Canceled: A Short DIY Guide To Surviving & Recovering from Social Banishment

From back cover:

“Despite what some believe, patterns of harm or abuse can be broken and left in the cemetery of the past. Every individual has the power to break those patterns and redefine and recreate their self. Who you are is not defined by someone else, a group of people or even the political ideas you may possess. Ultimately you are responsible for your actions – which include any and all changes you make to yourself that ultimately determine your actions moving forward. Any or all mistakes you made in the past – or even yesterday – don’t have to define who you could be today…

… Every individual has the potential to overcome obstacles (whether imposed by society or carried on from personal trauma) that stand in the way of personal change. We (the authors of this text) believe that rebellion isn’t only a business district littered with burning cars and broken glass but also an internal transformation that liberates an individual from the indoctrinated ways people have been conditioned to relate to one another. And that also includes the often harmful ways we each tend to treat ourselves.”

Canceled_A Short DIY Guide To Surviving & Recovering from Social Banishment pdf

Class War is Outdated

From back cover:

“Imagine, moreover, if all these protesters and indignant people were satisfied in terms of wages and regained the bourgeois dream of a country house, two cars and four televisions at the sole price of the ever-increasing impoverishment of immigrants, how quickly they would return to their comfortable couch…

…economic poverty is often not conducive to the prospect of anarchist liberation. It is no coincidence that in the past some of the fascist and totalitarian regimes were established on poverty and economic deprivation, after having presented themselves as the solution of salvation and exit from the crisis. Indeed, the impoverished masses often saw Hitler or Mussolini as their redeeming leaders. After all, it was ‘the poor people’ themselves who brought these scumbags to power through elections. This is because for someone who is financially desperate, usually his priority is to save by any means the basic necessities of life.

He is not in the mood to consider that there is a different life proposition that is not ruled by inequality and exploitation. What he is concerned with is a proposal or at least a promise that will now get him out of his impasse.”

Class War is Outdated pdf

A Nihilist Understanding of “Social War”: On Autonomy, Domination, Representation, Class War and Identity

From back cover:

“Social war is all around us. It is present in the cop cars that patrol our streets, in our schools, in the design of our cities and suburbs, and in the boundaries of what it means to be a man or a woman. To wage social war is to either exercise social control or destroy it, to govern or to be uncontrollable, or to forfeit your agency to a representative or to take direct action. Social war is all around us, we cannot choose whether we are subjected to it, but whether we choose to fight back.”

A Nihilist Understanding of “Social war” pdf

Morality vs. Ethics

From back cover:

“Moral systems are designed to oppress and marginalise anyone the system deems undesirable. They are based on transcendent rules that are forcibly applied to all people from all backgrounds, in all situations; regardless of each individual’s desires and values.

Unlike reactionary universal ‘morals’, ethics are decided on a case-by-case basis by the individual based on their own values and desires. Ethics are tangible and tied to real cause and effect outcomes.”

Morality vs Ethics pdf

Jodidamente Hostil

This zine contains various thoughts and ideas related to anti­-speciesism, nihilist pessimism, and anti-­left anarchy, expressed by Morgan Taylor, a vegan straight edge anarchist writer.

Jodidamente Hostil pdf 

Egoist Vegan: Some Thoughts on an Individualist Animal Liberation

From back cover:

“If I am thoroughly an egoist, then I recognize the ego of others and the desire of that ego to not be controlled or dominated. I own nobody, and nobody owns me. This social relationship does not constitute a form of politics. Politics implies social governance guided by an external authority. My lifestyle is an anti­-politics ­ rejecting all anthropocentric power and authority constructed to govern my social interactions with other animals. My refusal to view non­human animals as “food” for consumption can easily be understood as a primal expression of this anti­-authoritarian lifestyle.”

