
- Mikhail Zhlonitsky
- minneapolis
- morality
- morals
- Morgan Taylor
- mushrooms
- music
- Māori
- nanotechnology
- native american
- new york city
- nihilism
- nihilist
- nihilist vegan
- no gods no masters
- nomadic
- non-violence
- online
- oogles
- open relationships
- pacific northwest
- pacifism
- Paul Z. Simons
- pesticides
- phantom cell
- pharmaceutical industrial complex
- plant-based kai
- play
- poetry
- political prisoner
- polyamory
- post-feminist anarchy
- post-left anarchy
- post-left individualism
- post-leftism
- post-race anarchy
- power dynamics
- primitivism
- prison-industrial complex
- prison abolition
- prisoner solidarity
- prisoner support
- prison industrail complex
- prison solidarity
- privilege
- propaganda by the deed
- property destruction
- psychiatry
- psychology
- punk
- queer
- queer anarchy
- queer edge
- queer insurrection
- queer negativity
- queer nihilism
- r209.net
- Rabia Y Accion
- race
- race nihilism
- radical sobriety
- recipes
- relationship anarchy
- relationships
- Renzo Conners
- Renzo Connors
- Renzo Novatore
- revolutionary
- revolutionary cells
- rewilding
- Ria Del Montana
- rioting
- Riotous Incognitx
- Robert F. Williams
- runaway
- Russell Maroon
- Russian nihilism
- sabotage
- safe space
- safe spaces
- Samah Seger
- Scripta Manent
- Sea Shepard
- security
- security culture
- self-defense
- self-help
- self-organization
- self care
- Serafinski
- sexual assault
- sexuality
- Sindre
- sleeper cell
- smoking
- social justice
- Social War
- Solidarity with Palestine
- solitary confinement
- Soul Food
- spanish
- squatting
- Standard American Diet
- statism
- straight edge
- suicide
- survivors guide
- Susaron 4
- sxe
- tactics
- techniology
- technological industrial complex
- technology
- tech tools
- teeth
- Thanksgiving
- The Bonnet Gang
- The Bonnot Gang
- the coming insurrection
- The Deacons for Defense
- The George Jackson Brigade
- The Local Kids
- the prison industrial complex
- the working man is a sucka
- Thomas S. Szasz
- tiqqun
- total liberation
- train hopping
- transgender
- trans insurrection
- trans resistance
- transsexual
- travellers
- uk
- Unoffensive Animal
- uprising
- Vega
- vegan
- vegan anarchy
- veganarchy
- vegan egoist
- veganism
- veganismo
- vegan primitivism
- vegetarianism
- Venita Januarie
- Venona Q.
- Vetriolo
- violence
- wage-slave
- white abolishion
- willful disobedience
- wimmin's fire brigade
- Wince Me Boi
- Winston Smith
- Winston “Boogie” Smith
- Wolfi Landstreicher
- woman's liberation
- women's liberation
- youth liberation
- Zero One Destruct
- Ziq
To Destroy Sexuality
Text from the zine:
“Of course, we realize how many obstacles we have to overcome to make our aspirations into something more than the dreams of a small and marginal minority. We are keenly aware that liberating the body for sensual, sexual, affective, and ecstatic relationships is inseparably linked to liberating women and destroying male dominance and role models – especially sexual role models. It is likewise linked to destroying all forms of oppression and “normality.”
“We want to be rid of all roles and identities based on the phallus. We want to be rid of sexual segregation. We want to be rid of the categories of man and woman, gay and straight, possessor and possessed, greater and lesser, master and slave. We want instead to be transsexual, autonomous, mobile, and multiple human beings with varying differences who can interchange desires, gratifications, ecstasies, and tender emotions without referring back to tables of surplus value or power structures that aren’t already in the rules of the game.”
