Various writings by Lint Lobotomy covering a wide range of topics from veganism, straight edge and anti-civilization!
- 1960s
- A. Morefus
- ableism
- abuse
- accountability process
- A Conspiracy to Arm Self-Care
- activity
- addiction
- affinity
- affinity group
- affinity groups
- africa
- Alberta Thompson
- alcoholism
- Alex Gorrion
- alfredo m. bonanno
- ally industrial complex
- ally politics
- allyship
- Almeria
- anarchism
- Anarchism and the Black Revolution
- anarchist
- anarchist-nihilism
- Anarchists Against The Wall
- anarcho-nihilism
- anarcho-pessimism
- anarcho-primitivism
- anarchy
- anarquismo
- anarquista
- anarquía
- animal liberation
- animal liberation brigade
- Animal Liberation Front
- animal rights
- animal rights militia
- An Invitation to Desertion
- Anna Beniamino
- anthropocentrism
- anthropology
- anti-ally politics
- anti-anthropocentrism
- Anti-Apartheid
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalista
- anti-civ
- anti-civilization
- anti-colonialism
- anti-colonization
- anti-cop
- anti-essentialism
- anti-fascism
- anti-fascist
- anti-gentrification
- anti-homophobia
- anti-hunting
- anti-identity
- anti- identity politics
- anti-left
- anti-left anarchy
- anti-medical
- anti-medication
- anti-natalism
- anti-nationalism
- anti-oppression
- anti-patriarchy
- anti-police
- anti-politics
- anti-psychiatry
- anti-racism
- anti-racist
- anti-racist action
- anti-religion
- anti-school
- anti-science
- anti-sexism
- anti-slavery
- anti-speciesism
- anti-speciesist
- Anti-State STL
- anti-tech
- anti-technology
- anti-tiqqun
- anti-work
- anti-workerism
- antifa
- Aragorn!
- Archegonos
- Armeanio Lewis
- armed self-defense
- armed struggle
- Artificial Intelligence
- ashanti alston
- assassination
- asylum riots
- athens
- Attack
- autonomous zone
- autonomy
- Baba Yaga
- Backwoods A journal of anarchy and wortcunning
- baeden
- banner drops
- Bellamy Fitzpatrick
- Beyond Negativity: What Comes After Gender Nihilism
- Biblioteca Antiespecista R-209
- Billy-Ray Belcourt
- biocentrism
- black anarchism
- black anarchy
- black bloc
- black liberation
- black panther party
- Blessed is the Flame
- bobby whittenberg-james
- Boles
- Brenda Peterson
- call-out culture
- canada
- cancel culture
- cells
- chaos
- chile
- christianity
- cigarettes
- Civ Fucks Distro
- class struggle
- class war vegan
- collectives
- communalism
- commune
- communique
- communiques
- communisation theory
- communism
- community
- communization
- communization theory
- concentration camp rebellion
- consent
- consent culture
- Conspiracy Cells of Fire
- conspiracy of cells of fire
- consumerism
- cooking
- Crimethinc
- crust punks
- cultural appropriation
- cultural essentialism
- Culture
- Dangerous Spaces
- decolonial
- decolonization
- deep ecology
- defend the atlanta forest
- direct action
- dirty kids
- disability
- domestication
- domestic violence
- dreadlocks
- drugs
- Earth First!
