Of Indigenous Hunters & Colonial Stereotypes: Indigenous Anarchy Against Hunting & Intoxication Culture

From back cover:

“In response to modern day hunters who call themselves “green” or “primitive” or “anti-civ anarchists”, they are an example of how humans are inherently violent, with each other and with other species, ether through war or terrorism, and they usually focus on the weaker. As for the animals, most of them don’t and can not defend themselves from the hunter. Hunting is a form of terrorism, that humans, past and present, attempt to justify as being “necessary” for survival reasons – grown men and women killing or beating the shit out of the innocent.”

Of Indigenous Hunters & Colonial Stereotypes_Indigenous Anarchy Against Hunting & Intoxication Culture pdf

Vegan Cooking is Easy (Recipe Zine)

So u think vegan cooking is hard? and u put difficulty over liberation & autonomy for ALL?! thats fucked up. here’s some easy recipes you can try instead, now that ur vegan ofc.

Vegan Cooking is Easy pdf

Absurd, Disingenuous Rationalizations of Ranting Humancentric Anarchists

From back cover:

“Anti-civ anarchists attempting to ground their reasoning for hunting in primal human behavior are being self-contradictory. Surrendering one’s innate primal mutualism to anthropocentric supremacy grounded in moral and ethical ethos manifests in human incursions dominating and even killing other wild life. All wild animals live within a natural range, for example other great apes. They don’t naturally invade, conquer and colonize all of earth. Accepting civilization’s anthropocentric domination, as in hunting, is accomplished via indoctrinated moral conditioning, and is as much an authentic primal desire as that of a child to kill a rabbit and eat its raw tissues instead of picking and eating berries, mushrooms and nuts.”

Absurd, Disingenuous Rationalizations of Ranting Humancentric Anarchists pdf

The Anarchist Diet: Vegetarianism and Individualist Anarchism in Early 20th-Century France

From back cover:

“The history of anarcho-individualist veganism is practically unknown by the libertarian movement itself. In fact, when French anarchists began writing about environmentalism in the 1970s and veganism in the 1990s, no reference was made to their individualist predecessors of the first half of the 20th century…

…The first part of this article provides a synopsis of anarchism Individualist before looking at the naturian and its defense of the animal cause movement. The second part examines individualist anarchists’ motives for adopting a plant-based diet, many of which, as we shall see, are just as topical as ever. The concluding remarks will highlight the fact that veganism allows us to better understand a vastly understudied strand of anarchism, namely individualism.”

The Anarchist Diet_Vegetarianism and Individualist Anarchism in Early 20th Century France pdf

Veganism and Mi’kmaw Legends

From back cover:

“This text proposes a postcolonial ecofeminist reading of Mi’kmaw legends as the basis for a vegan diet rooted in Indigenous culture. I refer primarily to veganism throughout this work because unlike vegetarianism, it is not only a diet but a lifestyle that, for ethical reasons, eschews the use of animal products. Constructing an Indigenous veganism faces two significant barriers—the first being the association of veganism with whiteness…

…A second barrier to Indigenous veganism is the portrayal of veganism as a product of class privilege. Opponents claim that a vegan diet is an indulgence since the poor (among whom Indigenous people are disproportionately represented) must eat whatever is available, and cannot afford to be so picky. This argument assumes that highly processed specialty products make up the bulk of a vegan diet. Such an argument also overlooks the economic and environmental cost of meat, and assumes that the subsidized meat and dairy industries in North America are representative of the world.”

Veganism and Mi’kmaw Legends pdf

Veganism as Anti-Colonial Praxis: A Collection of Indigenous Vegan Perspectives

From back cover:

“Despite the absorption of veganism by the capitalist market – a process that admittingly reinforces pre-existing divisions across class and racial lines – a vegan lifestyle taken to its logical conclusion is fundamentally anti-capitalist and anti-colonial. By (re)acknowledging sentience and personalities within the bodies of colonized (animal) subjects, a vegan lifestyle rejects authoritarian relationships based on disrespect for the bodily autonomy of those whose lives have been re-purposed for human supremacist consumption.

This small collection of shared experiences, while reflective of a larger anti-colonial struggle, highlights the inclusion of an anti-speciesist, animal liberation.”

Veganism as Anti-Colonial Praxis_A Collection of Indigenous Vegan Perspectives pdf

Anarchy & Animal Liberation: A Journal of Wild Attack

From back cover:

“The anti-authoritarian relationship with non-human animals (and the earth) combined with clandestine attack against industrial society can be seen throughout history. Past and present, many anarchists not only maintain a vegan lifestyle as a rejection of hierarchy in their relationships to non-human animals, but also recognize the necessity for destroying civilization itself.