Anarchy & Alcohol: Wasted Indeed & How The Fiends Came To Be Civilized
Text from the zine:
“The foundations of colonial genocide bear the stench of a long and protracted alcohol-induced nightmare – nearly every indigenous culture the Europeans encountered was destroyed by European alcohol and disease. Th e spreading of firewater among indigenous populations of North America went hand-in-hand with the distribution of lethal smallpox-infested blankets. Many of these cultures, without the experience of thousands of years of civilized alcoholism to draw upon, were even more subject than the Europeans to the ravages of “the civilized brew.” Between alcohol, disease, commerce, and guns, most of them were quickly and utterly destroyed. Th is process was not unique to North America – it was repeated throughout the world in every European colonial endeavor. While the drug of choice varied (sometimes it was opium, for example, as in the “Opium Wars” Great Britain waged to control China), alcohol was judged in many countries to be the most socially-acceptable tool of pacification.”
Dejar De Fumar: Una guía Do It Yourself (Hazlo Tú Misme) hecha por gente ex-fumadora
¿Por qué un fanzine DIY para dejar de fumar?
Este fanzine existe porque quería compartir lo que había aprendido de mis experiencias sobre dejar de fumar para ayudar a otras personas a dejarlo. He “dejado” de fumar siete veces, y sólo el último intento fue exitoso. Me siento como si tuviera una buena y considerable mano para manejar varios métodos. Convencí a unas pocas personas más, todas ex-fumadoras, para que ofrecieran sus propios consejos e información, y lo que tienes aquí es el producto de ese esfuerzo colaborativo. Consiste principalmente en información práctica de gente que ya ha decidido que quiere dejarlo, pero hay también alguna otra información, como la sección de “historia”, cuya intención es generar motivación.
Hacia La Liberacion Total: Vegan Queer Edge Anarquista
Un fanzine que recopila dos textos acerca de la relación entre la lucha anarquista, la liberación animal, la cultura Straight Edge y el rechazo al consumo de drogas, y la lucha de las personas de género variante y de les disidentes sexuales.
Gracias a Distri Afecto por su trabajo de traducción y edición, y por compartirlo.
hacia la liberacion total xvx pdf
Straight Edge Anarchy: The Danger of a Sober Insurrection
Text from the zine:
“Attacking intoxication culture means individual resistance and collective support. Civilization is a prison of misery, coercion, and oppressive inequality. Institutionalized racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression create feelings of severe depression and isolation. Intoxication culture thrives in areas dominated by poverty, depression, and isolation. This explains why communities of color are often affected by addiction and
intoxication where the state takes advantage carrying out murders and mass incarceration. Support and solidarity are important in helping to strengthen the struggle against addiction as well as developing an intersectional attack on all oppression.”
Straight_Edge_Anarchy The Danger of a Sober Insurrection pdf
Straight Edge Resistance
This zine includes a large collection of essays and interviews related to anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, anti-colonial, vegan, queer, anti-civ straight edge ideas.
Towards A Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle
This edition of “Towards a Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle” by Nick Riotfag was reprinted in 2014 by Sprout Distro. This edition features the revised
text along with an afterward that appeared in the book, Sober Living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics .
Text from the zine:
“This zine is an ongoing project I’ve been writing in my head and on paper for several years now. Since I decided to become permanently sober several years ago, I’ve constantly struggled to find safe spaces; I hoped that when I started to become a part of radical, activist, and anarchist communities, that I would find folks who shared or at least respected my convictions. Instead, I found a painful paradox: radical scenes that were so welcoming and affirming in many ways, yet incredibly inflexible and unsupportive around my desire to be in sober spaces.”
Wasted Indeed: Anarchy & Alcohol (shortened version)
Text from back cover:
“It’s no exaggeration to say that alcohol has played a key role in the epidemic of fascism, racism, statism, imperialism, colonialism, sexism and patriarchy, class oppression, religious superstition, and all the other products of hierarchal authority that has swept the earth over the past few mellenia. It continues to play that role today, as people of the whole world, finally universally domesticated and enslaved by globalized capitalism, are kept pacified and helpless by a steady supply of spirits. These evil spirits squander the time, money, health, focus, creativity, awareness, and fellowship of all who inhabit this universally occupied territory—”work is the curse of the drinking classes,” as Oscar Wilde said. It’s not surprising, for example, that the primary targets of advertising for malt liquor (a toxic byproduct of the brewing process) are the inhabitants of ghettos in the United States: people who constitute a class that, if not tranquilized by addiction and incapacitated by self-destruction, would be on the front lines of the war to destroy capitalism.”