Egoist Vegan_Some Thoughts on an Individualist Animal Liberation pdf

A Dagger of Feral Anarchy

From back cover:

“For me, post-left anarchy is synonymous with anti-left anarchy. The “post” in post-left anarchy does not represent a ‘new’ or evolved form of leftism – as some would claim with various contemporary anti-state communist and socialist projects. Rather I use the phrase post-left anarchy to merely express a present frame of mind distinct from a past experience of having identified and engaged with leftist thinking. And from this perspective, anti is synonymous with post because it accurately expresses the nature of my present existence – my desire for individualistic, feral freedom – as antagonistic toward the civilizing order of leftism. For me, post-left anarchy does not mean some sort of alignment or sympathy with right-wing politics – I am equally hostile toward nationalism, fascism, and all other conservative ideologies created in the name of preserving law and order. I recognize that both left and right wing ideologies are fundamentally collectivist, requiring the absorption of individual freedom in exchange for the uniformity of a republic. Both sides of the political spectrum integrate people into a binary interpretation of reality that ultimately maintains industrial society.”

A Dagger of Feral Anarchy pdf

Against Gender Against Society

Text from the zine:

“We must turn against society itself. Gender is a war against all of us, and for those who desire freedom, nothing short of the total eradication of gender will suffice. To those of us who wish to remove all the walls between each other instead of being alienated from each other (and ourselves) because of groupings we never chose, to those of us that wish to access all our potential doings, our potential to become anything instead of pacing within the limits of genders we know to be inadequate, we say: let’s destroy society, let’s destroy gender.”

Against Gender Against Society pdf

Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack

From back cover:

“My queerness is an experimentation that never ends. It is the totality of a life lived against the law, insubordinate and wild. It is not a communist politics but a nihilist negation to all systems that attempt to subordinate individuality. It is not the leftist politics of demanding and “building a better world” but an anarchist insurgency of reclaiming life day to day, and setting fire to its captors. Since gender is embedded in every fabric of this industrial, civilized society, I find no hope in salvaging any part of it­ only joy in every second of its calculated demise.”

Arming Negativity_Towards the Queerest Attack pdf

Degenerations: Between Pride and Gender Victimhood by Anna Beniamino

From back cover:

“I am anarchist, I am not feminist because I see feminism as a sectorial and victimist withdrawal, I have never made any gender discrimination although I don’t use gender­friendly linguistic conventions, on the contrary I often use dirty politically incorrect language. I think that the annulment of gender privilege and similar oppression is already contained in the search for anarchy, that is to say in the practice of anti­-authoritarian relations, and should be cultivated there. Ah, I forgot, I loathe consciousness-­raising in public meetings and I also consider assemblies to be blunt instruments. I understand and also have the will to meet. But I see how all too often the assembly degenerates into sterile self­-representation.”

Degenerations_Between Pride and Gender Victimhood pdf

Only A Tsunami Will Do: For A Post-Feminist Anarchy

Text from back cover:

“Men, women, …fighting for the elusive Happily­Ever­ After­Plus­$’More. This powerful enemy includes a mindset requiring controlled, predictable (despite acknowledging its impossibility), identifiable order according to a Mass­ter plan. But it is perhaps, first and foremost, the loss of the unique individual, alienated from self and others, masked in a divisive pseudo ­libertarian ­unity. We are unified only in our misery, guilt, and blame — wasting away in our too often self­ selected, segregated, readily ­identified roles — in reality, easily monitored cells. Male, female, black, white, straight, gay….And no kinder and gentler feminine warden will release us; if we want out we need to break out and burn the prison down. And our opportunities are rapidly disappearing. There’s no Womanhood to exalt, no Manhood to destroy. If anyone treats you in a way you don’t want —deal with them as individuals. Don’t tag them as proof of a misbehaving aggregation; anarchists neither accept nor impose representation. Missteps amongst comrades — even with strangers — are opportunities to explore our roles and (usually unspoken) expectations. If a John is abusive, a Kat dangerous, take them out [of that position] in whatever way you see fit. When we directly and consistently refuse and resist every imposition of another’s will/leadership/order/coercion and remain open to insurrectionary inspiration in any form, we embrace a means never­ending.”