- earth liberation
- eco-defense
- eco-feminism
- eco-pessimism
- ecología
- Edelweiss Pirates
- educational industrial complex
- egoism
- egoist anarchy
- egoist communism
- egosim
- El Borracho (Noöm ad Warfuk)
- emma goldman
- encryption
- Enemies of Society: An Anthology of Individualist and Egoist Thought
- environmentalism
- Enzo Martucci
- Español
- Especismo
- essentialism
- ethics
- Evasion
- ex-smokers
- F.L.A
- Farah Shah
- feral edge
- feral faun
- firearms
- Flower Bomb
- food
- foraging
- Formal Anarchist Federation
- France
- free love
- freight hopping
- fuck you police
- fun
- Féminas Brujas and Insurrectionalists
- gardening
- gender
- gender abolition
- gender anarchy
- gender anarky
- gender nihilism
- Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto
- George Floyd
- George Jackson
- Gianluca Iacovacci
- globalization
- grand juries
- grand jury resisting
- greece
- green anarchism
- green anarchy
- guide
- guns
- hardcore
- health
- herbal
- herbalism
- high school
- history
- Hunt Sab
- hunt sabotage
- hygiene
- identity
- identity politics
- illegalism
- illegalist anarchy
- indigenious resistance
- indigenous
- indigenous anarchy
- indigenous egosim
- Indigenous Genocide
- Indigenous Resistance
- indigenous straight edge
- indigenous veganism
- individualism
- individualist
- individualist anarchy
- individualist vegan
- individulalist anarchy
- industrial collapse
- industrial society
- Informal Anarchist Federation
- informal organization
- informal organizing
- inhabit
- innocence
- insurgency
- insurrection
- insurrection anarchy
- insurrectionary anarchy
- internet
- intersectionality
- intoxication culture
- introduction anarchy
- invisible committee
- Israeli Anarchists
- italian insurrectionists
- john zerzan
- Joyful Militancy
- judi bari
- justice department
- Kerry Redwood Ajecoutay
- Kirsty Dunn
- know your rights
- La Verda Planedo
- Layla AbdelRahim
- la zad
- leaderless resistance
- learning machines
- leftism
- Libcom
- liberación Animal
- liberalism
- liberal vegan
- lifestyle anarchism
- lifestyle anarchy
- lifestylism
- Linda Hogan
- Lint Lobotomy
- Little Mouse Fun
- lone wolf attack
- love
- Makah Whale Hunt
- Malcolm X
- Mansour Yarow
- Margaret Robinson
- marriage
- mass society
- Matilde Nuñez del Prado
- medication
- medicine
- mental health
- mexico
- Mi'kmaw
- michael kimble
- Michael Tabor
- Mikhail Zhlonitsky
- minneapolis
- morality
- morals
- Morgan Taylor
- mushrooms
- music
- Māori
- nanotechnology
- native american
- new york city
- nihilism
- nihilist
- nihilist vegan
- no gods no masters
- nomadic
- non-violence
- online
- oogles
- open relationships
- pacific northwest
- pacifism
- Paul Z. Simons
- pesticides
- phantom cell
- pharmaceutical industrial complex
- plant-based kai
- play
- poetry
- political prisoner
- polyamory
- post-feminist anarchy
- post-left anarchy
- post-left individualism
- post-leftism
- post-race anarchy
- power dynamics
- primitivism
- prison-industrial complex
- prison abolition
- prisoner solidarity
- prisoner support
- prison industrail complex
- prison solidarity
- privilege
- propaganda by the deed
- property destruction
- psychiatry
- psychology
- punk
- queer
- queer anarchy
- queer edge
- queer insurrection
- queer negativity
- queer nihilism
- Rabia Y Accion
- race
- race nihilism
- radical sobriety
- recipes
- relationship anarchy
- relationships
- Renzo Conners
- Renzo Connors
- Renzo Novatore
- revolutionary
- revolutionary cells
- rewilding
- Ria Del Montana
- rioting
- Riotous Incognitx
- Robert F. Williams
- runaway
- Russell Maroon
- Russian nihilism
- sabotage
- safe space
- safe spaces
- Samah Seger
- Scripta Manent
- Sea Shepard
- security
- security culture
- self-defense
- self-help
- self-organization
- self care
- Serafinski
- sexual assault
- sexuality
- Sindre
- sleeper cell
- smoking
- social justice
- Social War
- Solidarity with Palestine
- solitary confinement
- Soul Food
- spanish
- squatting
- Standard American Diet
- statism
- straight edge
- suicide
- survivors guide
- Susaron 4
- sxe
- tactics
- techniology
- technological industrial complex
- technology
- tech tools
- teeth
- Thanksgiving
- The Bonnet Gang
- The Bonnot Gang
- the coming insurrection
- The Deacons for Defense
- The George Jackson Brigade
- The Local Kids
- the prison industrial complex
- the working man is a sucka
- Thomas S. Szasz
- tiqqun
- total liberation
- train hopping
- transgender
- trans insurrection
- trans resistance
- transsexual
- travellers
- uk
- Unoffensive Animal
- uprising
- Vega
- vegan
- vegan anarchy
- veganarchy
- vegan egoist
- veganism
- veganismo
- vegan primitivism
- vegetarianism
- Venita Januarie
- Venona Q.
- Vetriolo
- violence
- wage-slave
- white abolishion
- willful disobedience
- wimmin's fire brigade
- Wince Me Boi
- Winston Smith
- Winston “Boogie” Smith
- Wolfi Landstreicher
- woman's liberation
- women's liberation
- youth liberation
- Zero One Destruct
- Ziq
Against Gender Against Society
Text from the zine:
“We must turn against society itself. Gender is a war against all of us, and for those who desire freedom, nothing short of the total eradication of gender will suffice. To those of us who wish to remove all the walls between each other instead of being alienated from each other (and ourselves) because of groupings we never chose, to those of us that wish to access all our potential doings, our potential to become anything instead of pacing within the limits of genders we know to be inadequate, we say: let’s destroy society, let’s destroy gender.”