Against Speciesism, Against Anthropocentrism: 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism
Text from back cover:
“Anarchism is struggle against all forms of domination. It is a beautifully simple idea that helps call into question every oppressive norm.
But our relationships of subjugation with billions of other species on the earth is one norm that few seem to take issue with; not only are other species unable to communicate their experience to us, but to question means to challenge entrenched habits and world views. If we want to be consistent in our politics, then there’s no way we can continue to ignore the impact our anthropocentrism (human-centeredness) is having on the rest of this planet.
Yet, just because most of us are implicated does not mean that we are burdened with some kind of ‘original sin’. Quite the contrary: the beauty and power of anarchism is that it pushes us all to live lives that are more just, loving, meaningful, satisfying, and collectively free. So when we talk about speciesism, far from being dismissive, we should embrace the challenge it poses, look further into the issue, and do what we can to change the miserable status quo.”
Against Speciesism Against Anthropocentrism 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism pdf
A Vegan Revolution Against the Fast Food Empire
This is a short but informational flyer found a few years ago after a mcdonalds protest. The email on the back no longer works but the info in the flyer is useful.
Beasts of Burden
Text from back cover:
“The development and maintenance of capitalism as a system that exploits humans is in some ways dependent upon the abuse of animals. Furthermore the movement that abolishes capitalism by changing the relations between humans also involves a fundamental transformation of the relations between humans and animals.”
Barefoot in the Kitchen Volume 2
A very helpful, informational zine filled with easy vegan recipes.
Earth First Means Social War: Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force
Text from the zine:
“I intend to present a modest argument in favor of an Other Earth First!. What has made EF! powerful is not a particular ideology but rather a network structure based on affinity and, in most cases, cultural codes, rituals and customs. It follows that evolving EF! will continue to stand on and operate within that infrastructure. However, there are new maps we must examine and difficult topics that demand our immediate attention. The first and foremost is a question of we: Who are we? The second is a question of our current world or conditions: capitalism, the global ecological crisis and its social consequences. The third is a notion of possibility and uncertainty: How we will contribute to not simply defending ecosystems, but also to circumventing green capitalism and tendencies toward fascism with a green angle, and how we will usher in a total transformation of society?”
From Animals to Anarchism
“This zine challenges those involved with animal liberation to sort their politics out if they truely believe in liberation, but at the same times doesnt let anarchists off the hook – demanding that they consider more fully the nature of human-animal relations in their politics.”
Industrial Domestication: Industry as the Origins of Modern Domination
Text from the zine:
“The term industrial revolution, commonly used to describe the period between 1750 and 1850, is a pure bourgeois lie, symmetrical to the lie about the political revolution. It does not include the negative and flows from a vision of history as uniquely the history of technological progress. Here the enemy deals a double blow, legitimizing the existence of managers and hierarchy as unavoidable technical necessities, and imposing a mechanical conception of progress, which is considered a positive and socially neutral law. It is the religious moment of materialism and the idealism of matter. Such a lie was obviously destined for the poor, among whom it was to inflict long lasting destruction. To refute it, it is sufficient to stick to the facts. Most of the technological innovations that allowed factories to develop had previously been discovered but remained unused. Their widespread application was not a mechanical consequence, but stemmed from a historically timed choice which was made by the dominant classes. And this choice was not so much a response to a concern about purely technical efficiency (which was often doubtful) as it was a strategy of social domestication. The pseudo-industrial revolution can thus be reduced to a project of social counter revolution. There is only one type of progress: the progress of alienation.”