Only A Tsunami Will Do_For A Post-Feminist Anarchy pdf

Setting Fire to The Church of Social Justice: 3 Critiques of Identity Politics, Call-Out Culture & Other Forms of Statist Thinking

A multi-perspective, thorough and in-depth look at identity politics, call-out culture and the accountability process and their relationship to church and state.

Published by Dandelion Distro ( )

Setting Fire to the Church of Social Justice pdf

To Destroy Sexuality

Text from the zine:

“Of course, we realize how many obstacles we have to overcome to make our aspirations into something more than the dreams of a small and marginal minority. We are keenly aware that liberating the body for sensual, sexual, affective, and ecstatic relationships is inseparably linked to liberating women and destroying male dominance and role models – especially sexual role models. It is likewise linked to destroying all forms of oppression and “normality.”

“We want to be rid of all roles and identities based on the phallus. We want to be rid of sexual segregation. We want to be rid of the categories of man and woman, gay and straight, possessor and possessed, greater and lesser, master and slave. We want instead to be transsexual, autonomous, mobile, and multiple human beings with varying differences who can interchange desires, gratifications, ecstasies, and tender emotions without referring back to tables of surplus value or power structures that aren’t already in the rules of the game.”

to-destroy-sexuality pdf

Weaponizing Sobriety: Feral Anarchy Against Intoxication Culture

From back cover:

“As an anarchist, I refuse to tranquilize the chaos of my jouissance with inebriation. I exalt life vehemently against the pacifying qualities of marijuana, the cancerous addiction of tobacco, and the “correctional” anesthesia of psychiatric medications. The intoxication-based realities of poverty, addiction, and death motivate my personal desire to remain sober and supportive of those struggling. As long as I exist, my sobriety remains a weapon against capitalism, a weapon which can not be confiscated by the social conformity essential to intoxication culture. Towards individualist revolt and a straight edge anarchist praxis, straight edge means attack.”

Weaponizing Sobriety_Feral Anarchy Against Intoxication Culture pdf

Vegan Means Attack: Fomenting A Wildfire Against Speciesism and Moral Anthropocentrism

From back cover:

“There is a war to be waged against society, alongside the non-human animals who refuse domesticated subservience, and who are evicted from their homes due to mass deforestation, human development and technology. Veganism burdened by the millstone of liberalism, fails to critically acknowledge capitalist, industrial civilization itself as the massified, embodiment of anthropocentric domination. Anarchism that fails to challenge speciesism on an individual level reproduces the internalized authoritarian values of human domination. Since speciesism is pervasive in society, it is insulated and well preserved by a comforting normalization – a normalization that aids cultural indoctrination and apathy. Confrontation is necessary in unsettling the socially established comforts and moral order of non-human animal domination.”

Vegan Means Attack pdf

3 Essays Against Work and the Deprivation of Life

Texts from back cover:

“It is work that keeps the whole miserabilist system going. Without work, the death ­dealing juggernaut that proclaims itself the “free market” would grind to a halt. “Free market” means freedom for Capital, and unfreedom for those who work. Until the problem of work is solved — that is, until work is abolished — all other problems will not only remain, but will keep getting worse…In a world too busy to live, work itself has become toxic, a form of “digging your own grave’.”

“So in order to put an end to one’s slavery, to move beyond the limits of merely getting by, it is necessary to make a decision to refuse to submit; it is necessary to begin to reappropriate one’s life here and now. Such a project inevitably places one in conflict with the entire social order of work; so the project of reappropriating one’s existence must also be the project of destroying work…This is the world we must destroy in the process of taking back our lives, and the necessity of this destruction makes the project of the reappropriation of our lives one with the projects of insurrection and social revolution.”

“Because there is no common positive project to be found in our condition as proletarians — as the exploited and dispossessed — our project must be the struggle to destroy our proletarian condition, to put an end to our dispossession. The essence of what we have lost is not control over the means of production or of material wealth; it is our lives themselves, our capacity to create our existence in terms of our own needs and desires. Thus, our struggle finds its terrain everywhere, at all times. Our aim is to destroy everything that keeps our lives from us: capital, the state, the industrial and post­industrial technological apparatus, work, sacrifice, ideology, every organization that tries to usurp our struggle, in short, all systems of control.”