This zine was created with the intention of illustrating the relationship between veganism, individualist anarchy and insurrectionary attack by highlighting a few of the many groups and cells that turned anger into action.”

Anarchy & Animal Liberation_A Journal of Wild Attack pdf

The Intersections Between Anti-Speciesism, Anti-Civilization, & Individualist Anarchy

From back cover:

“Veganism, like anarchy, isn’t a system; it’s an individual praxis of abstention and individual resistance against consumerist violence and civilization-induced destruction. Veganism is the individual anti-speciesist refusal to take part in all forms of exploitation and systematic extermination…

…Vegetarianism is part of my egoist self-affirmation as I strive towards veganism as part of my own individualist liberation struggle, evicting the social constructs and herd mentalities that haunt the mind.”

The Intersections Between Anti-Speciesism, Anti-Civilization & Individualist Anarchy pdf

Jodidamente Hostil

This zine contains various thoughts and ideas related to anti­-speciesism, nihilist pessimism, and anti-­left anarchy, expressed by Morgan Taylor, a vegan straight edge anarchist writer.

Jodidamente Hostil pdf 

Egoist Vegan: Some Thoughts on an Individualist Animal Liberation

From back cover:

“If I am thoroughly an egoist, then I recognize the ego of others and the desire of that ego to not be controlled or dominated. I own nobody, and nobody owns me. This social relationship does not constitute a form of politics. Politics implies social governance guided by an external authority. My lifestyle is an anti­-politics ­ rejecting all anthropocentric power and authority constructed to govern my social interactions with other animals. My refusal to view non­human animals as “food” for consumption can easily be understood as a primal expression of this anti­-authoritarian lifestyle.”

Egoist Vegan_Some Thoughts on an Individualist Animal Liberation pdf

A Dagger of Feral Anarchy

From back cover:

“For me, post-left anarchy is synonymous with anti-left anarchy. The “post” in post-left anarchy does not represent a ‘new’ or evolved form of leftism – as some would claim with various contemporary anti-state communist and socialist projects. Rather I use the phrase post-left anarchy to merely express a present frame of mind distinct from a past experience of having identified and engaged with leftist thinking. And from this perspective, anti is synonymous with post because it accurately expresses the nature of my present existence – my desire for individualistic, feral freedom – as antagonistic toward the civilizing order of leftism. For me, post-left anarchy does not mean some sort of alignment or sympathy with right-wing politics – I am equally hostile toward nationalism, fascism, and all other conservative ideologies created in the name of preserving law and order. I recognize that both left and right wing ideologies are fundamentally collectivist, requiring the absorption of individual freedom in exchange for the uniformity of a republic. Both sides of the political spectrum integrate people into a binary interpretation of reality that ultimately maintains industrial society.”

A Dagger of Feral Anarchy pdf

Hacia La Liberacion Total: Vegan Queer Edge Anarquista

Un fanzine que recopila dos textos acerca de la relación entre la lucha anarquista, la liberación animal, la cultura Straight Edge y el rechazo al consumo de drogas, y la lucha de las personas de género variante y de les disidentes sexuales.

Gracias a Distri Afecto por su trabajo de traducción y edición, y por compartirlo.

hacia la liberacion total xvx pdf


Straight Edge Resistance

This zine includes a large collection of essays and interviews related to anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, anti-colonial, vegan, queer, anti-civ straight edge ideas.

Straight_Edge_Resistance pdf

Against Speciesism, Against Anthropocentrism: 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism

Text from back cover:

“Anarchism is struggle against all forms of domination. It is a beautifully simple idea that helps call into question every oppressive norm.

But our relationships of subjugation with billions of other species on the earth is one norm that few seem to take issue with; not only are other species unable to communicate their experience to us, but to question means to challenge entrenched habits and world views. If we want to be consistent in our politics, then there’s no way we can continue to ignore the impact our anthropocentrism (human-centeredness) is having on the rest of this planet.

Yet, just because most of us are implicated does not mean that we are burdened with some kind of ‘original sin’. Quite the contrary: the beauty and power of anarchism is that it pushes us all to live lives that are more just, loving, meaningful, satisfying, and collectively free. So when we talk about speciesism, far from being dismissive, we should embrace the challenge it poses, look further into the issue, and do what we can to change the miserable status quo.”

Against Speciesism Against Anthropocentrism 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism pdf

ALF Primer 3rd Edition: A Guide to Direct Action & The Animal Liberation Front

ALF_Primer_3rdEdition pdf

Anti-Speciesism & Dietary Decolonization: A Short Introduction to Veganism

This zine breaks down the Standard American Diet, tracing it back to its colonial roots and advocates veganism as a form of anti-colonial resistance.