Native Americans and Vegetarianism
Text from back cover:
“How well we know the stereotype of the rugged Plains Indian: killer of buffalo, dressed in quilldecorated buckskin, elaborately feathered eaddress, and leather moccasins, living in an animal skin teepee, master of the dog and horse, and stranger to vegetables. But this lifestyle, once limited almost exclusively to the Apaches, flourished no more than a couple hundred years. It is not representative of most Native Americans of today or yesterday. Indeed, the “buffalo aslifestyle” phenomenon is a direct result of European influence…”
Out From The Shadows: A Vegan Straight Edge Journal of Resistance
This hard-to-find zine discusses and encourages increased visibility of radical vegan straight edge ideas within the anarchist struggle.
Open Minds June 2011 Summer Issue #1
A vegan, straight edge anarchist zine filled with band interviews and essays.
Revolutionary Struggle for Human & Non-Human Animal Liberation
A short zine that delivers a quick look at the interconnected relationship between sexism, racism and speciesist oppression.
Riotous Incognitx #1 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zin
This is the first issue of a short series of queer, vegan straight edge, green anarchist insurrectionary zines. This issue includes an interview with Sprout Distro, xBalaclavax (xvx hip-hop from brazil), as well as essays on the indigenous struggle against alcohol with “The Battle of White KKKlay”, and green anarchy.
Riotous Incognitx #2 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine
The second issue of a series of zines focused on queer, vegan straight edge insurrectionary anarchy. This issues discusses being a straight edge queer of color, insurrectionary anarchy and prisoner support.
Riotous Incognitx #3 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine
The last periodical of a series of zines focused on green anarchy, insurrection and vegan straight edge. This is issue includes an essay about the rise of anti-speciesism in the anarchist movement, as well as some recipes for direct action.
Technological Addiction
Text from back cover:
“In order to effectively perceive and confront the problem(s) of civilization we must be able to look at our relationship to it. This relationship is framed by domestication, through which our experiences therein are controlled and manipulated. In this essay, Chellis Glendinning tokes the psychological approach to major parts of our relationship with civilization, trauma and addiction.
Without question, this text provides a key understanding of just how deep the damage domestication has wrought is, and what kind of struggle must be employed against this culture of docility.”
Total Liberation: Freedom for Both Non-human & Human Animals
A short tri-fold pamphlet which discusses the basics of anarchist total liberation.
Total Liberation Freedom for Both Nonhuman and Human animals! pdf
Vegan Anarchy: Anti-Speciesist Warfare & Direct Action
An older zine discussing the need for vegan anti-speciesism in the anarchist struggle. Includes a couple notes on attacks by the Animal Rights Militia.
Warfare, Genocide & Extinction: The Real Cost of Modern Conveniences
An informational zine about the technological industrial complex, its relationship to the globalization of capitalism and the death it brings.
Why Anarchist Vegan?
Text from front cover:
“Mainstream vegan material is written from a liberal rather than class based perspective. It is basing arguments on charity instead of solidarity, and offering individualistic and consumerist rather than collective solutions. The material often blames the individual choices for the rampant industrialised animal abuse instead of understanding underlying economic and hierarchical structures and empowering people to organise against them.
This short pamphlet aims to offer another perspective. This perspective is built on anti- capitalist, libertarian communist, class based anarchist view. It is assumed that the reader is aware of the exploitative nature of capitalism and social hierarchies. This pamphlet aims to show how capitalism and hierarchical structures affect issues relating to use of animals in agriculture, land ownership and use as well as environmental degradation related to food production.”
Native Blood: The Myth of Thanksgiving
Text from back cover:
“Every schoolchild in the U.S. has been taught that the Pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony invited the local Indians to a major harvest feast after surviving their first bitter year in New England. Here is the true story of that Thanksgiving. A story of murder and theft, of the first corporations invented on North American soil, of religious fundamentalism and relentless mania for money. It is a story of the birth of capitalism.”