3 Essays Against Work and The Deprivation of Life pdf

3 Short Essays on Insurrectionary Anarchy, Illegalism & Post-Leftism

These essays were originally published in the zine produced by comrades from Dark Matter Publications & 325 ‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts against Civil Anarchism

Text from the zine:

“Theorization of abstract social systems – and all social systems are based on abstractions – only strengthens domination. But if you start from your own life and refuse to be a component of anything, refuse to represent others or have others represent you, embracing your inscrutable uniqueness, knowing that all you face in life are choices, then you are a danger to authority and order, a walking microcosm of anarchy. This then is a call out to avoid the casual hierarchies and cliques of the official anarchist movement, to avoid ideological systems and political identities, to savour the pleasure of thinking for yourself, of following your desires, the dignity of honestly following through to whatever unknowns of truth, negation and passion, setting no abstraction above yourself. In the war to the end, only choices matter, and only you are responsible for the choices you make. Examine your feelings and thoughts, eliminate all moral and ideological systems from yourself, be aware that “common sense” (or rather social consensus rationalism) is the strongest support of the existent, don’t be afraid of where your inner (and outer) struggle takes you.”

3_Essays_Insurrectionary Anarchy_Illegality_Post-Leftism pdf

9 Thesis on Insurgency: Institute for the Study of Insurgent Warfare

Text from the zine:

“To be an insurgent means re-evaluating our relationship to so-called social movements, and also our role outside of them. For example, liberals are not allies, even though there is often confusion on this question. Fundamentally, their goals always involve some paternalistic attempt to define everyday life, and to use the state to do so; it should then be no surprise that they often work with the police. This does not mean that they cannot be used, or that engagement with social movements may not be effective, but to be able to re-evaluate the relationship that any of us may have to social movements we have to re-conceive of what the so-called social movements are, and this requires a move away from understanding them as a necessity towards the conception of them as a tactic, a form of engagement that has dramatic limitations, but that may not be all together useless given the right conditions. But, to move to this point means moving beyond defining what we are doing as a thing that exists in some consistent way across time and space.”

9 Thesis on Insurgency pdf

Ten Blows Against Politics

A short but thorough breakdown and critique of “politics”.

10 Blows Against Politics pdf

A Conversation Between Anarchists: A discussion about tactics, theory and practice between the imprisoned members of CCF and a few anarchists in Mexico

From the text:

“As nihilist anarchists we hate both the hand that holds the whip and the back that endures it and passively accepts flagellation without reacting. We dismantle and destroy all the values of civilization, annihilate the dictatorship of economy by making it void, make the cities of the masses and their authoritarian urbanism crumble, attack the plunder of nature and animal exploitation, hamper dogmatic positions and refuse the religion of scientists. Only constant and merciless destruction-creation makes life worth living. Constant nihilist questioning, through texts, bullets and explosives, attack organized boredom, the offspring of the dominant culture of “identity”.”

A Conversation Between Anarchists pdf

A Critique, Not a Program: For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique

Text from back cover:

“Ultimately, if we imagine dismantling civilization, actively and consciously destroying it, not in order to institute a program or realize a specific vision, but in order to open and endlessly expand the possibilities for realizing ourselves and exploring our capacities and desires, then we can begin to do it as the way we live here and now against the existing order. If, instead of hoping for a paradise, we grasp life, joy and wonder now, we will be living a truly anarchic critique of civilization that has nothing to do with any image of the “primitive”, but rather with our immediate need to no longer be domesticated, with our need to be unique, not tamed, controlled, defined with identities. Then, we will find ways to grasp all that we can make our own and to destroy all that seeks to conquer us.”

A Critique, not a program For a Non-Primitivist Anti-Civilization Critique pdf

Against Assemblies: Organisation, Democracy & the Left

A zine critical of the Left and formal organizations. Advocates post-left anarchy through informal organizing and affinity group based attacks.