Anti-Speciesism Dietary Decolonization Intro to Veganism pdf

A Vegan Revolution Against the Fast Food Empire

This is a short but informational flyer found a few years ago after a mcdonalds protest. The email on the back no longer works but the info in the flyer is useful.

Smash the Fast Food Industry! pdf

Beasts of Burden

Text from back cover:

“The development and maintenance of capitalism as a system that exploits humans is in some ways dependent upon the abuse of animals. Furthermore the movement that abolishes capitalism by changing the relations between humans­ ­also involves a fundamental transformation of the relations between humans and animals.”

Beasts_Of_Burden pdf

Bite Back!

A zine discussing Hunt Saboteurs.

Bite_Back pdf

Biocentric Anarchy

Text from back cover:

“Biocentric anarchy is a way of challenging ourselves to deepen our understanding of ourselves as animals and reconnect with our non-human cousins. It propels us to reorient our ideas and practices as anarchists so as to place equal importance on the liberation of non-human life from the clutches of anthropocentrism and capitalism, as we do people from the forces of domination. This echoes a recent trend among anarchist projects of a more ecological and anti-speciesist bent who identify as ‘Total Liberation’ groups, differentiating themselves from mainstream currents within animal rights, and challenging other anarchists to make the links between all systems of oppression rather than limiting our concerns to issues that immediately affect our own kind.”

Biocentric_Anarchy pdf

BITING BACK: A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists

Text from back cover:

“Veganism is not merely a dietary choice, but a challenge to the dominant anthropocentric narrative. It is not about purchasing different products but cultivating new relationships with non-human animals which are not based on hierarchies and oppression. While there are still anarchists who feel waiting for the collapse of capitalism and supporting the ALF is a sufficient enough approach to anti-speciesism, many of us recognize the social and dietary framework which enables speciesism and the need for its total destruction.”

BITING BACK A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists pdf

Barefoot in the Kitchen Volume 2

A very helpful, informational zine filled with easy vegan recipes.

Barefoot and in the Kitchen 2 pdf

“Carne Es Asesinnato!” Anti-Speciesism, Veganism & the Animal Liberation Front in Mexico

A zine that explores in-depth actions and analysis related to the vegan anarchist struggle in mexico.


Colonialism, Imperialism & Animal Liberation

Text from the zine:

“Veganism, as an ethical choice, is thus a consistent complement to activism in the quest to end human domination over and exploitation of non-human animals. It transcends cultures, in the same way that other forms of oppression should be resisted no matter where they persist. All cultures are living and constantly evolving, and can from within their own cultural understanding find the tools and means through which speciesism, racism, sexism, capitalism or any other form of domination can be opposed. Everyone who opposes domination should find it within their interest to engage in or at least support the anti-speciesist struggle, for what more severe form of domination could we imagine than the notion that it is acceptable to harm and kill sentient beings because one likes their taste?”

Colonialism Imperialism and Animal Liberation pdf

Decolonizing the Diet: Towards an Indigenous Veganism

This zine contains a collection of essays and recipes focused on veganism as an indigenous form of anti-colonial resistance.

Decolonizing The Diet Towards an Indigenous Veganism pdf

Es Nuestro Turno #2 fanzine del colectivo vegan straight edge de Almeria

Un zine que discute el veganismo, la recta y el anarquismo creado por Almería vegan recto colectivo.

Es Nuestro Turno 2 pdf

From Animals to Anarchism

“This zine challenges those involved with animal liberation to sort their politics out if they truely believe in liberation, but at the same times doesnt let anarchists off the hook – demanding that they consider more fully the nature of human-animal relations in their politics.”

From_Animals_to_Anarchism pdf

Fight Speciesism! anti-speciesist, anti-capitalist, abolitionist direct action news issue #8

Text from the zine:

“Anti-speciesist Action is a collective of militant anti-speciesists and animal liberationists committed to confronting animal abuse, suffering and exploitation of non-human beings through the use of direct action. We believe in the ‘No Compromise’ philosophy, veganism and actively support the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and animal liberation prisoners. We are opposed to capitalism and the state, understanding that without both entities, the universal exploitation of animals would not be possible. Until Every Cage Is Empty!”

Fight Speciesism 8 pdf

Insurrectionary Ecology

A zine that discusses insurrectionary anarchy and eco-defense in-depth as a combined praxis for total liberation.