An Insurrectional Practice Against Gender: Considerations on Resonance, Memory, and Attack
Text from back cover:
“There are certain practices that exist in the ways in which self-proclaimed “radical trans” people and “anarcha-feminists” of certain activist subcultures have set into motion in response to the question of gender. These include consent zines/workshops, “trans 101”s, and call-outs of “fucked up” behavior internal to their subculture, in addition to dance parties and orgies. There is certainly nothing inherently *wrong* with any of these things, but if we take seriously the notion that we must destroy gender and all social relations of this society, there is clearly something lacking in the practice which only challenges gender at a level of language use and subcultural dynamics. If we abandon the leftist- activist model and accept the charge that “revolutionary movements do not spread by contamination, but by resonance” and writing that has further elaborated this thesis of an insurrectional music, we come to an understanding that there are at the very least a number of problems with thinking that these isolated methods alone could build a force to destroy gender.”
Criminal Intimacy
Text from back cover:
“We do not offer ‘criminal’ or ‘queer’ as identities, nor as categories. Criminality. Queerness. These are tools for revolt against identity and category. These are our lines of flight out of all restraint. We are in conflict with all that restricts every and each desire. We are becoming whatever. Our sole commonality is our hatred for everything that exists. Held in common, such a revolt of desire can never be assimilated into the state-form.”
Degenerations: Between Pride and Gender Victimhood by Anna Beniamino
From back cover:
“I am anarchist, I am not feminist because I see feminism as a sectorial and victimist withdrawal, I have never made any gender discrimination although I don’t use genderfriendly linguistic conventions, on the contrary I often use dirty politically incorrect language. I think that the annulment of gender privilege and similar oppression is already contained in the search for anarchy, that is to say in the practice of anti-authoritarian relations, and should be cultivated there. Ah, I forgot, I loathe consciousness-raising in public meetings and I also consider assemblies to be blunt instruments. I understand and also have the will to meet. But I see how all too often the assembly degenerates into sterile self-representation.”
Destroy Gender
Text from the zine:
“My personal experiences with gendered violence are only taken seriously in light of revealing myself as a trans woman. Our theories should start from the ways we have experienced gender violence in our daily lives, not identity. Our relationships to each other should be based upon our affinities and similarities with each other, rather than based upon the categories of lowest-common-denominator politics. Daily life is far too complicated to be reduced into two categories…Gender is a hierarchy, an apparatus of governance, a form of social control. Gender is violence…”
Dysphoria Means Total Destroy
Text from back cover:
“There is no revolutionary identity here, only an irreconcilable conflict against and through identity. This despair and this hatred is the result. Subsequently, identity-based attacks upon gender will not be able to collapse gender. My taking hormones or getting surgery or whatever is simply my performing the conflict by the lines of power that run through me. It does not follow that these things constitute an attack upon gender itself, although it may stimulate it to evolve in order to maintain its existence…Dysphoria is situated in the space where the existent and the nonexistent overlap – that is, in the world – and is typified by antagonism and fundamental negation. On the one hand, it is a negation of the existent (not-this) and desirous of the nonexistent (not- that) in the modes of which it is capable. Where dysphoria can be softened by interacting with gender and attempting to bring the existent closer to the nonexistent, this will not affect power or the reproduction of the world. Where dysphoria becomes feral and lusts for dissolution becomes the exit from this world to a place that does not yet exist. To destroy gender, we must be willing to destroy the world it exists within. After all, there’s no hope any way… why not?”
Espacios Peligrosos: Resistencia violenta, Autodefensa y Lucha insureccionalista en contra del género
““No estamos pidiendo derechos por las calles, estamos hablando de ellos; no estamos pidiendo anuncios que no nos conviertan en mujeres-objeto, estamos destruyendo los mecanismos comerciales que nos deshumanizan como mujeres; no estamos apelando al poder masculino para que termine con las violaciones, sino que le amenazamos: “Si me tocas, te aniquilaré”.
Por una vez, los mecanismos que crean y mantienen las identidades de la feminidad fueron rechazados, y nuestros deseos fueron los nuestros propios, nuestros cuerpos fueron los nuestros propios, y nuestra violencia fue la nuestra propia.”
Gender Anarky: Selected Writings
“Gender Anarky is (was?) a collective of radical trans women resisting in the California prison system.”
Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto
“We are radicals who have had enough with attempts to salvage gender. We do not believe we can make it work for us. We look at the transmisogyny we have faced in our own lives, the gendered violence that our comrades, both trans and cis have faced, and we realize that the apparatus itself makes such violence inevitable. We have had enough. We are not looking to create a better system, for we are not interested in positive politics at all. All we demand in the present is a relentless attack on gender and the modes of social meaning and intelligibility it creates.”