Text from back cover:

“Informal self-organisation is particularly powerful in war. Modern states can easily crush weaker opposing armies, but struggle to contain loose informal insurgencies. And it’s war we’re talking about.”

Against Assemblies – Organization, Democracy, and the Left pdf

Against Identity Politics: Spectres, Joylessness & The Contours of Ressentiment

Texts from back cover:

“What is being criticized here is a particular political style, rather than a theoretical orientation – a style which labels as oppressive any deviation from a particular political line, which resorts almost immediately to public denunciation and exclusion, and which entails analytical and categorical rigidity […]”

“Structural oppressions are sociologically real, but their roots can be traced deeper, to the structures of statism and representation. If we must theorize a primary contradiction, then let it be the contradiction between ourselves – as unique ones, forces of becoming, irreducible and unrepresentable beings – and the entire regime of spectres and alienation.”

Against Identity Politics pdf

Against Innocence: Gender, Race & The Politics of Safety

Text from back cover:

“Ultimately, our appeals to innocence demarcate who is killable and rapable, even if we are trying to strategically use such appeals to protest violence committed against one of our comrades. […] When we rely on appeals to innocence, we foreclose a form of resistance that is outside the limits of law, and instead ally ourselves with the State.”

Against Innocence pdf

Against The Logic of Submission by Wolfi Landstricher

Text from back cover:

“The desire to change the world remains merely an abstract ideal or a political program unless it becomes the will to transform one’s own life. If joy and wonder, and a beautiful, indomitable existence are what we want, we need to try to achieve this here and now in rebellious defiance against all domination, eradicating the logic of submission from our lives, and our relationships and our revolutionary struggle – for the destruction of politics and the creation of life without measure.”

Against The Logic of Submission pdf

Against The Logic of Submission: The Subversion of Existence

From “Willful Disobedience Volume 2, number 12”

Text from back cover:

“On the basis of these relationships of affinity, real projects that reflect the desires and aims of the individuals involved, rather than simply a feeling that one must do something, can develop. Whether the project is a squat, a sharing of free food, an act of sabotage, a pirate radio station, a periodical, a demonstration, or an attack against one of the institutions of domination, it will not be entered into as a political obligation, but as a part of the life one is striving to create, as a flowering of one’s self-determined existence. And it is then and only then that its subversive and insurrectional potential blossoms. If joy and wonder, and a beautiful, indomitable existence are what we want, we need to try to achieve this here and now in rebellious defiance against all domination, eradicating the logic of submission from our lives, our relationships and our revolutionary struggle — for the destruction of politics and the creation of life without measure.”

Against the Logic of Submission_The Subversion of Existence pdf

Anarchic Practices in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State

This zine details insurrectionary attacks, prisoners and a relentless fight for total freedom in Chile.

Anarchic Practices in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State pdf

Anarchy Against Civilization

Text from back cover:

“As radicals (from the latin radix­root) we seek to examine and challenge root causes. The anarchist tradition has historically identified capitalism as a root cause. Fortunately, we as anarchists are not bound to tradition. Certainly capitalism is odious and something to be abolished, but it is not a root problem. Capitalism is rooted in civilization. Social stratification and hierarchy are necessary for the operation and maintenance of mass society. There is no way to take all of the tasks necessary to maintain civilization and equalize them and divide them up among people equally. Because of its complexity, civilization requires specialization and hierarchy. Breaking with civilization, economics, and domestication has nothing to do with “going backwards” or “turning back the clock.” Correcting mistakes is not a matter of reversing a preset trajectory. Civilization is constantly and rapidly destroying species, ecosystems, communities, and people. Whether it crashes on its own or whether we take responsibility and bring it down ourselves, the sooner civilization comes down, the less devastation there will be when it does. If anarchy is to be relevant in today’s world it must be green, that is, it must be focused on bringing down civilization and finding a way of living in which we acknowledge ourselves as a part of the natural world, rather than a force at odds with it.”