Insurrectionary_Ecology pdf

It’s Our Turn Issue #1 Almeria Vegan Straight Edge Fanzine

A zine that discusses veganism, straight edge and anarchism created by Almeria vegan straight edge collective.

It’s Our Turn Issue 1 pdf

My Vegan Straight Edge is Anything but White: An Indigenous Anarchist Critique of Speciesism and Intoxication Culture

Text from back cover:

“Aight, so I hear this and see this shit a lot. That vegans are  inherently white, that veganism is about consumerism, and it also makes the (racist) assumption that ALL POC have the same, monolithic culture around consuming and exploiting animals. The great hunter gatherer ideas are colonially based usually around the time where romanticism of indigenous ppl was the hip thing. Part of decolonization and rebalancing of our relation to the animal nations will need to involve us adjusting as we are at an ecological breaking point…”

“We can choose, and some of us do, to negate the existence of intoxicants for political and decolonial reasons. By refusing to play into not only what pacifies but what comes up and promotes systems that are inherently based in imperialism and capitalism as well as used to bolster kyriarchy all around, one feels all the agony they should: for themselves to do what they chose or must for existence without being lulled into any false pleasure of this civilization, for other beings and the planet being destroyed near and far from them, and for the future as this continues. You cannot destroy your masters without going all the way.”

My Vegan Edge is Anything but White pdf

Native Americans and Vegetarianism

Text from back cover:

“How well we know the stereotype of the rugged Plains Indian: killer of buffalo, dressed in quill­decorated buckskin, elaborately feathered eaddress, and leather moccasins, living in an animal skin teepee, master of the dog and horse, and stranger to vegetables. But this lifestyle, once limited almost exclusively to the Apaches, flourished no more than a couple hundred years. It is not representative of most Native Americans of today or yesterday. Indeed, the “buffalo­ as­lifestyle” phenomenon is a direct result of European influence…”

Native Americans and Vegetarianism pdf

Nos Negamos A Ser Invisibles: Resistencia Contra El Especismo Y La Supremacia Blanca

Una colección de ensayos de diferentes anarquistas veganos de color.

nos negamos a ser invisibles pdf

Out From The Shadows: A Vegan Straight Edge Journal of Resistance

This hard-to-find zine discusses and encourages increased visibility of radical vegan straight edge ideas within the anarchist struggle.

Out From The Shadows pdf

Open Minds June 2011 Summer Issue #1

A vegan, straight edge anarchist zine filled with band interviews and essays.

OPEN MINDS Vegan Straight Edge Anarchy Zine Issue 1 pdf

Rabia Y Accion Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/no.2

Text from the zine:

“No cabe duda que desde la ultima publicación de este zine (principios de septiem) hasta hoy (Diciembre)elmovimiento de liberación animal en México con respecto a la acción directa y el sabotaje económico ha ido creciendo de una manera tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, las cosas se están poniendo pesadas para lxs explotadorxs que veían ataques similares en países como Inglaterra o Suecia y pensaban que esta acá no podrían llegar, hoy en México son una realidad.”

Rabia-y-Accion-2 pdf

Revolutionary Ecology: Biocentrism & Deep Ecology

Text from the zine:

“Starting from the very reasonable, but unfortunately revolutionary concept that social practices which threaten the continuation of life on Earth must be changed, we need a theory of revolutionary ecology that will encompass social and biological issues, class struggle, and a recognition of the role of global corporate capitalism in the oppression of peoples and the destruction of nature.”

“Deep ecology, or biocentrism, is the belief that nature does not exist to serve humans. Rather, humans are part of nature, one species among many. All species have a right to exist for their own sake, regardless of their usefulness to humans. And biodiversity is a value in itself, essential for the flourishing of both human and nonhuman life.”

Revolutionary Ecology pdf

Revolutionary Struggle for Human & Non-Human Animal Liberation

A short zine that delivers a quick look at the interconnected relationship between sexism, racism and speciesist oppression.

Revolutionary Struggle Nonhuman Human Animal Liberation pdf

Riotous Incognitx #1 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zin

This is the first issue of a short series of queer, vegan straight edge, green anarchist insurrectionary zines. This issue includes an interview with Sprout Distro, xBalaclavax (xvx hip-hop from brazil), as well as essays on the indigenous struggle against alcohol with “The Battle of White KKKlay”, and green anarchy.

Riotous Incognitx Issue #1 pdf

Riotous Incognitx #2 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine

The second issue of a series of zines focused on queer, vegan straight edge insurrectionary anarchy. This issues discusses being a straight edge queer of color, insurrectionary anarchy and prisoner support.

Riotous Incognitx issue #2 pdf