Only A Tsunami Will Do: For A Post-Feminist Anarchy
Text from back cover:
“Men, women, …fighting for the elusive HappilyEver AfterPlus$’More. This powerful enemy includes a mindset requiring controlled, predictable (despite acknowledging its impossibility), identifiable order according to a Masster plan. But it is perhaps, first and foremost, the loss of the unique individual, alienated from self and others, masked in a divisive pseudo libertarian unity. We are unified only in our misery, guilt, and blame — wasting away in our too often self selected, segregated, readily identified roles — in reality, easily monitored cells. Male, female, black, white, straight, gay….And no kinder and gentler feminine warden will release us; if we want out we need to break out and burn the prison down. And our opportunities are rapidly disappearing. There’s no Womanhood to exalt, no Manhood to destroy. If anyone treats you in a way you don’t want —deal with them as individuals. Don’t tag them as proof of a misbehaving aggregation; anarchists neither accept nor impose representation. Missteps amongst comrades — even with strangers — are opportunities to explore our roles and (usually unspoken) expectations. If a John is abusive, a Kat dangerous, take them out [of that position] in whatever way you see fit. When we directly and consistently refuse and resist every imposition of another’s will/leadership/order/coercion and remain open to insurrectionary inspiration in any form, we embrace a means neverending.”
Straight Edge Anarchy: The Danger of a Sober Insurrection
Text from the zine:
“Attacking intoxication culture means individual resistance and collective support. Civilization is a prison of misery, coercion, and oppressive inequality. Institutionalized racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression create feelings of severe depression and isolation. Intoxication culture thrives in areas dominated by poverty, depression, and isolation. This explains why communities of color are often affected by addiction and
intoxication where the state takes advantage carrying out murders and mass incarceration. Support and solidarity are important in helping to strengthen the struggle against addiction as well as developing an intersectional attack on all oppression.”
Straight_Edge_Anarchy The Danger of a Sober Insurrection pdf
Fight Speciesism! anti-speciesist, anti-capitalist, abolitionist direct action news issue #8
Text from the zine:
“Anti-speciesist Action is a collective of militant anti-speciesists and animal liberationists committed to confronting animal abuse, suffering and exploitation of non-human beings through the use of direct action. We believe in the ‘No Compromise’ philosophy, veganism and actively support the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and animal liberation prisoners. We are opposed to capitalism and the state, understanding that without both entities, the universal exploitation of animals would not be possible. Until Every Cage Is Empty!”
Insurrectionary Ecology
A zine that discusses insurrectionary anarchy and eco-defense in-depth as a combined praxis for total liberation.
Out From The Shadows: A Vegan Straight Edge Journal of Resistance
This hard-to-find zine discusses and encourages increased visibility of radical vegan straight edge ideas within the anarchist struggle.
Rabia Y Accion Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/no.2
Text from the zine:
“No cabe duda que desde la ultima publicación de este zine (principios de septiem) hasta hoy (Diciembre)elmovimiento de liberación animal en México con respecto a la acción directa y el sabotaje económico ha ido creciendo de una manera tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, las cosas se están poniendo pesadas para lxs explotadorxs que veían ataques similares en países como Inglaterra o Suecia y pensaban que esta acá no podrían llegar, hoy en México son una realidad.”
Rabia Y Accion: Zine en apoyo al F.L.A mexicano/No 3
Text from the zine:
“Y damos rienda suelta al numero 3 de esta publicación en apoyo al movimiento radical por la liberación animal y de la tierra “Rabia y Acción” asiendo alusión a una frase de Rod
Coronado que dice “¡si la muerte de la tierra te hace llorar, toma esas lagrimas y conviértelas en acción!””
Riotous Incognitx #1 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zin
This is the first issue of a short series of queer, vegan straight edge, green anarchist insurrectionary zines. This issue includes an interview with Sprout Distro, xBalaclavax (xvx hip-hop from brazil), as well as essays on the indigenous struggle against alcohol with “The Battle of White KKKlay”, and green anarchy.
Riotous Incognitx #2 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine
The second issue of a series of zines focused on queer, vegan straight edge insurrectionary anarchy. This issues discusses being a straight edge queer of color, insurrectionary anarchy and prisoner support.
Riotous Incognitx #3 A Queer, Insurrectionary Anarchist, Vegan Straight Edge Zine
The last periodical of a series of zines focused on green anarchy, insurrection and vegan straight edge. This is issue includes an essay about the rise of anti-speciesism in the anarchist movement, as well as some recipes for direct action.