Anarchy Against Civilization pdf

An Iconoclastic Monstrocity: Disability Against Civilization


“In the vast ocean of social war, some rebels – damaged, frail, or terminally ill – refuse to surrender to the victimization of disability. The world-builders attempt to subdue them with peace-offerings of technospheric assimilation and consumerist comforts. But these rebels – these monsters – refuse anything less than a hostile, insubordinate revolt against the domesticating machine…

This zine compiles the voices of some of these rebels. Together in this zine, and individually in their daily lives, they conspire to challenge the victimizing and civilizing narrative of disability discourse, while also taking aim at civilization itself.”

An Iconoclastic Monstrocity_Disability Against Civilization pdf

An Obituary for Identity Politics

From back cover:

“Rather than taking aim at identity itself and the apparatus maintaining this paradigm, energy is spent tearing one another down, ignoring the complexity of individual uniqueness, and playing the State’s role of defining each other based on membership to identity categories. Embracing a particular identity only reaffirms that identity’s existence as a ‘universal truth’ – and therefore, by the colonial intentions of assigned identity, the servitude and enslavement of some to others as a universal truth as well…

…I refuse to participate in upholding enslavement as a condition of my existence, and therefore these ‘truths’ are nothing more than political works of fiction…

…These ‘truths’ are the social constructs of control, keeping the life of rebellion shackled in a cold well of reform.”

An Obituary for Identity Politics pdf

Armed Joy

Text from back cover:

“DO IT YOURSELF Don’t break up the global aspect of play by reducing it to roles. Defend your right to enjoy life. Obstruct capital’s death project. The latter can only enter the world of creativity and play by transforming who is playing into a ‘player’ the living creator into a dead person who cheats themselves into believing they are alive.”

Armed Joy pdf

Beyond the “Movement” – Anarchy!

Text from back cover:

“The collectivist message of The Coming Insurrection has little in common with insurrectional anarchy: the revolutionary theory flowing from the individual’s passionate uprising to appropriate the fullness of life for themselves, attacking all that controls and exploits, finding commonalities and affinities with others from which spring the real commune – the friends and accomplices of the guerrilla war against the totality of authoritarian society. Their insurrection may be coming, mine has come, it is an individual revolt. With no sovereign systems of morality, theory, principles or social abstractions standing above the singular individual, the nihilist­ anarchist attacks all systems, including identity and ideology systems, as obstacles to our self­ realisation. The struggle is against not only the domination of controlling social organisation and widespread tranquilisation, but also against inherited repressive programming and the force of daily life, and so our struggle is a constant tension where what we must destroy and transcend is much more obvious than where we might end up.”

Beyond The Movement_Anarchy! pdf

Civilisation & Collapse

Text from back cover:

“This is not a suggestion to flee to civilisation and cower in isolation, tending vegetable patches and practising primitive skills in “peace” – it is a proposal to take the initiative to better position ourselves tactically, to continue and intensify the war against civilisation in what will most likely be challenging times. We would like to reiterate our opinion that things are only going to get worse, and to adopt this tactic of wild resistance would mean putting this into practise immediately, not waiting for any more “signs” of what is to come. From these wild places we will have the chance to better arm, rewild and train ourselves for the preservation of our own freedom, the defence of regions untouched or abandonded by
industrial civilisation and to effectively attack its hardware and mechanisms where they are weak, driving the final nails deeper into the casket of this dying society.”

Civilisation and Collapse pdf

Collectives: Anarchy Against the Mass

Text from back cover:

“Collectives are small efficient means of organizing that provide practical examples of counter – institutions that are egalitarian, voluntary, and anti – authoritarian. Collectives work and they prove that anarchy works, and that’s one of the best weapons we have against both Marxist-capitalism and the Marxist- Leninoid version of “Revolution.” Collectives demonstrate that people can organize their lives together in ways that do not oppress or exploit anyone and that encourage the full and free participation of people in things that affect their everyday lives.”

Collectives_against_mass pdf

Contra la logica de la sumision (Wolfi Landstreicher)

“”El deseo de cambiar el mundo sigue siendo simplemente un ideal abstracto o un programa político a menos que se convierta en la voluntad de transformar la propia vida. Si lo que queremos es gozo y asombro, y una existencia hermosa e indomable, debemos intentar lograr esto aquí y ahora en un desafío rebelde contra toda dominación, erradicando la lógica de la sumisión de nuestras vidas, nuestras relaciones y nuestra lucha revolucionaria – para la destrucción de la política y la creación de la vida sin medida”.

Contra la logica de la sumision (Wolfi Landstreicher) pdf

Communization: The Senile Decay of Anarchy by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire Imprisoned Members

Text from back cover:

“Anarchy, however, demands the organization of the new anarchist urban guerrilla, if we don’t want it to degenerate into a meaningless poetic chatter, doomed to be followed by the alternative integration in the system. Concepts that are not armed, like anarchist individualism, nihilism end up being harmless words in the mouths of even more harmless individuals who confuse anarcho-nihilism with the subculture of “antisocial lifestyle”. Anarcho-nihilism combines the propaganda of words with the propaganda of shootings, fire, dynamite. Its dynamic is forged on the anvil of actions where consciousness and experience meet in a never ending dance and not in the keyboards of the digital world of nothing.”

Communization-Decay-of-Anarchy pdf

Dangerous Foundations: An Argument Against the “Identity” in Identity Politics

A well-written, thorough critique of identity and a proposal for its total abandonment.

Dangerous Foundations Anti-Identity pdf

Decomposing the Masses: Towards Armed Individuality

From back cover:

““The strategy of creating a mass society or system of order is a strategy of discouraging individuality, chaos, and uniqueness. This strategy includes presenting a one-dimensional view of individualism that is defined by capitalism. But for individualism to be unique and
chaotic, it can not be limited by the confines of formal organizations or socialized constructs.”

“I want to weaponize chaos as an individualized attack on all governance and social order. I envision anarchy as a wildfire that blackens the civilized, domesticated kingdom of institutional and social domination. Getting free is more than just attacking capital and the state. At least for me, it also means creating your self every single day beyond society’s attempts to define you as a static being.”

Decomposing the Masses_Towards Armed Individuality pdf

Desire Armed: Anarchy and the Creative Impulse

Text from back cover:

“My freedom is not a promise for the future, but a way to continuously confront the world where I exist now, taking possession of my life with all my might, in conflict with everything that stands in my way. This ongoing conflict (which will not end simply because we somehow manage to eradicate the entire institutional framework of authority) is what makes the essential destructive, negating aspects of anarchist practice one with the creative aspects. Consciously creating our lives as our own means destroying every chain that holds as back, smashing through every barrier that gets in our way. Thus, there is no use in waiting for some condition to hand us our freedom. We need to act now for our own sakes and on our own terms, not for any cause nor on terms set by those who want to maintain the ruling order.”

Desire Armed Anarchy and the Creative Impulse pdf

Drawing First Blood

From back cover:

“Every attempt to free humanity en masse is bound to fail because collective self-determination is a contradiction in terms. There is no such thing as the common good, for there is no good that is common to all. Society, collective, and public are only convenient terms to designate individuals in the aggregate; they are not entities — they have no bodies, minds, interests, or real existence: A collective has no self, and is but a collection of selves who have waived their individual powers and will to self-determination, for what is claimed to be the interests of the majority. The price paid for collective unity is always the subordination of the member units, which is the antithesis of anarchy…”

“Anarchy is freedom, and this most assuredly includes the freedom not to be a socialist or to live like one, and the freedom not to limit one’s identity to any social role — especially that of worker. It’s the freedom not to participate in communal activities or to share communal goals, or to pray before the idol of Solidarity. It’s freedom not only from the rule of the State but also from that of the tribe, village, commune, or production syndicate. It’s the freedom to choose one’s own path to one’s own goals, to map out one’s own campaign against Authority, and, if desired, to go it alone.”

Drawing First Blood pdf